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First Periodical Test


Name: ______________________________________________ Grade and Section:_______________Score:__________

School:_____________________________________________________ Date:: _______________________________
Teacher: __________________________________

Directions: Read the following questions. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

____1. What sound device that focuses on the repetition of similar vowel sounds in the middle or end words?
A. alliteration
B. assonance
C. consonance
D. onomatopoeia

For items 2-4. Identify the sound device (figure of speech) use in the following sentences.

A. alliteration
B. assonance
C. consonance
D. onomatopoeia

_____2. The lion roars inside the cave.

_____3. Why do you cry, Willie? Why do you cry? Why, Willie? Why, Willie? Why, Willie?

_____4. Faye may stay today.

_____5. How would you explain the idea of the pluralization of regular noun used in composing the sentence?
Some of the factories make toys for babies.

A. Nouns form their plural by adding -s.

B. Some nouns form their plural by adding -es.
C. Nouns that end in -y form their plural by changing -y to -i and add -es.
D. Their are nouns ending in s, ch, sh, or x form their plural by adding -es.

_____6. He had to eat humble pie to his parents after he was proven wrong. What does the idiomatic
expression means?
A. apologize
B. bored
C. get angry
D. happy

_____7. He was unconscious right through the night and was still dead to the world when I went out. Infer
the meaning of idiomatic expression using affix. Someone is:
A. in danger of severe punishment
B. doomed to failure or death
C. in a sound sleep
D. very tired
For items 8-11. Read and study the passages taken from the poem “I am Proud to be a Filipino” by Toribia

_____8. “Though a paly breed I stand with the ancients for my love and loyalty are as fish to the sea.”
The figure of speech used is:
A. hyperbole
B. irony
C. metaphor
D. simile

_____9. Planting rice, husking coconuts, throwing nets far into the Pacific. What imagery shown by the
A. hearing
B. seeing
C. smelling
D. tasting

_____10. “Where I walk, my shadow is a marriage of flags.” What do you think this figurative language
A. My shadow is covered with flags.
B. I am a product of different cultures.
C. The path I walk is covered with flags.
D. My shadow bounds with flags to the path I walked.

_____11. How would you feel if you are the one who wrote this passage?

I am a Filipino, I come from islands rippled with sun

Where days are green fires and nights are warm
With moons and stars. Girdling my loins is blood rich as milk
For I was born of sultans, rajahs, kings,
Soldiers, heroes who fought to sing

A. afraid
B. bored
C. mad
D. proud

_____12. The two _______ lay eggs in our farm. What irregular noun will fit to complete the sentence?
A. birds
B. chickens
C. ducks
D. geese

_____13. Infer the meaning of this idiomatic expression using root “to refuse to grant a request”.
A. allowed
B. bankrupt
C. rejected
D. risky

_____ 14. What is the general mood of this passage?

Russel’s heart beats faster and faster. She heard somebody walking along the corridor
and pulling a chair yet nobody’s there.

A. fear
B. anger
C. sadness
D. amazement
_____15. “Now, why won’t he speak to me?” said the python to himself. “Iguana must be angry about
something. I’m afraid he is plotting some mischief against me!” He began looking for
somewhere to hide. What is the tone of this lines?
A. amused
B. formal
C. humurous
D. worried

_____16. One day, a hungry fox runt searching for food. Soon he saw some ripe grape at the top of a vine
that grew up along a high wall. The author’s purpose of this passage is to:
A. entertain
B. explain
C. inform
D. persuade

_____17. Which tense of verb will be used to complete the sentence below?
Jiegard _______ to school everyday.
A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. will go

For items 18-20. Infer the meaning of the following figurative languages.

_____18. Shyna ran from third base to home plate like a flash.
A. angrily
B. with a magic
C. in bright light
D. with a great speed

_____ 19. Ricky answered the test incorrectly and got a goose egg.
A. buys egg of the goose
B. few score
C. perfect
D. zero

_____20. Rino always disrespects his brother. I told him not to curl his lip at him. The expression means:
A. to agree without thinking
B. to avoid losing anymore money
C. to bring about one’s own ruin and downface
D. upward movement of the side of the mouth to show dislike

_____21. This figure of speech uses like and as in comparing to unlike objects. This is:
A. assonace
B. hyperbole
C. metaphor
D. simile

_____22. What figure of speech use in comparing two unlike objects without the use of as and like?
A. assonance
B. hyperbole
C. metaphor
D. simile

_____23. What correct present perfect tense of the verb use to complete the sentence below?
Our adviser _____ ( choose ) you to be class president.
A. chosen
B. had chosen
C. has chosen
D. have chosen
_____24. My teacher is a dragon. What kind of figure of speech use in the sentence?
A. alliteration
B. assonance
C. metaphor
D. simile

_____25. The following sentences are examples of simile, which is NOT?

A. The workers in the factory are as busy as a bee.
B. I am as blind as a bat without my eyeglasses.
C. The kids were monkeys on the jungle gym.
D. The old woman moves like a turtle.

_____26. We ________ definitely win the championship game. What modal you must use to make the
sentence correct?
A. can
B. may
C. must
D. shall

_____27. Which of the following examples of euphemism that means die?

A. Amy, on the other hand, had never had scarlet fever, which was both contagious and dangerous.
B. “Jo, keep amy away. Keep her away.” said beth before she closed her eyes and became silent.
C. Did you wash those tea cups and put them away, carefully?
D. Flying off without a word of cheer to your poor old aunt.

