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Phrasal Verbs

Prepared by Yassine Heri

1. Find the verbs and their meaning in the following sentences

● You must look before you cross the road

● Use the dictionary to look up the word “book”
● Who is looking after the baby?
● I look forward to meeting you
about, after, at, for, from, in, into, like, of, off, on,
to, with.


verb + =
Phrasal verb

about, away, back, by, down, in, off, on, out, over,
past, round, through, to, under, up.

● A phrasal verb is a group of words that indicate an action.

● A phrasal verb has a different meaning from the original verb.
● They are used as normal verbs in the sentence.
● They are mainly used in spoken english and in informal settings
● Three word phrasal verbs are inseparable (can’t be separated)
● Intransitive phrasal verbs can’t be separated.

Transitive verbs: require an object

(buy, catch, send, take, …)
Intransitive verbs: don’t require an object
(arrive, continue, die, rain, exist, …)

Transitive verbs: He put off the meeting

● He put the meeting off
Intransitive verbs: I don’t like to get up
● He was late because his car broke

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