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Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness & Responsibility

1. I can express my needs and seek help when needed.
As a Grade 12 student who is naturally shy, I have found that being able to express my needs
and seek help when needed is a great strength. Expressing my needs has been particularly
helpful in school, where I have found that seeking help from teachers and peers has led to
better understanding of complex concepts and ultimately better grades. For example, in my
science class last semester, I struggled to understand some of the topics, but by expressing my
confusion to my teacher, I was able to get extra support and improve my understanding. This
experience taught me the value of asking for help, and how doing so can make all the difference
in achieving my goals.
2. I understand my decisions and actions can affect me.
As a Grade 12 student, I believe that understanding how my decisions and actions can affect me
is a great strength. This has helped me to be more intentional in my choices, and to avoid
behaviors or activities that could have negative consequences. For example, when I am faced
with the decision of whether to skip class, I always think about the potential consequences of
my actions, such as missing important materials and falling behind my studies. This
understanding has helped me to make better decisions and has led to positive outcomes, such
as having good grades and good academic record. I believe that my ability to understand the
impact of my decisions and actions has helped me to become a more responsible and
disciplined person.
Area of Improvement:
1. I understand learning takes patience and time.
As a Grade 12 student, I recognize that understanding that learning takes patience and time is a
key area for improvement for me, particularly in math classes. While I have made progress, I
overcoming my shyness and seeking help when needed, I sometimes become frustrated when I
don’t immediately understand a concept or problem. I tend to expect quick results, which can
lead to feelings of discouragement and make it harder for me to stay motivated. Moving
forward, I want to continue to remind myself that learning takes patience and time, and it’s
okay to make mistakes and struggle at first.
Social Responsibility
1. I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.
As a Grade 12 Filipino immigrant here in Canada, I firmly believe that valuing diversity,
defending human rights, advocating for others, and acting ethically in all my interactions,
including online, is a great strength. Being a part of two very different cultures has made me
appreciate the unique perspectives and experiences that people from all walks of life bring to
the table. This has allowed me to become a more empathetic person and advocate for the
rights and needs of others. For example, last year, when my online friend was experiencing
cyberbullying, I gathered the courage to speak up and defend her. By doing so, I think I can help
create a more inclusive and equitable community where everyone feels valued and respected.
2. I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships.
While I haven’t yet had the opportunity to volunteer extensively, I recognize the importance of
contributing to my community and am eager to do so. In small ways, like picking up litter on the
street, I have been able to contribute to my community and build connections with my peers.
Additionally, in group projects at school, I have worked collaboratively with my classmates to
complete tasks and achieve shared goals. I believe that this ability to work both independently
and collaboratively will serve me well in the future, as I hope to continue to contribute and
make a positive impact on my community.
Area of Improvement:
1. I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate
strategies to resolve problems.
I recognize that I have a strong ability to identify and appreciate different perspectives on
issues, but I also realize that evaluating strategies to resolve problems is an area where I can
improve. While I can understand and appreciate different viewpoints, I sometimes struggle to
evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies used to address problems. For example, during a
group project, I may struggle to determine the most effective way to solve a problem that
arises, as I tend to rely on the suggestions of others instead of critically evaluating and analyzing
the situation. In order to improve in this area, I aim to practice analyzing and evaluating
different strategies so that I can become more confident in my ability to resolve problems

Critical Thinking
1. I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.
In my specialized science class last semester, I found that seeking feedback and analyzing my
work has helped me identify areas of weakness and improve my understanding of complex
concepts. By taking the time to reflect on my learning, I have been able to identify patterns in
my thinking, which has enabled me to refine my approach to problem-solving. For example,
when I struggled with a particularly challenging assignment on DNA, I sought feedback from my
teacher and was able to identify the areas where I need to improve. In essence, being able to
analyze and critique my work and learning has been a great strength, allowing me to identify
areas for improvement and ultimately, achieve greater success in my academic pursuits.
2. I understand the purpose for my work and consider my audience.
In my final passion project for 20th Century World History last semester, I chose Margaret
Sanger, the founder of birth control, as one of the most important people in our history. I made
sure to research and present her life and contributions in a way that was not only informative,
but also engaging and relevant to my audience. By understanding the purpose of my project
and considering my audience, I was able to create a project that met the requirements of the
assignment and sparked a genuine interest in my classmates about the importance of Sanger’s
work. This strength helped me create a meaningful work that I think resonated with my
Area of Improvement:
1. I can ask good quality questions, gather relevant information, and come up with well-
developed conclusions.
While I am generally comfortable asking questions, I sometimes struggle with knowing how to
phrase them in a way that will yield the most useful information. Additionally, I find that I
sometimes get entangled in detail and have difficulty synthesizing information into clear and
concise conclusions. For example, in a recent assignment in my English class, I found myself
struggling to determine which pieces of information were most relevant and how to connect
them in a meaningful way. As such, I recognize the need to continue honing my skills in this
area to improve my critical thinking and to further enhance my problem-solving abilities.

