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Airish Kim B.

Cali English
10- Velasquez Argumentative Essay

“Training for my Diploma”

Academics and athletics are the two main focuses of a student's life. However,
studies should be put ahead of extracurricular sports to create a potentially less
stressful environment for students. Academically, students need to work harder, and
sports can make that harder for them because it consumes more of their time and
keeps them busy. Their academic performance matters more because it is how they
can get high grades and achieve a more predictable future.

If we talk about succeeding in life, Elon Musk, a famous successful

millionaire, entrepreneur and business leader became successful by paying for his
own university education through a combination of scholarships, loans, and two part-
time jobs while studying. Everybody can achieve what Elon Musk has now. He
showed value for education than anything else. Not everyone in sports may have to
achieve their dream professions, but anyone who shows value in education may have
to end up as successful as the most successful in their future.

Sports can help you reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight. It
can teach us life skills and development in terms of leadership and being persistent.
On the other hand, sports can also cause our lack in engaging academically. It can
somehow lead us to neglect educational responsibilities and lose motivation to
succeed. Being good at sports does not secure your path to a successful life.

Academic weighs more value than sports. Sports can be a source of our
happiness and help us cope with stress, but valuing education more than anything else
can lead us to the path we are aiming for. Sports can be linked to success, but not
entirely. Think about your classmates who among them have sports and who you
think among them are academically successful and is gonna be successful in the
future with their dream jobs, cars, house and many more. Your predictions of who
among them would succeed may not apply to everyone who participates in sports.
Academics can put us more on the success path than sports because we can get jobs
easier if we have a diploma and enough knowledge to perform our jobs.

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