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1- To be a successful teacher in the 21st century requires many

skills and flexibility in order to accomplish with the goals in the

nowadays changing world. Focusing in the teaching and more
specifically in the teacher, according to the article of Tsisana
Palmer the teacher of the 21st century need at least fifteen new
characteristics. I will consider just three of them, which
according to my opinion are the most relevant. First, let the
learners become producers of digital content, second, learned
centered-classroom and finally keep learning. Therefore,
learners just don´t want to be spectator anymore but actors,
and the teacher needs to give unto them their place of priority,
two ways of doing so are, let the learners produce digital
content and learned centered-classroom. Furthermore, the
teacher needs to be updated to the changing world and keep
learning all the way long of his life.
2- On the other hand the learners also need some skills to develop
in order to become successful in the 21st century. According to
the 4´cs the learners needs: critical thinking, communication,
work collaboratively and creativity. For me the most important
of them are critical thinking and work collaboratively.
Moreover, I will add to be self-teaching because is a crucial skill
in this world where we should be able to search for the
information, analyze it, apply it and assess the procedure.
According to the other two of the 4´cs, critical thinking is an
essential skill that the learners need in order to become
competitive. As well as this one is to work collaboratively, a
very important skill to be develop in the area of education,
which they will use in the work-force that the learners will be
part of in a very near future.

4-Then the success of the education in the 21st century has many
faces; we have analyzed two of them already. The other one is the
use of the technology in the classroom. Therefore, no doubt about
that technology is a crucial tool to help improve any area of
science, research, communication, education, etc. But, there is a
misconception about it, the most sophisticated board will not
improve the education in the classroom just because is the last
one of this kind. The teacher could be still the center of the class
instead of the learners. Then, we need to be very careful when we
invest in technology, taking in account, why and how it will be
implemented in the classroom. In conclusion the technology is
very important but it will not warranty the success of the
education in the 21st century, because it is just a vehicle but the
teacher is the driver and the learners the passengers.

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