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Example: "Those dogs are barking."

These are the most common demonstrative determiners, they are used to point out or
identify a specific noun or group of nouns. They indicate the distance in space or time of the
noun being referred to. "this" and "these" refer to something nearby and "that" and "those"
refer to something further away. They are used to refer to singular or plural nouns.
Quantifier determiners with examples
Quantifier determiners are words that indicate the quantity or amount of the noun that
follows. They specify how much of a noun is being referred to. Here are some examples of
quantifier determiners and how they are used in sentences:
"all" - used to indicate that the entire quantity of the noun is being referred to.
Example: "All the dogs are barking."
"many" - used to indicate a large quantity of the noun.
Example: "Many dogs are barking."
"several" - used to indicate a non-specific quantity of the noun.
Example: "Several dogs are barking."
"few" - used to indicate a small quantity of the noun.
Example: "Few dogs are barking."
"a few" - used to indicate a small quantity of the noun.
Example: "A few dogs are barking."
"a lot of" - used to indicate a large quantity of the noun.
Example: "A lot of dogs are barking."
"enough" - used to indicate that there is enough of the noun.
Example: "I have enough dogs."
"a little" - used to indicate a small quantity of the noun.
Example: "I have a little dog."
"no" - used to indicate that there is none of the noun.
Example: "I have no dog."
"some" - used to indicate a non-specific quantity of the noun.
Example: "I have some dogs."

These are common quantifier determiners, they indicate the quantity or amount of the
noun that follows, specifying how much of a noun is being referred to. They can indicate a

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