_____28. How would you rewrite the sentence with the use of preposition case of pronoun?
Father borrowed the tickets from Andee and Mr Cruz.
A. He borrowed the tickets from hims.
B. Father borrowed the tickets from him.
C. Father borrowed the tickets from them.
D. He borrowed the tickets from Andee and Mr. Cruz.

_____29. Which of the following sentences used the pronoun INCORRECTLY?

A. Doctor Cynthia is a pediatrician who vaccinates children to prevent scarlet fever. It explains to the
parents the dangers scarlet fever can bring to children.
B. Children must be given vaccine to prevent them from having scarlet fever. They must be brought to
a pediatrician for this vaccination.
C. Ponzee’s mother must have Ponzee vaccinated otherwise, she can do nothing for Ponzee when he
gets inflicted with that disease.
D. Grace is a 4-year old child who was vaccinated by Doctor Cynthia. She is now safe from that fatal

_____30. James Kylle is a tall player, ______ loves playing for his school. Provide the correct gender of
pronoun for this sentence.
A. he
B. her
C. his
D. she

For items 31-32. Read and study the selection carefully.

Jeffrey is in trouble again. His teacher sent a letter to his parents telling them that he is
very talkative in class. Jeffrey’s parents gave him another chance to prove his conduct. Jeffrey
promised to talk only when necessary.

_____31. Who is the main character?

A. Classmates
B. Jeffrey
C. Parents
D. Teacher
_____32. Where does the selection happened?
A. at home
B. in the store
C. office
D. school

_____33. Read the selection very carefully. Evaluate and arrange the elements of a plot.
The Fox in the Well

One day, a wise fox slipped accidentally into a well and he could not get out of it. By and
by, a goat came by and wondered why the fox was in the well. The fox answered, “I am drinking
some water. It tastes good. Would you like some?”
The goat felt thirsty, so without thinking, he jumped into the well and drank. Then he asked
how they could get out of the well. The fox said, “Simple, I’ll climb on your back and jump out.
Then I’ll be able to help you out.”
The goat did as the fox suggested. The fox was also able to get out of the well. Sensing the
fox was about to leave, the goat shouted, “Hey you promised to get me out of here!” But the fox
merely laughed and said,“You foolish goat. You should have used your head! Look before you
1. The fox laughed and leave the goat in the well.
2. A wise fox accidentally slipped into the well.
3. The goat jumped into the well without thinking because of thirst it felt.
4. The fox asked the goat that he will climb on the back and jump out.
5. The goat senses that the fox is about to leave.
A. 2-3-4-5-1
B. 1-2-3-4-5
C. 3-4-5-2-1
D. 2-4-3-5-1

_____34. Complete the sentence using the appropriate subject-verb agreement.

Shienaya ________ the lesson in English everyday.
A. listen
B. listens
C. listened
D. listening

For item 35. Study the following passages below.

Passage 1: To Make French Toast
First, take out a skillet to cook and turn the stove on low. Second, you will melt the
butter in the pan and stir it with a spatula. Third, beat the eggs. Fourth, lay the bread,
white or wheat, on both sides in the eggs. Fifth, sit the bread on top of butter for 30
seconds and then turn over. Now, you have a slice of French toast.

Passage 2:
"Do you love candy?" I asked my friend Roxanne. I always make friends with other

Passage 3:
At the pizza place, Tony, the baker, was getting the pizzas ready for baking. He
flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air. He spread
tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese, and shoved it in the oven. Then the telephone
rang. "A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry," Tony's wife
called. "OK, I'll get my coat," said Tony.

_____ 35. Which passage is a second point of view?

A. passage 1
B. passage 2
C. passage 3
D. passages 1, 2, and 3
For item 36. Read the paragraph.
The Filipino is a very respectful person. He shows due respect to his parents, elders and to the people in
authority. He never misses saying the word “po” every time situations demand it. This is a Filipino way of showing
respect which we are very proud of. He kisses the hands of parents and grandparents as a unique way of showing
respect to elders. He calls his older brother “Kuya” or his sister “Ate”.

_____36 What is the theme of the paragraph?

A. The Filipino always says “po”.
B. The Filipino is a very respectful person.
C. The Filipino is respectful to their parents.
D. The Filipino kisses the hands of their parents and grandparents.

For items 37-38..Study the following sentences below. The verb of the sentence must agrees on the subject.

1. Christine dances on the stage.

2. The boys and girls practice their drama presentation.
3. My classmate and friend gives me a slice of cake.
4. She read the story in front of the class loudly.
5. They studies their lesson diligently.
6. Every child are a reader.

_____ 37. Rule number 3 in the subject-verb agreement states that if the subjects connected by and refer to the
same person or thing or express a single idea, use the –s/-es form of the verb. Which of the following
sentences above classified in this rule?
A. sentence 1
B. sentence 3
C. sentence 4
D. sentence 6

_____38. Which of the following sentences shows CORRECT subject- verb agreement?
A. 1-2-4
B. 1-2-3
C. 2-5-1
D. 4-5-6

_____39. James and Nadine _________ the orphanage.

A. visit
B. visits
C. visited
D. visiting

______40. _________ play sungka every noon break.

A. Dominic
B. Hilda
C. His friend
D. Honey Jean and Caryll
Answer Key:
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. D
21. D
22. C
23. C
24. C
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. B
35. A
36. B
37. B
38. B
39. A
40. D

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