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Name: Jodelle L.

Omang Course and Year: MTE

Subject: TE506


Title No. 1
Mobile Phone as Pedagogical tools: Are teachers ready?
Issham Ismail, Siti Norbaya Azizan & Nizuwan Azman
Date of Publication: January 23, 2013

Title No. 2
Using Mobile Phone application in teaching and learning process
Mohammed A Farrah, Ala' Khalid Abu-Dawood

Title No. 1

In Title no. 1 about the Mobile phone as Pedagogical tools: Are teachers ready?
The objective of this study is to examine the teachers perceptions on the
implementation of mobile learning via mobile phone can effectively be adopted as
teaching and learning tools for Malaysian mainstream schooling.

In this study also they were thirty-eight teachers teaching Information Technology
subject from various primary school in Penang, Malaysia. They were chosen because
they were teaching technical-related subjects which relates to the frequent use of IT
A self-administered quantitative questionnaire was administered to the respondents.
descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were
calculated to summarize the data. Crosstab and Chi-Square analysis was used to study
the age factors on mobile phone usage among the respondents. Other than that, Pearson
correlation was also used to study the relationship between respondents’ perception on
mobile learning with their mobile phone usage.

Therefore, the result of the study is that the adoption of mobile phone as pedagogical
tools is still far from beginning to take its first steps in teaching and learning process in
Malaysian schools. Not only teachers who are still skeptical and unprepared for mobile
learning, the use of mobile phone at Malaysian schools are also long being banned. It is
just recently that the Malaysian government has announced that, students shall no
longer be prohibited from bringing their mobile phone to school starting from the year
2013. It appears that this news might bring new hopes to school educational providers
and researchers who wish to adopt mobile phone as pedagogical tools in school. Though
it seems promising, a lot of things need to be considered in the first place, including the
teachers’ perception and acceptance of such educational changes. Their perceptions are
crucial since teachers’ willingness and preparedness to adopt with m-learning is one of
a critical success factor.
Title No. 2

In Title no. 2 about using Mobile phone applications in teaching and learning process
The objective of the study is to identify the benefits, difficulties, and resolutions of using
mobile phone applications.

As I observed in this study it employed a mix methods framework, which consists of
quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative data was collected through a
questionnaire and the qualitative data was collected through interviews with students
and instructors. in this study I observed that in order to validate the findings, they used
a triangulation technique to compare the findings obtained from the questionnaires
with those of the interview.

The participants in this study were university students and instructors. They were 33
(27 female, 6 male) at the English Department in Hebron University. They were enrolled
in the second semester of the academic year 2015-2016.
The questionnaire was used to show the effects and the availability of the mobile phone
applications. The questionnaire was developed by the researchers via using the
literature review which was conducted to determine the benefits of the mobile phone
applications, their difficulties, and the solutions. The first section of the questionnaire
was about the demographic data.
The items of the questionnaire were written according to two domains - the types of
applications used in the classroom and the effects of using mobile phone applications.
Likert scale was used in the questionnaire to indicate the degree of agreement and

Therefore, the findings of this study reveal that using mobile applications has solid
They assert that using mobile phone applications in teaching and learning provides
positive ideas and benefits that motivate students to learn and understand better.
The results obtained from the quantitative data and qualitative data indicate that using
mobile applications can help learners and educators to gather information, access
content, communicate, and collaborate. I observed also that the results showed that
most of the students used mobile phone applications because of easiness of accessibility
and flexibility which helped them in the teaching and the learning process.
Based on the results of the study, the researchers believe that using mobile applications
in teaching and learning process might have a noteworthy effect on the students’
academic progress.

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