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Kurl Miguel D.

Anaya January
10, 2023

Addittional Activity: My New Year’s Resolution

As I’m entering the year 2023 I am reminding myself of what matters most in life and what
doesn’t. I was browsing photos of my family. Missing loved ones now gone forever. I am reminded
of how short life is. This 2023, I will strive each and every day to be a man my parents can be
proud of. To be a legend that my grandchildren someday will share stories about. To be my best
self. My finest self. I was inspired by some other men in this resolution. By examples of good men,
strong men, admirable men. And by men who fall sort of my definition of greatness.

I’m not a resolutions kind of person, more of a solutions kind of person. There are few things that I
have on my mind to concentrate this year.

Healthy eating habits: When I’m at home, almost everyone saying I am turning to skinny and I lost
my weight. And, I do have one very unhealthy habit: I skip my meal. I have been skipping dinner
since I do fasting. I’m eating my dinner when they have celebration or occasion with my family, if
not I simply skip. So, I decided to eat something in the dinner, even if it’s just fruits.

Social Media: I saw so many people taking resolutions about reducing the time spent on social

Procrastinating: I resolve to stop procrastinating and actually do the things I say I’m going to do.

Relationships: I resolve to be more present in my relationships and make more time for the people
I care about.

Productivity: I resolve to work on becoming more organized and finding ways to be more

Lastly, I hope to become a great person, someone who can genuinely be happy for and give
sincere congratulations on others’ achievements. It would be possible if I am happy and satisfied
with my life at this moment. If I have confidence in my own life, I wouldn’t compare myself to
others or get jealous. I hope to become a great person, someone who could accept and respect
others for who they are. I know that a truly great person always finds something to learn from
everyone. If such a person sees someone making a mistake, he would try and come up with a wise
way to help instead of criticizing. Hopefully, I become better version of myself than last year.

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