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• A combination of symbols to reflect

some specific sound of a language
• They are divided into two types;
• A single distinct meaningful element of
speech or writing, used with others (or
sometimes alone) to form a sentence and
typically shown with a space on either side
when written or printed
• It has 8 different types and its division is
called Parts of Speech
Word that names

• A Person
A Place
A Thing

An Idea
Kinds of Noun
• Common Noun: is a name given in
common to every person or thing of the
same class or kind.
• Proper Noun: A Proper Noun is the
name of some particular person or
• Akbar was a wise king
• Abstract Noun
• It is the name of an action, quality, state or
• It is the name of a noun that is not physical\
• E.g
• Happiness, sweetness
Quality - Goodness, kindness, whiteness,
darkness, hardness, brightness, honesty,
wisdom, bravery.
Action - Love, theft, movement, judgment,
State - Childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery,
sleep, sickness, death, poverty
Abstract Nouns have no plural. They are
uncountable. Hope, charity, love, kindness.
• Concrete Noun
• It is the name of the thing that can be
touched, heard, seen, smelt, taste and felt. It
can be identified through one of the five
sense. It can be physically see and touch
• E.g cats, dogs, tables, buses and teachers.
• Material Noun
They denote the matter or substance of which
the things are made e.g. water, milk, silver,
• Collective Noun
Names of groups which are regarded as forming
one whole e.g Army, jury, police.
• Countable Nouns
• They are the things that we can count . E.g
bottles, boxes, cats, pens
• Uncountable Nouns
• They are the things and concepts that we can
not count E.g
• Milk, butter, happiness, rice, sugar
• Compound Noun
• A noun that is made up of two or three or
three words or more is called compound
• E.g. classroom, son-in-law, bedroom etc.
The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns.
It may stand for a person, place, thing, or idea.

Indefinite Pronouns
someone, one, etc.
Kinds of pronoun
• Personal Pronoun: A word used instead of the names
of persons is called personal pronoun. The personal
pronouns are so called because they stand for three
• First ,i, we
• Second You
• Third person: he she it they
• Indefinite Pronoun: A pronoun that does not refer to
particular person or thing but refers to any person or
thing in general way is called indefinite pronoun.
• Some, one, none, another, any, all
Kinds of pronoun
• Interrogative Pronoun: These pronouns
are used to ask questions.
• Who, whose, whom, which, what
• Who is knocking at the door?
• Whose is this umbrella?
Kinds of pronoun
• Relative Pronoun: It relates to some
noun or other pronoun going before
• Who, whose, whom, which, that, what
• I met a professor who is my neighbour
• I met a girl whom I don’t know
• The flowers that grow in our gardens are
not for sale
Kinds of pronoun
• Reflexive Pronoun: when the action is
done by the subject turns back (reflects)
upon the subject .It is said to be
reflexive pronoun. They always end in
self or selves.
• I hurt myself
• You will hurt yourself.
• She killed herself
Kinds of pronoun
Emphatic Pronoun:
Pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis,
and are therefore called Emphatic Pronouns.
• I feel myself comfortable here
• He himself was not ready to help me
• I will do it myself.
• I myself saw him do it.
• We will see to it ourselves.
• Demonstrative Pronoun
• A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is
used to point to something specific within a
sentence. E.g this, that, theses, those
• Distributive Pronoun
• These pronouns show distribution
• They include each, any, either, neither and
• E.g
• Each of the boys gets a prize
• Either of these two roads lead to the radio
• Either you can go
• Reciprocal Pronoun
• They are used to express two way relationship.
They are each other and one another
• E.g They like one another
• Two sisters love each other
The term ‘verb’ is from the Latin
word ‘Verbum’ meaning ‘word’
“be” verbs
• A word that shows an action,
state or an event is called verb.
• They study English grammar
• We celebrate Eid. ( event)
• We sleep at night. (state)
Kinds of Verbs
• Main Verbs: express mental or physical
action. Walk, Talk, go, run, play, study
• Auxiliary Verbs: Auxiliary verbs are also
called helping verbs which help us to
form a tense or mood. Two types of
Auxiliary verbs:
• Primary Auxiliary Verbs

• Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Kinds of Verbs
Primary Auxiliary verb make a statement
by connecting the subject with a word
that describes or explains it.
1. Be, is,am,are,was,were,being and been
2. Do, does and did
3. Has,have and had
Kinds of Verbs
• A Modal Auxiliary verbs: used to
indicate modality – that is, likelihood,
ability, permission, and obligation.
can/could, may/might,must, will/would,
and shall/should, ought to and have to,
used to
Modifies or describes a
noun or pronoun.
Did you lose your address
Is that a wool sweater?

Just give me five minutes.

Kinds of Adjective
• Adjectives of quality
• Adjectives of quantity
• Demonstrative Adj
• Distributive Adj
• Proper Adj
• Possessive Adj
• Emphatic Adj
• Exclamatory Adj
• Adjectives of quality
• It tells us something about the color, age, the
condition, or any other bad or good quality of
a person, place or thing
• He is a good boy
• He was an old man
• This is a black pen
• Adjective of Quantity
• It tells us something about the quantity of a
liquid or an uncountable things e.g.
• There is some milk in the glass
• There is a little tea in the cup
• Demonstrative Adjective
• They are used to indicate towards a person,
place or thing or to point out the person, place
or thing e,g This girl was our class fellow
• That book is very good
• Distributive Adjective
• They are used to show distribution e.g
• Each student has a computer
• Every body was present there
• Proper Adjective
• These are made from proper nouns such as
Pakistan : Pakistani
• Lahore : Lahori
• Interrogative Adjective
• They are used to ask a question with the help
of W.H questions e,g
• who, whose, whom, why, what
• Possessive Adjective
• They are used to show possession
• E,g my, his, her, your, our and their
• Exclamatory Adjective
• When ‘what’ alone or with a phrase modify a
noun is called exclamatory adjective e.g
• what a personality you have!
• What a plan it is!
Modifies or describes
a verb, an adjective, Answers the questions:
or another adverb.

He ran quickly.
She left yesterday.
We went there.

It was too hot! To what degree or how m

Kinds of Adverb

• Adverbs of manner
• Adverbs of place
• Adverbs of time
• Adverbs of frequency
• Adverbs of degree
• Interrogative adverbs
• Relative adverbs
• Adverbs of manner
• It tells us the way, manner and method of
happening something e.g Angrily, Slowly,
• Adverbs of place
• Theses are the words which point out the place
e,g here, there, no where,
• Adverbs of time
• The words which point out the time e.g 6’o
clock, five minutes etc
• Adverbs of frequency
• It tells us that how often an action takes
place e.g Always, Usually,
• She always speaks truth
• Adverbs of degree
• It tells us about the intensity or degree of an
action e.g definitely, surely, obviously,
• Interrogative Adverbs
• When w.h words(when, why, how there) are
used to ask question are called interrogative
• Relative Adverbs
• When w.h words are used between two
clauses e.g Do you know where she lives?
• They know why I left the job?
A word which is used before a noun and pronoun to
Show its relation with other things is called preposition.

They received a postcard from Ali telling

about his trip to Canada.

The preposition never stands alone!

object of
preposition object

You can press those leaves under glass.

Her telegram to Sana and Ahmad brought good news.

Some Common Prepositions

aboard behind from throughout

about below in to
above beneath into toward
across beside like under
after between of underneath
against beyond off until
along by on up
among down over upon
around during past with
at except since within
before for through without
The conjunction
A conjunction is a word that joins words
or groups of words.


The Interjection
is an exclamatory word that expresses

1. Sadness Alas! he has met an accident.

2. Happiness Hurrah! We have won our match
3. Wonder what a beautiful this house is!
4. Surprise How old this woman is!
5. Praise Bravo! you have done well.

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