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As you can see, in these examples the letter "o" is mostly silent when it appears before "n"
or "m" and it does not change the pronunciation of the word. This is because the "o" is not
pronounced in these words, it was added to the spelling to indicate the word's historical or
etymological origin, or to preserve the word's original spelling.
Silent U examples in English pronunciation
Silent "u" is not a common occurrence in English, words with silent "u" are rare. However,
here are some examples:
"Build" (b-ɪ-l-d) - The letter "u" is silent
"Guilt" (g-ɪ-l-t) - The letter "u" is silent
"Guitar" (g-ɪ-t-ɑ-r) - The letter "u" is silent
"Resign" (r-ɪ-z-aɪ-n) - The letter "u" is silent
"Design" (d-ɪ-z-aɪ-n) - The letter "u" is silent
"Conscience" (k-ɑ-n-ʃ-ə-n-s) - The letter "u" is silent
"Fruit" (f-r-u-t) - The letter "u" is silent
"Influence" (ɪ-n-f-l-u-ə-n-s) - The letter "u" is silent
"Gardener" (g-ɑ-rd-n-ə-r) - The letter "u" is silent
"Catalogue" (k-æ-t-ə-l-ɑ-g) - The letter "u" is silent
As you can see in these examples, the letter "u" is usually silent when it appears after "g"
and before "i" or "e" and it does not change the pronunciation of the word. This is because
the "u" is not pronounced in these words, it was added to the spelling to indicate the word's
historical or etymological origin, or to preserve. MBSL Jalandhar

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
Here are some examples of homophones in English:
"Brake" (to slow down a vehicle) and "break" (to shatter or fracture something)
"Hear" (to perceive sound) and "here" (at this place)
"Mail" (letters and packages sent through the post office) and "male" (referring to a man or
a boy)
"Meet" (to come together) and "meat" (the flesh of an animal used as food)
"Piece" (a portion of something) and "peace" (the absence of war or conflict)

"Rain" (water that falls from clouds) and "reign" (to rule or govern)

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