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TL 102
Teaching and Assessment of Literature Studies
First Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Presented to:
Course Instructor

Presented by:
Missy Tradio
Agness A. Urdanilla
Patrecia Trexie M. Villagracia
Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 10
(KPUP Using Story Appreciation)

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. analyze and give insights about the video titled “Love Story” (knowledge)
b. read the story silently titled "Cupid and Psyche" by Apuleius and relate it to
real-life scenarios; (process)
c. answer the process questions through the level of comprehension questions;
d. identify the appropriate verb tenses in the selection; (understanding)
e. present a role play with a theme of love betrayal and acceptance, and inject the
verb tense in your output. (performance)
II. SUBJECT MATTER: “Cupid and Psyche” Apuleius W.A
Language Focus: Verb Tenses (past, present, future)
Learners: Grade 10
Time: (1) hour
Reference: Apuleius, W.A. (1914, April) Cupid and psyche- Greek mythology Retrieved November. 23, 2022 from,
Materials: Laptop, Projector, speaker, handouts


Activity 1: Watch me weep

(watching video)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma'am!

Kindly stand up for prayer.
Once again, Good Afternoon class! I am
Patrecia Trexie Villagracia, your teacher
For today.
In this afternoon class, we will have a new lesson, but
before that, let us watch a music video first , titled”Love story”
and let’s find out what the video is all about and what
message the video is trying to imply.

(students watching)
Based on the video that you have watched,
What is the title of the video? Ma’am, Love story.

What is the video all about? All about love

Why did the girl cry? Because the boy leaves her.

If you were the boy, would you do

the same? why? anyone? No, ma’am because I don’t
want someone to cry
because of me.

What do you think is the message of the video? No matter what, always fight
For your loved one. You
Can’t Just give up on some-
one you loved.

What lesson did you get from the video? Be a lover, not a fighter.
But always fight for what
you love.

Thank you for your very good answers class.


Activity 2: Watch me Nae

(Reading of the Story)

Now, class, we are going to read the story titled.

“Cupid and Psyche” Some of us sometimes do
wrong to our fellows out of anger or jealousy.
But later we realized that what we did was wrong
and made up for it.
Are you ready to read silently? Yes, ma’am.
Okay now, let’s find out. How did their love begin.

Cupid and Psyche

Once upon a time, there was a king with three daughters. They were all beautiful, but by far the
most beautiful was the youngest, Psyche. She was so beautiful that people began to neglect the
worship of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Venus was very jealous and asked her son
Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a horrible monster. When he saw how beautiful she was,
Cupid dropped the arrow meant for her and pricked himself, and fell in love with her. Despite
her great beauty no one wanted to marry Psyche. Her parents consulted an oracle and were told
that she was destined to marry a monster, and they were to take her to the top of a mountain and
leave her there. The god of wind Zephyr took her and wafted her away to a beautiful palace,
where she was waited on by invisible servants. When night came her new husband visited her
and told her that he would always visit her by night, and she must never try to see him. Although
her invisible husband was kind and gentle with her, and the invisible servants attended to her
every desire, Psyche grew homesick. She persuaded her husband to allow her sisters to visit her.
When they saw how she lived they became very jealous and talked Psyche into peeking at her
husband, saying that he was a monster who was fattening her up to be eaten and that her only
chance of safety was to kill him. Psyche took a lamp and a knife, but when she saw her beautiful
husband, Cupid, she was so surprised she dripped some hot wax onto his shoulder, waking him.
He took in the situation and immediately left Psyche and the magnificent palace she had been
living in disappeared in a puff of smoke. Psyche roamed about looking for her husband, and
eventually in desperation approached his mother, Venus. Still angry, the goddess set various
tasks for Psyche. The first was to take a pile of wheat, barley, millet, vetches, beans, and lentils
and separate them by evening. In despair, Psyche was unable to start dividing the grains. An ant
took pity on her and called over its fellow ants and separated the pile for Psyche and then
disappeared before Venus returned. The next morning, Venus demanded that Psyche cross a
river and collect the golden wool of the sheep grazing there. When she reached the riverside, the
river god warned Psyche not to tempt a flood and beware of the rams that destroy mortals.
Instead, he advised Psyche to cross at midday, when the waters were calm, and the sheep shelter
in the shade and pick the wool off the bushes and trees. For the next task, Venus handed Psyche
a box and instructed her to travel to the underworld and collect beauty from Proserpine. Psyche
decided to throw herself off a tower and let fate dictate her path through the underworld. But as
she stood on the tower's top, a voice from the tower told her of a safer way to travel to Hades'
realm. It also warned her to not open the box after collecting the beauty. After successfully
navigating through the underworld and collecting the beauty, Psyche's curiosity got the best of
her. As she opened the box, she was overcome by a deep sleep. At last, Cupid found out what
was going on, he flew to where Psyche lay and gathered the sleep from her body, and put it back
into the box. He then persuaded Jupiter to order Venus to stop her persecution of Psyche. Psyche
drinks ambrosia to make her immortal and to have wings to fly.Then Cupid and Psyche got
married and lived happily ever after - and it was ever after since Psyche was made a goddess. In
due time, Psyche gave birth to a daughter, Pleasure.

