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Example: "Not only is he intelligent, but also he's very funny."

"whether...or" - used to present alternatives or to express a choice between two options.
Example: "I'm not sure whether I'll go to the concert or stay home and watch a movie."
These are the most common correlative conjunctions. They are used to connect words,
phrases, or clauses of equal importance or grammatical structure and to bring clarity to the
meaning of a sentence.
Conjunctive adverbs with examples
Conjunctive adverbs are words that connect independent clauses in a sentence, and are
used to indicate a relationship between the ideas expressed in the clauses. Here are some
examples of conjunctive adverbs and how they are used in sentences:
"however" - used to indicate a contrast or exception to what was just said.
Example: "I'm going to the store, however, I'm not sure what I need to buy."
"therefore" - used to indicate a logical conclusion or result.
Example: "I'm tired, therefore, I'm going to bed."
"consequently" - used to indicate a result or consequence of an action.
Example: "I didn't study for the test, consequently, I failed it."
"furthermore" - used to add emphasis or to introduce additional information.
Example: "I'm tired, furthermore, I have a headache."
"meanwhile" - used to indicate that something is happening at the same time as another
Example: "I'm going to the store, meanwhile, my friends will be at the park."
"besides" - used to add emphasis or to introduce additional information.
Example: "I'm tired, besides, I don't feel well."
"then" - used to indicate a logical sequence or to connect two ideas in a sentence.
Example: "I'm going to bed now, then I'll wake up early."
"hence" - used to indicate a logical conclusion or result.
Example: "I'm tired, hence, I'm going to bed."
These are some common conjunctive adverbs, they are used to connect independent
clauses, indicate the relationship between ideas, and bring clarity to the meaning of a

Relative conjunctions with examples


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