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1. What do you think nature is like when it is undisturbed by people?

I think it's glad to see if nature is undisturbed by people, you will see it in its
pleasant form, calm, quiet, and peaceful because it stays out of the terrible touch of
2. What are the effects of people on nature?

Human actions affect nature and the impact of human activity on land and water
is the source of air pollution, polluted water, habitat loss, climate change, and many
more problems facing ecosystems.
3. What are effects of nature on people?

I think nature can affect people mentally because nature can give rise to many
positive emotions such as calmness, joy, and creativity. Being in nature decreases
stress it can make you happier and less brooding.
4. What is your role as a student and as a citizen to positively affect nature?

As a student, I need to promote tree plantations in their surrounding areas to

prevent soil erosion and build a natural habitat for endangered animal species.
As a Citizen, I need to recycle to protect ecosystems and wildlife, also to prevent
pollution. Avoiding toxic chemicals because they can harm us when they enter or
contact the body.

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