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Living off-grid has aways been me and my friends dream, as it has a lot of

advantages such as money saving and living a healthy lifestyle. We were sick of
always being on our phones, laptop, etc. Now that we are older, we finally
.made the decision to leave everything behind and start a life off-grid

we all needed to be independent and to have a connection with nature and a

sense of community, off grid life is a way of living much more sustainably, to
generate our own electricity, collect our own water and grow our own food.
We decided to move to a small land with a lake nearby. There was no
.accommodation, no water, not even a house

At first, we started by living in small tent houses and we started growing our
own vegetable garden, we built it next to the lake so it would be easier to get
water. It was hard at first but as time went by it was a habit. two of us went to
fetch water, and the others were helping with the garden. We focused on not
.using much plastic to help the environment

Furthermore, we started to learn more about living off grid, we started to

collect the materials and requirements to build a house, some of the of the
materials we collected were wood, bricks and concrete slabs. We then got
some solar panels even though we thought it would be expensive, but it was
.cheaper than we expected. We placed them on top of the house

After living off grid for some time, we were really happy that we became
independent, it was really easy not to use phones and connect with nature and
spend quality time together but I got to admit we really hated the fact that
there was a lot of insects but in the end we got used to it, it really is a fun
experience and we are prepared for the upcoming obstacles we are going to

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