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Unit 1: Moving to the City or the Country

Guess the Word

Big Cities Have Changed Over Time…now it’s

better to live in the countryside
office - forest - lake – building - shopping center – river – mountain - riding a horse-
go hiking - go fishing

By Danielle Stevens

From very small and humble beginnings, some cities have grown to become the biggest on earth. You
will hardly believe some of the incredible transformations they have undergone. Today I will be sharing
my own experience of living in Seatle, and why I prefer to live in the countryside.

I’ve been living in Seattle since I was born. I have also

had the opportunity to visit my relatives who live in the
countryside. And in my opinion life in the countryside is
Life in the city and life in the country are very different.
Even though there are a lot of benefits of living in the
city, such as having a 1. shopping center near your
house, living in the country is better. Life is the country is
great because the landscape is beautiful, the food is
always fresh, and you can do lots of amazing activities!

Seattle has grown a lot since 1950. In cities like this one, you can only see 2. building full of 3. offices
with stressed workers; and shady small parks. However, in the country, the landscape is much more
diverse. There are 4. forest, so necessary to maintain an ecological balance, and long 5. rivers with
waterfalls flowing from rocks. While the city is full of grey colors, the colors of the countryside are
natural and bright: pink flowers, green trees, blue and green lakes. You will never get tired of seeing
this natural landscape! In the countryside everything is alive, and you feel more alive too!

Another important aspect is the food. The food in the countryside is more delicious and fresher
because it is grown locally. While food in the cities is transported for days and weeks before it reaches
the stores where you can buy it. Also, the food in the city has usually less flavor than the food in the
country where most people cook at home and
use very tasty recipes!

Finally, there is so much to do in the country.

You can play with farm animals, you can 6.
riding a horse, or you can 7. go hiking in the
admirable wooded 8. mountains. There are
activities for everyone. Because there is more
space in the country, there is always a place to play football or volleyball and you don’t have to pay for
an expensive court to play. But, if you prefer solitary activities, you can 9. go fishing in lovely 10. lake.
You never get bored!
Some people think that life in the city is great, but in my view, life in the country is better. T he views are
spectacular, the food is delicious and there are many fun activities that you can do.

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