Creative Thinking
1. I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to
generate new ideas.
In my Specialized Science class, we had a water research project last semester, and by working
collaboratively with my peers and observing the environment around us, we were able to
generate new ideas and find innovative solutions to the water crisis. Additionally, by analyzing
the unconscious thoughts and ideas that arose during our research, we were able to think
creatively and develop new insights that we otherwise may not have considered. This strength
has allowed me to better understand and appreciate the value of collaboration and utilizing all
available resources.
2. I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive.
Throughout my academic journey, I have faced many challenges and obstacles, but I have
always managed to push through them with determination and persistence. For example, when
I was struggling to understand Math, I did not give up, but instead sought help and kept trying
my best to understand the subject. Moreover, I have come to realize that failure is not always a
bad thing, but rather, an opportunity to learn and grow. By embracing failure, I have been able
to identify my weaknesses and work on them, which I think has allowed me to become a
stronger and more resilient individual.
Area of Improvement:
1. I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence how
people think about topics.
I often struggle to come up with fresh and unique perspectives, which can limit my ability to
effectively communicate and share my ideas. For example, in my English class, when asked to
write a creative piece, I often struggle to develop an original and unique concept. This can lead
to a lack of engagement from the reader and ultimately, a lower grade. Therefore, I need to
focus on building my creativity and exploring new ways of thinking to enhance my ability to
generate unique ideas and influence how others think.

1. I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Despite not being particularly good at problem-solving, this skill has allowed me to explore a
variety of topics that interest me and has enabled me to provide well-researched and informed
opinions in both academic and personal contexts. In my specialized science class last semester,
we explored the topic of forensics, and I found that I was really drawn to the research aspect of
the subject. While I struggled with the problem-solving components, I think I did pretty great at
researching and analyzing information. By taking advantage of my strengths in researching and
analyzing information, I think I can present information in a way that is informative to a variety
of audiences.
2. I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.
Despite not being the strongest problem solver, I recognize the importance of collaboration and
contribution. For example, in a group project, I may not be the one who comes up with the best
solution, but I can still offer my thoughts and ideas, which may contribute to the final outcome.
In addition, by working with others, I can learn from their strengths and improve my own
problem-solving skills. Furthermore, working collaboratively allows me to see things from
different perspectives, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions.
Area of Improvement:
1. I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different
perspectives, and build consensus.
While I understand the importance of these skills, I sometimes struggle to come up with
arguments on the spot during debates, making it difficult for me to contribute effectively. To
address this weakness, I plan to practice formulating arguments in advance, researching
different viewpoints, and learning how to present my ideas more persuasively. By improving
these skills, I believe I will be better equipped to participate in meaningful discussions and
debates and build consensus with my peers.

Personal & Cultural Identity

1. I understand that culture is a broad concept that includes things like my geographic
region, nationality, sex/gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, language, and religion.
I have come to understand that culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that
encompasses various aspects of my identity, including my geographic region, nationality,
sex/gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, language, and religion. Recognizing the breadth and depth
of culture has allowed me to appreciate and embrace my own unique identity, as well as the
diverse perspectives and experiences of others. For example, my understanding of culture has
enabled me to engage in thoughtful discussions with classmates from different ethnic and
religious backgrounds, which has broadened my understanding of the world and challenged my
own assumptions and biases. Overall, my awareness of the complexity of culture has become a
great strength, enabling me to be more inclusive and empathetic toward others.
2. I understand what is important to me.
Understanding what is truly important to me has helped me make informed decisions, set
realistic goals, and prioritize my time and efforts accordingly. For example, when deciding which
university to apply to/attend. I knew that being in a supportive and inclusive community was
important to me. This helped me narrow down my options and focus on schools that aligned
with this value. Overall, this self-awareness has been a great strength, enabling me to pursue
meaningful experiences and achieve personal fulfillment.
Area of Improvement:
1. I know my strengths and what makes me unique.
While I am aware of everyone has something that makes them unique, I struggle to identify
these qualities within myself due to my lack of self-esteem. I often doubt my abilities and
downplay my achievements, which can lead to me undervaluing my own strengths. For
example, I may have a talent for making others feel comfortable and included, but I fail to
recognize this as a strength because it doesn’t seem as impressive as excelling in a traditional
academic subject. By working to improve my self-esteem and develop a better understanding of
my unique abilities, I believe I can gain a greater appreciation for my strengths and learn to
leverage them in various areas of my life.

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