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English grammar is the set of rules and principles that govern the structure of sentences in
the English language. There are several types of grammar that are studied in English,
Phonology: the study of the sound system of a language, including the sounds used and how
they are combined to form words and sentences.
Morphology: the study of the internal structure of words, including prefixes, suffixes, and
root words.
Syntax: the study of the rules that govern the arrangement of words in sentences, including
word order and punctuation.
Semantics: the study of the meaning of words and sentences, including the relationships
between words and their meanings.
Pragmatics: the study of how language is used in context, including the social and cultural
factors that influence language use.
Discourse Analysis: the study of how language is used in longer stretches of text or speech,
including the relationship between sentences and paragraphs.
Type of Sentences
Each type of grammar plays a specific role in understanding how the language works and
how to use it effectively.
English sentences can be classified into four main types: declarative, imperative,
interrogative, and exclamatory. Each type of sentence serves a different purpose and has a
distinct grammatical structure. Here are some examples of each type of sentence:
Declarative: a statement that makes a claim or assertion. Examples: "The sky is blue." "I am
going to the store."
Imperative: a command or request. Examples: "Please close the door." "Sit down and be
Interrogative: a question. Examples: "What is your name?" "Where are you going?"
Exclamatory: an exclamation or expression of strong emotion. Examples: "Wow, that was
amazing!" "What a beautiful day!"
Note that each sentence type has a specific punctuation mark at the end. Declarative
sentences use a period, imperative sentences use an exclamation mark, interrogative
sentences use a question mark, and exclamatory sentences use an exclamation mark. Each
sentence has a subject and a predicate, the subject is the person or thing that the sentence
is about and predicate is the action or state that the subject is in.

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