Thank you for reading class.

Activity 3: Answering of the Process Questions

Based on the story that you have read.

What is the title of the story? Cupid and psyche

Who are the characters of the story? Cupid, Psyche, Venus

What is the story all about? About the girl who was very
beautiful and then cursed by
the Gods.

Where did the west wind bring the psyche? He carried her to the beautiful
What would happen to Psyche if she
hadn't seen her husband's face? Her thought remains that her
husband is a monster.
Do you think cupid was wrong
for abandoning psyche? Yes, Ma’am because he did-
n’t even tell psyche the re-
asons why.
If you were cupid, would you
do the same? No, ma’am, it might hurt
someone's feelings.
Did you experience being betrayed
by someone? Yes, ma’am. When I was in
high school.
Lastly, what have you gained from the
story class?

Thank you for your wonderful answers


Activity 4: Language Focus Discussion

Okay, please stay seated and settle

Now. I want your eyes and ears on
me. Are you with me on this ride? Yes, ma’am!
Alright! Fasten your seat belts because we
Are about to start.

I have here a line or phrase from

the story Cupid and Psyche. Please
read class.

1. Psyche gave birth to a daughter.

what is our subject here? Psyche ma’am.
Again, what is the function of Psyche in
the sentence? It acts as the subject ma’am.
Okay good, what did psyche do? Gave birth ma’am.
Is gave is an action word? Yes, ma’am
If that is an action word, what is the
function of the word gave in the sentence? Verb, ma’am!
Okay try to consider the word gave, is this
sentence happen in the past, in the present,
or the future? Ma’am, I think in the past.
Why? Because the word gave, is
in the past form.
Okay, you are correct! meaning to say it is
done in the past. Do you agree class? Yes, ma’am!
If it is in the present class, what will happen
in the word? give ma’am.
Very good class!
Now, I have here a new sentence.

2. He is coming tonight.
What is our subject here? He ma’am.
What is the function of He in the sentence? It acts as our subject ma’am.
Very good.
What did He do? Coming ma’am.
Okay, good.
Try to consider the word coming, does this
sentence happen in the past, in the present,
or in the future? Ma’am, in the present
Why in the present? because the word coming,
which is in the present.
Okay, do you agree class? Yes, ma’am!
Very good! Meaning to say it is done in the
Present time.
If i is in the past class, what happen to the word? Came ma’am.
Very good!
How about in future? Will come ma’am.
Very good you are correct!
Okay, next sentence
Again, is this sentence happen in the
Past, in the present or the future? In the future ma’am.
Why in the future? According to the sentence
Ma’am, psyche will persuade
her husband incoming time.
Alright! Very good! Good answer very
well said. Next!

3. Psyche will persuade her husband

What did Psyche do? Will persuade ma’am.
Is will persuade an action word? Yes, ma’am.
Very good!
Now, try to consider the words will persuade.
Does this sentence happen in the past, in the
Past, or in the future? It is in the future ma’am.
Why in the future? The sentence is telling about
what will happen in the future.
that is why we have to use the
helping verb , will as it
show future.
Very good! That was a great explanation.
Class remember that if the sentence is in future
form we can use helping verbs like will, would, shall.

Now class, what have you observed in

the circled words from the sentences taken from
The story? Ma’am, it is suggesting an
Action in the past, probably
in present, and probably in the

So, what do you call those action words,

that is an action that adheres to the past to
The present, and to the future? Ma’am, it talks about the tenses
Okay, very good answer. You got it right!
So, tenses of the verb or verb tenses will be
our topic for today. okay, what are the verb
tenses again that we have discussed, from
the examples taken from the story? Ma’am, we have the past, we
have the present, and we have
the future.
Okay very good! Kindly read the definition


Okay, thank you for reading class.

Now, I have here a word together with a

picture. This is the first example.

Who can give me a sentence in the past form
using the word slipper? Can I call … She brushed her teeth.
Okay, how about the present tense? She is brushing her teeth.
Very good! Now, about the future tense?
Another hand? She will brush her teeth later.
Good answers class!
We have the next example.

Again, who can give me a sentence using the
word study? Raise your hand when you want to
Answer class. I studied English ma’am.

Very good! How about the present tense? I study English ma’am.

Good! Now, how about the future tense? I will study abroad next year.

Good answer!
We have the next picture.
Who can give me the past form using
the word, cook? Anyone?

I cooked pizza last night.


How about the present form? Ma’am, I cook food in my kitchen.

How about the future tense? He will cook dinner for his mom.
Okay, next this is our last example.
Who can give me a sentence using the word.

Anna called me.
How about the present tense? He is calling his mom.

Very good! How about the future tense? We shall call him.

Thank you class for your very good answers


a. Generalization

Now, class, I will ask you more questions

Class, if you already understood our lesson.
What are verb tenses? Past tense, present tense and
The future tense ma’am.

