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학습지원 카페 - http://cafe.daum.



장수용 선생님 제공

1. p 32 상단의 check-up Box 보충

✓ reason의 보어로서 because절은 위치하지 못한다.

reason의 보어로서 because 절을 위시한 ‘why 절, owing to, on account of,

due to’ 등은 위치하지 못하며, that 절 보어가 위치할 수 있다.

The reason (why) I like her is that she is able and honest.
The reason (why) I like her is because she is able and honest. (×)
The reason (why) I like her is why she is able and honest. (×)
* It/ That/ This is because we are full of hope.

2. p 35 Link Index 2-31B

✓ 부사절의 위치
종속접속사가 이끄는 부사절의 위치는 ‘주절보다 먼저 앞’, ‘주절보다 뒤’, ‘주절의
중간에 삽입’되므로, 그 위치는 자유롭다. 단, 결과의 'so ~ that' 구문에서 that
절 이하는 주절 뒤에 위치하게 된다.
When she finally managed to go to sleep, Ann had a series of bad dreams.
Ann, when she finally managed to go to sleep, had a series of bad dreams.
Ann had a series of bad dreams, when she finally managed to go to sleep.
Ann이 마침내 잠이 들었을 때, 악몽에 시달렸다.
학습지원 카페 -

3. p 39 Link Index 2-36(B) 보충

✓ 확신·감정의 형용사 뒤에 이어지는 that 절

afraid, anxious, disappointed, fearful, glad, pleased, satisfied, sorry,
surprised, assured, certain, convinced, sure 뒤에는 that 절이 위치할 수 있
I am sure that John is too honest a man to tell a lie.
나는 John이 너무나 정직한 사람이어서 거짓말을 하지 않으리라 확신한다.
I'm happy that you are getting married.
당신이 결혼하게 되어 기쁩니다.

4. p 41 Link Index 2-39 보충

✓ whether · if 의 동격과 to 부정사와의 결합 여부

whether는 선행사와 동격도 가능하고 to 부정사와 결합도 가능하지만, if는 그렇

지 못하다.

The question whether he will present us is not certain.

The question if he will present us is not certain. (×)
그가 우리의 대표를 맡게 될 것이지는 아직도 분명하지 않다.
He is always hesitating whether to do anything.
= He is always hesitating whether he does anything.
그는 무언가를 해야 할지 언제나 망설인다.
학습지원 카페 -

5. p 56 Link Index 3-1

✓ 접속부사의 위치 [성균관대 쟁점]

대부분의 접속부사는 ‘문두, 문중, 문미’ 모두에 자유롭게 위치할 수 있지만,
though는 ‘문중, 문미’에만 위치할 수 있음이 특징이다. 즉, 문두에 접속부사로서
though가 위치하면 틀린다.
· However, this disease is not easy to read. [문두]
This disease, however, is not easy to read. [문중]
This disease is not easy to read, however. [문미]
· George said one nice thing, though. [문미]
George, though, said one nice thing, [문중]
Though, George said one nice thing. (×)

✓ in contrast vs. on the contrary [서강대 2007 쟁점]

· in contrast는 ‘차이점에 대한 설명’으로서 영영식 해설을 덧붙이자면,
‘to talk about the difference between the things, situations, people etc
that you are comparing’으로서, ‘비교/ 대조’에 쓰이게 된다.
· 반면, on the contrary는 ‘앞서 나온 내용에 대한 강한 반박’으로서 영영식 해
설을 덧붙이자면, ‘to show that you strongly disagree with a previous
statement and believe that the opposite is true'의 구분이 되겠다.
· It is widely believed that housing in Boston is affordable; ___________,
one-bedroom apartments can cost up to $2.000 a month.
① in contrast          ② on the contrary
학습지원 카페 -

6. p 105 Link Index 5-1 보충

✓ 추가 표현 정리
· subscribe to ~에 동의하다
· amount to 총합이 ~가 되다
· cooperate with 협력하다
· lag behind 뒤처지다
· fit in with ~과 조화가 되다
· respond to 동의하다 * respond that S+V
· correspond with · to 서신 왕래를 하다, (구조·기능·양 등이) 같다, 상당하다
· retire from ~에서 은퇴하다 * respired 은퇴한
· sympathize with 공감하다, 동정하다
· lapse (시간이) 경과하다
· preside at · over 의장 역을 맡다
· vanish 사라지다(disappear) appear 나타나다(emerge) happen 발생하다
(arise = take place)
· dispense with ~없이 지내다
· originate in ~에 기원을 두다

7. p 113 Link Index 5-18A

✓ that 절을 목적어로 취할 수 있는 동사
· 인식류 동사들인 ‘think, feel, find, guess, know, suppose, believe, prove’동
사들은 that 절을 목적어로 취할 수 있다. 수동태 전환 시 형태에 대해 각별히 조
심할 것 [7-2]참조
· ‘제안, 주장, 명령, 충고, 요구’를 가리키는 동사들인 ‘demand, insist, suggest,
move, order, recommend, require, urge’ 등도 that 절을 목적어로 취할 수 있
다. [12-4~6] 참조
· I think that you're being unfair.
· Some of the parents felt (that) the school wasn't doing enough about bullying.
· They insisted that everyone (should) come to the party.

