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Science Module I

chemical identities. Thus the molecules significant.It indicates that measurement

in a mixture are already separated before must be accurately made up to the
a chemical reaction takes place. The rest nearest tenths (168.0). (a) has 3
involve chemical reactions: significant figures, decimals with all
nonzero digits are all significant. (c)
(B). breaking down of compounds into 0.0168 has only three significant figures
elements (the zeros before 168 only show where
the decimal point is). (d) 0.00168 also
eg.2HBO1, 2HBt,l * Or(u) has three significant figures.

(C). 58. c.3 electrons

combination of atoms of elements to
form a molecule Each orbital of an atom can hold up
A ;: two electrons only. This eliminates
eg.2Al1r1 *3Clr(r) ^ 2Alcl3(s) .u-choice (c) right away.
(D). reaction of a compound and an element 59. a. more protons than electrons
to form a new compound and a new
element An atom originally has equal number
of electrons and protons (d). Ions are
produced when these atoms lose or gain
eg.Fe(r) + CuSOol*; -Sr"so+(rq) * Cu(r) electrons. Atoms that have lost
electrons, and now have more protons
56. c. 5 600 years than electrons, has a net positive charge
and is called a positively-charged ion or
An interesting method of dating ancient more commonly known as cation.
organic objects is based on the fact that Negatively-charged ion (b) has more
the preserved object, if not too old, electrons than protons. (c) is not true
contains a measurable amount of for all atoms.
radioactive carbon-14. In spite of its
relatively short life of5 630 = 5 600 years, 60. a.
a small amount of carbon-14 is present in
The relationship between gas volume
the atmosphere (mainly as 'nCO, ). and temperature is stated by Charles'
Although it is continually decaying to Law. If the pressure does not change,
produce nitrogen, lac ir also continually the volume of a given mass of gas is
being produced by cosmic-rai activityr directly proportional to the absolute
temperature. The straight-line graph of
the temperature of a gas versus its
57. b. 168.0
volume shows that changes in these
168.0 has 4 significant figures since quantities are directly proportional to
zero after a decimal point is always each other.

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