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Commence: A formal word that means to begin. "The ceremony will commence at noon."
Obtain: A formal word that means to get or acquire. "We will obtain the necessary permits
before starting the project."
Terminate: A formal word that means to end or conclude. "The contract will be terminated
on the last day of the month."
In light of: A formal phrase that means in view of or taking into account. "In light of the new
information, we will need to revise our plan."
In accordance with: A formal phrase that means in agreement or in line with. "We will
proceed in accordance with the company's policies."
With regards to: A formal phrase that means in relation to or about. "With regards to the
budget, we have several options to consider."
Prior to: A formal phrase that means before. "We will meet prior to the deadline to discuss
the project." MBSL Jalandhar
In the event of: A formal phrase that means if or when something happens. "In the event of
a power outage, we will have backup generators."
In the interest of: A formal phrase that means for the sake of or for the benefit of. "In the
interest of safety, we will implement strict safety protocols."
Informal language words with examples
Informal language is often more casual and used in everyday conversations and informal
settings. Here are a few examples of words and phrases that are typically considered
Gonna: An informal contraction of "going to". "I'm gonna go to the store."
Kinda: An informal contraction of "kind of". "I'm kinda tired."
Wanna: An informal contraction of "want to". "Do you wanna hang out later?"
Lemme: An informal contraction of "let me". "Lemme get that for you."
Lot: An informal word that means many or much. "I've got a lot of work to do."
Stuff: An informal word that means things or belongings. "I need to clean up my stuff."
Thing: An informal word that refers to an object or concept. "What's the thing you want to
talk about?"
Stuff: An informal word that means things or belongings. "I need to clean up my stuff."
Thinkin': An informal contraction of "thinking" and "thought". "I'm thinkin' of going to the
beach this weekend."

Gotta: An informal contraction of "got to" or "have to". "I gotta go to work now."

MBSL Jalandhar, 120 Feet Road Bhayia Mandi Chowk, Basti Guzan. 9814927250 7380097250

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