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"and" - used to connect two or more items in a list or to add information to a sentence.
Example: "I like to eat pizza and spaghetti."
"but" - used to show a contrast or to introduce a contrasting idea or exception to what was
just said.
Example: "I wanted to go to the beach, but it was raining."
"or" - used to present alternatives or to express a choice between two or more options.
Example: "Do you want to go to the movies or stay home and watch a movie?"
"nor" - used to show a negative contrast, often used with "neither"
Example: "I don't like to eat pizza, nor do I like to eat spaghetti."
"for" - used to explain the reason or purpose for something.
Example: "I'm going to the store for I need to buy some groceries."
"yet" - used to express a contrast or to introduce a contrasting idea or exception to what
was just said.
Example: "I haven't finished my homework yet."
"so" - used to indicate a result or to connect two ideas in a sentence.
Example: "I'm tired, so I'm going to bed."
These are the most common coordinating conjunctions. They can be used to connect
different parts of the sentence and bring clarity to the meaning of a sentence.
Correlative conjunctions with examples
Correlative conjunctions are words that come in pairs and are used to connect words,
phrases, or clauses of equal importance or grammatical structure. Here are some examples
of correlative conjunctions and how they are used in sentences:
"both...and" - used to connect two items or ideas that are being considered together.
Example: "Both my sister and my brother are going to the concert."
"either...or" - used to present alternatives or to express a choice between two options.
Example: "I'm not sure what I want to do tonight, either I'll stay home and watch a movie or
I'll go out with my friends."
"neither...nor" - used to show a negative contrast, often used with "either"
Example: "I'm not going to the concert, neither am I going to the party."

"not only...but also" - used to add emphasis or to connect two ideas in a sentence.

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