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1. In tabular form, compare other differences between organic and inorganic compounds not
illustrated in the experiment?

Basis of comparison Inorganic compounds Organic compounds

1. Carbon Atoms Organic compounds are Most inorganic compounds do
characterized by the presence not have carbon atoms in them
of carbon atoms in them. (some exceptions do exist)
2. Compounds present Organic compounds consisting They do not possess hydrogen
of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, or oxygen, and their
and their other derivatives derivatives
3. Volatility Organic compounds are said to These compounds are not
be more volatile and highly inflammable and are non-
inflammable volatile in nature
4. Existence These compounds exist in the These exist as solids
form of solids, gases, and
5. Solubility These are insoluble in water. These are soluble in water and
non-soluble in some of the
organic solutions.
6. Bonds These compounds have the These do not have the carbon-
carbon-hydrogen bonds hydrogen bonds
7. Site/Location Organic compounds are mainly These compounds are found in
found in most of the living non-living things
8. Complexity These are biological and more These are of mineral and not
complex in nature much complexity in nature
9. Reaction The rate of reaction is slow in Inorganic compounds have a
organic compounds high rate of reaction

2. How many organic compounds are known as of today? Why?

There is a current estimate of organic compound counting around 20 million different known organic
compounds. The uncertainty is based on the daily basis of scientists coming up with new compounds
every day. Some of these materials are of interest for a research project, while others are destined to be
developed for a commercial market.

3. Considering this exercise, what steps will you do to identify a solid handed to you for
examination? Explain
 Classify the solid- classification of solids can be done based on amorphous and crystalline solids.
 Classify the physical properties - soldi can be identified through meting and boiling point.

4. Detection of Hydrogen
a. What is qualitative analysis?
 Qualitative Analysis is the determination of non-numerical information about a chemical species,
a reaction, etc. examples would be observing that a reaction is creating gas that is bubbling out of
solution or observing that a reaction results in a colour change.

b. Draw and label the set-up completely and expected result if carbon and hydrogen is present in a

 When anhydrous copper sulphate comes in contact with water vapours,it forms a blue colour
c. Write the chemical equations involved in detecting carbon and hydrogen in an organic compound.
 C+2CuO→CO2+2Cu


A. (2021, March 22). General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) Guidelines BYJU’S.



B. L. (2022, August 9). 25.1: Organic Chemistry. Chemistry LibreTexts.

C. Mention the principle involved in the detection of carbon and hydrogen in an organic

çompound. (2020, January 1). Doubtnut.



D. A., & A. (2022a, August 3). Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen in an Organic

Compound – Organic Chemistry - Best Online Free Chemistry Learning. Best Online

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