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Chapter : Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Topic: 6.6 Genetic Code

In case of DNA replication to form another Similar DNA strands and Translation, to let us say, mRNA strand with Thymine replaced
by Uracil seems pretty much simple and clear due to copying of Complementary bases. There are 4 bases and are in pairs(AT, GC).
But when it comes to Functional form of DNA i.e., Proteins - They are made up of 20 Different amino acids but are coded just by 4
DNA Bases. Evidence supports the latter fact that changing DNA sequence leads to change in protein Sequence.
Scientists from different fields like physics, biochemistry and geneticists etc. tried to explain this paradox.
From field of Physics George Gamow, Argued that 4 bases should form some combination among themselves to encode for amino
acids that are more than 4.
Explanation: If 1 base codes for 1 amino acid only 4 amino acids would exist.
If 2 base encodes for one amino acid, Only (4)2 permutations and combinations exist that are equal to 16, less than the existing number
of amino acids(20).
If 3 Bases = 1 amino acid, (4)3= 64 that is higher than 20.
The set of 3 bases that code for one amino acid (unique or different) is termed as Codon.
They follow certain rules:
● 1 codon = Specific amino acid or Different amino acid from the same codon depending on codon’s placement in sequence =
3 consecutive bases in DNA stretch. Hence 61 Codons code for amino acids + 3 Codons code for no amino acid(act as stop
codons) = 64 codons.
● Codons are Universal in nature, encode for the same amino acids in bacteria and the same in higher organisms, exceptions :
Mitochondria and protozoan codons.
● AUG - Dual Function, when at beginning of codon sequence - Initiator Codon, if at any other position in sequence=
● UAA, UAG, UGA = code for no amino acid = stop codons.

Dr. Hargobind Khorana and Marshall Nirenberg’s experiments have proved

that codons exist in triplet base form.

Mutations in Genetic Code are point mutations, Changing 1 or 2 bases will

lead to making of entirely different sequence downstream mutations but
changing 3 bases will lead to addition or deletion of one amino acid keeping
the downstream sequence unchanged. These Mutations are referred to as
Frameshift mutations that could be due to insertion or deletion of bases.

RAM HAS RED CAP = Original/ Unchanged

RAM HAS EDC AP = 1 base deletion= changed downstream sequence
RAM HAS DCA P = 2 base deletion= changed downstream sequence
RAM HAS CAP = 3 base deletion= Unchanged downstream sequence/
Modification by one amino acid’s absence.

tRNA(Transfer RNA) also known as sRNA(soluble RNA) are molecules that

are connectors of nucleotide bases and amino acids. They have an Anticodon region that has opposite sequence to codon and binding
here is based on complementarity and on the same tRNA there is an amino acid loading site. Each tRNA is unique for its amino acid,
and stop codons have tRNA that doesn’t carry any amino acids.
tRNA structure = Anticodon loop + Aminoacid acceptor end = Inverted L = clover leaf structure
For initiation of protein synthesis there is a specific codon called the Initiator codon.

Img Ref. Plantlet

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