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Тема. Подорож.

Подорожування різними видами транспорту

Мета: практична: формувати лексичні навички учнів; розвивати уміння

школярів в читанні тексту про подорож; ознайомити з різними видами
подорожування, їхніми перевагами та недоліками; удосконалювати вміння
учнів у діалогічному мовленні; формувати вміння вести дискусію ; освітня:
розширити світогляд учнів щодо особливостей подорожування; розвивати
аналітичне мислення, грамотність у побудові запитань; виховна: виховувати
позитивне ставлення до подорожування та вивчення англійської мови;
виховувати всебічно розвинену особистість через отримання інформації.

Обладнання. Проектор, текст про подорож, роздавальний матеріал,

ілюстративний матеріал засобів пересування

Тип уроку. Засвоєння нових знань, формування навичок інформативного


Хід уроку

І. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Привітання. Бесіда з черговим.

(Т – Рs)

T. The bell has gone. Get ready for the lesson. Good afternoon boys and girls. I am
glad to see you. Sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What is
the weather like today? Why do you think so?

ІІ. Мотивація діяльності.

Повідомлення теми, мети уроку.

T. Today, we’ll do many interesting things. We shall speak about…

Look at this train. Solve the puzzle and you’ll understand everything. It is written
on the blackboard as a code. Each number refers to the number of the letter in the
alphabet. These pictures may also help you. They are connected with our today’s
topic. Who will be the first?

На дошці написаний код, кожна цифра відповідає номеру букви в алфавіті.

Код необхідно розшифрувати. Це слово і буде назвою сьогоднішньої теми.
Тематичні малюнки на дошці можуть також підказати це слово.

Учні розшифровують слово “Travelling”

T. I see you know the English alphabet, so our today’s topic is “Travelling”.

By the end of the lesson you will be able:

 To recognize, understand and use the new words, word - combinations,

when reading the text;
 To exchange information on the basis of the text and a given situation.
 To ask and answer the questions about travelling to show your ability of
operating the lexical materials from the topic of the lesson. And you will
Why do people travel?
Why is it interesting to travel?

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку

Фонетична вправа. Робота над прислів’ям.

T. Now we shall start phonetic drills. Look at the blackboard. Here is the proverb
that connected with our topic:
He that travels – far knows much. (Хто багато подорожує – багато знає)

I think these words can be the motto of our lesson.


Мовленнєва вправа «Мозковий штурм»

T. Why do people travel? (учні відповідають з використанням розмовних фраз)

 I think…
 It seems to me…
 In my opinion…
 To my mind…
 They want to visit new countries.
 I think they like to rest in different countries.
 People travel on business.
 They like to receive new impressions.
 People have money and time.

Mind Map

T. What do you think when you hear the word “travelling”? Write down the words
for this topic.

Діти записують в словниках слова, які використовуватимуться на уроці.

 An advantage – перевага
 A disadvantage – невигода
 A railway station – залізнична станція
 An airport – аеропорт
 A vacation – відпустка
 A view – вид
 To arrange – замовляти
 To discover – відкривати
 To go on a trip – здійснювати поїздку (подорож)


T. Read the text and answer the questions under the text. (Ex.1, p.80)

T. Look at the board. There are halves of the proverbs which are jumbled there.
Make up proverbs. Then read the following texts and fill in them with a proper

1) There is no place a) do as Romans do

2) Home is where b) home is best
3) When in Rome, c) like home
4) East or West d) the heart is
Keys : 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b.

T. Read the following texts and fill in them with a proper proverb.

Text A

Many people travel nowadays. They go to the railway station, the port or the
airport in this country or abroad, buy tickets and go to any place they want. They
see many places of interest, meet new people. But they always remember their
home, the place where their family and friends live. Only at home a person can feel
comfortable and safe. That’s why people say, “…”

Text B

Travelling is very popular nowadays. People can travel to lots of places, meet lots
of different people from different countries. They can travel by plane, by train, by
ship, by bus and by car. But it is important to like the place you live in, to have real
friends there. So, if a person likes everything with all his/her heart, it is his/her
home. So, they say, “…”
Keys: A 4, B 2

T. In each of the sentences below, underline the detail that is not mentioned in the

1. But they always remember their home, the place where their family, dearest and
friends live.

2. People can travel to lots meet lots of different people from different countries
and continents.

Keys: 1 dearest; 2 continents.


T. Look through the picture and read the story. After that talk about the Hood’s trip



T. Make up the questions and answer them.

1. Which/ fast/travelling?

a) by train b) by bus c) by plane

2. Where/ the Eiffel Tower?

a) in London b) in Paris c) in New York

3. How many/ continents/ world?

a) five b) four c) six

4. Which/ slow/ travelling?

a) by bicycle b) by ship c) on foot

5. What / expensive/ travelling?

a) by ship b) by car c) by plane

Keys: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5c


T. Let’s listen to the poem.

We go by car and we go by train.

We go by boat and we go by plane.

We go by land and sea and air,

We go, go, go from here to there

T. Fill in the gaps with the proper words.

We go by ______and we go by _______.

We go by _______and we go by ______.

We go by _______ and________ and ________,

We go, go, go from ______ to ________.

ІV. Підбиття підсумків уроку

T. Thank you very much for your active work.

At home write exercise 4 on page 81.

I hope our lesson was very interesting.

The bell has gone. Stand up. The lesson is over. Good – bye.

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