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- Assessment 1 is a portfolio (40%) that contains an introductory written summary

(1,000 words) and produce appendices comprising documentation required for the
various stages of the application process.
- Analyze how the initial activities have enabled you to evaluate gaps in your
knowledge based on the current requirements of your chosen industry. In addition,
you will be required to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, identifying how
well you currently meet person specifications.
- Identify your VIPS (What are your Values? What are your Interests? Describe your
Personality. Identify your best Skills.); What do you want? What do you like?
Where are you now? How do people see you?...
- Using Johari window, clarity 4D, big five trait model, DISC, MBTI (if can) to assess
- Listing your short term, medium term and long term goals
- Listing your soft and hard skills. What can you do to upskill yourself?
- Listing some company’s names that you want to work for. Where do you find them?
- Appendices include: Skills audit (using STAR method), Resume, Company
Analysis checklist

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