Now, give me an example of the past tense. Lay Ann walked to school.

Very good! How about the example of the present? Keith walks to school.

And lastly the future tense example? I will eat my dinner later.
So when are you going to use -ed? Ma’am, when we are
referring to the past.

How about when we use es or s? Ma'am, we used that one

when referring to a situation
that is done in the present.

How about we use the word will, shall,

and would? When we refer to the things
that will happen in the
Great! You got the idea!

It seems that you already understood what

is past, present, or future tense class
Thank you for your Participation.

b. Evaluation
Activity 5: Am I your PAST, PRESENT, or FUTURE

Now that you understood our lesson

class, Let’s go down to an another activity, titled
With the same groupings, make three sentences
of the word using verb tenses. And select 1
representative to present your answers. You
have 5 minutes to discuss with your group mates.

Team Goddess of love here is your assigned words,


And for team Goddess of soul, here is your assigned words.


Are you ready class? Okay, your timer starts now!

(discussing with the group)
Times up! Please tak your work on the board.
Let’s check your work now. Let’s check the group
Goddess of the soul first. Okay, very good!
group goddess got a perfect score. Now, let’s check
the group goddess of love. Wow, Very good!
they also got a perfect score.

Wow! All of you got correct answers, Great job!

Give yourselves a round of applause!

Do you have any questions class?

If none,

c. Application

Activity 6: s Quiz et!

We will have another activity. This in connection

to the use of the three main verb tenses which are
the past present and future tense.Get 1 half of the paper
and write your name and your section. All you need to
do is to answer the correct form of the word in the
sentence. If you have an extra paper class please share
it with your classmates.
Remember always the sentence if it in it is past,
present, and in the future tense. Am I clear class? Yes, ma'am
You may start answering class.

1. I___the bag before we left. Checked

was checking
Had checking

2. When I arrive, they were___. eating


3. If kath arrives we___party. Will have

will has
will have
we are going to has

4. We___wine last night. drank


5. We___near the city. live


6. Alice___arrive on time. will


7. I found gold while I was___. digging

had dug
8. We will___what your father says. see

to see

9. Lay is___his room. cleaning


10. Neil accidentally

11. ___his finger. cut


Okay, time's up class! Kindly pass your

papers here in front. Now let’s check
if your answers if correct.

Who got a perfect score class? (Hand raising)

Alright! Very good class.


Activity 7: Lights, camera, action!

Now, class, you are going to have a role-play. With

the same grouping, You are going to
present a role play with the theme of love, betrayal,
and acceptance. In your analog, it should be composed
of the following verb tense. I am giving you 5 minutes
to prepare and discuss with your group mates.
Your performance will be evaluated based on this
Performance standard:


VERB TENSES (30%) (20%) (100%)


For the use of the verb tense 50% delivery

is 50% unity 20% for a total of 100%
Am I clear class? Yes, ma’am!
Okay, your time starts now! (students preparing)


Times up class! let us rate your performance based

on this performance standard.
Okay, the group goddess of love is the winner.
around of applause for the group goddess

Now class, going back to our discussion.

What are the three verb tenses? Ma'am, the present tense, the
past tense and future tense
Can you give me an example of past tense? We watched a horror movie.

Very good!
How about an example of the present tense? It smells very delicious.

Great! How about, an example of future tense? We will pass the exam today.

Good job class! It seems you really understood

our lesson for today.

And by the way class, always pay attention to your

people in your surrounding and your mental and emotional
re-action to them as you go through the day.


In your assignments, make a song consisting of 2 stanzas.

Your song must be related to the theme of our story.
I will collect your output next meeting.
Am I clear class? Yes, ma’am!

Okay! Thank you for your participation in class,

That would be all for today, Goodbye class! Thank you, ma'am, and
English Grade 10

Your goal is to act the given word or phrases related to the story “Cupid and Psyche”

Roles: You are:

 A good reader and can think creatively

 Artist, who will act in front of the class
 Selected students who will present the outputs


The target audience is the students


The situation is, The teacher will give the activity to the student the activity is role-playing
in connection to the use of the three main verb tenses which are the past present, and future
tense. This activity is called “Lights, camera and action” With theme love, betrayal and
acceptance.The teacher will give them 5 minutes to discuss with their group and 2 minutes to
perform in front.


You need to role-play the theme of the story, the love, betrayal and acceptance then
make sure the skill focus is visible the "Past, Present, and Future tenses.


(50%) (30%) (20%) (100%)



4 3 2 1

Content indicates a clear good fair presentation is out of

understanding understanding understanding the topic.
of the topic. of the topic. of the topic.

Delivery informative present some of somewhat lacks information.

the information. informative.
appropriate use body language is not
of body some use of hard to see relatable.
language. body language. accurate
movement to
the topic.

Teamwork accepts the idea some ideas were unwilling to the group does not
of others. accepted. compromise. work together.

all members some members few members some are doing the
contribute. contribute. contribute. work.

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