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"those" - used to refer to a group of nouns that are further away or previously talked about.
Example: "Those dogs are barking."
These are the most common definite determiners, they are used to refer to a specific noun
or group of nouns that is known or has been previously mentioned. They indicate that the
noun being referred to is identified by the speaker or writer, and they can be used in
singular or plural forms.
Indefinite determiners with examples
Indefinite determiners are words that are used to refer to a non-specific noun or group of
nouns. They indicate that the noun being referred to is not known or identified by the
speaker or writer. Here are some examples of indefinite determiners and how they are used
in sentences:
"a" - used to refer to a singular noun that is not known or identified by the speaker or
Example: "I saw a dog in the park."
"an" - used before a word that starts with a vowel sound.
Example: "I saw an elephant at the zoo."
"some" - used to refer to a non-specific number of nouns.
Example: "I saw some dogs in the park."
"any" - used to refer to any noun or group of nouns, regardless of whether they are known
or identified by the speaker or writer.
Example: "I saw any dog in the park."
"few" - used to indicate a small number of something.
Example: "I saw a few dogs in the park."
"several" - used to indicate a number of something, but not a specific number.
Example: "I saw several dogs in the park."
"many" - used to indicate a large number of something.
Example: "I saw many dogs in the park."
These are the most common indefinite determiners, they are used to refer to a non-specific
noun or group of nouns. They indicate that the noun being referred to is not known or
identified by the speaker or writer, and they can be used to indicate a quantity but not a
specific number.

Possessive determiners with examples


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