✓ that 절을 목적어로 취할 수 없는 동사

· want, would like 동사는 that 절을 목적어로 취할 수 없다.

· I want that you will find out what they're planning. (×)
· I want you to find out what they're planning.
학습지원 카페 -

8. p 114 Link Index 5-20~23 보충

✓ 추가 표현 정리
· emphasize = lay/ place/ put emphasis on
· influence = have/ exert influence on/ over
· marry = be married to = get married to
· leave = depart from (출발점에서) 떠나다
· leave for = depart for = head for = make for (도착지로) 떠나다
· inhabit = live in = reside in = dwell in
· face = confront = be faced with/ by = be confronted with/ by
· hoist (무거운 것을) 천천히 감아올리다, 들어서 나르다
· represent ~을 대표하다
· bribe 뇌물을 주다
· He married Bea in 1925. = He was married to Bea in 1925
= He got married to Bea in 1925.
· The Council influenced many government decisions.
= The Council had influence on/ over many government decisions.
· I faced the awful job = I was faced with/ by the awful job
= I confronted the awful job. = I was confronted with/ by the awful job.
· Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.

9. p 116 Link Index 5-28(B) 보충

✓ 부가, 전가의 동사 S+V+O+to 명사

accredit, add, ascribe, attribute, impute, owe, refer, submit

· The author attributed her success to her fans.

· My wife impute her success to good luck.

✓ 칭찬, 치하의 동사 S+V+O+(up)on 명사

compliment, congratulate, impose, inflict

· He inflicted a blow on me.

학습지원 카페 -

10. p 117 Link Index 5-29 보충

✓ 2005~2007 기출 표현 추가 정리
· content oneself with = be contented with ~에 만족하다
· apply oneself to = be applied to ~에 전념하다, ~에 종사하다
· addict oneself to = be addicted to ~에 열중하다
· leave oneself to one's own devices = be left to one's own devices
멋대로 굴다
· Mr Lal contented himself with a minor managerial post.
= Mr Lal was contented with a minor managerial post.
Mr Lal contented with a minor managerial post. (×)
학습지원 카페 -

11. p 124 Link Index 5-46/ 7-6 보충

✓ 형용사나 명사를 목적보어로 취하는 경우

· call, make, have, leave, name, create, render, keep
* 이들 동사의 목적격 보어 자리에 부사가 위치하면 틀리는 점에 각별히 조심!

· The use of computers has made it possible for more people to work from home.
· God creates men equal.
· The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious.
· Are you calling me a liar?
· All men are created equal
· The accident rendered him unconscious.
· You won't be able to keep it secret for ever.

✓ 준 목적격 보어
· capture, eat, paint, drink strike
* 목적어의 상태, 결과를 나타내며, 형용사 형태를 쓰게 되므로, 부사가 위치하면

· We painted the door (in) blue.

· She struck him blind.
학습지원 카페 -

12. p Link Index 5-43 보충

✓ consider vs. think vs. feel vs. see vs. count

1. consider
· I seriously considered resigning.
· They now consider a further increase in interest rates (as/ to be) unlikely.
= A further increase in interest rates is now considered unlikely.

2. think
· You may think of this as your home.
= You may think this (to be) your home.
= This may be thought of as your home.
= This may be thought to be your home.

3. feel
· You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.
· She felt his arms go/ going round her.
· She felt it (to be, being) her duty to tell the police. [성균관대 쟁점]

4. see
I saw him walk/ walking at the corner.
I just can't see her as a ballet dancer.

5. count
This matter doesn't count.
Don't count on me.
I don't count him as a friend anymore.
= He is not counted as a friend anymore.
학습지원 카페 -

13. p 134 Link Index 5-64 보충

✓ ask
· ask + 간·목 + 진·목 * ask you a favor = ask a favor of you
· ask (+ 간·목) + whether/ if S+V vs. ask that S+(should) R
· ask to R
· ask A to R
· ask for/ about

· Can I ask you a favor?

= Could I ask a favor of you?
· Ask (your mom) whether/ if you can come with us.
· Karen asked to see the doctor.
· Ask John to mail those letters tomorrow.
· I ask that he (should) be allowed some privacy

14. p 135 Link Index 5-66 B

✓ remember(기억하다) vs. remind (상기시키다, 기억나게 하다)

1. remind
· remind A of B * A is reminded of B
· remind A that S+V * A is reminded that S+V
· remind A to R * A is reminded to R
2. remember
· remember ~ing(과거)/ to R (미래)
· remember that S+V
· remember A ~ing

· That reminds me of a joke = I am reminded of a joke (by that).

= I remember a joke.
· Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to see.
= Her son was reminded (by Mrs Welland) that they still had several people to
· You should remind me to buy some milk tonight.
= I should be reminded to buy some milk tonight.
· I remember seeing her then.
· It's often hard to remember to take vitamin pills.
· We remember that no illustration is exact
· I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.
= I can still vividly remember that my grandfather taught me to play cards.
학습지원 카페 -

15. p 72 Link Index 4-13 B 추가 예문

· This is an English book but I've never met its author.

= This is an English book whose author I've never met.

= This is an English book of which the author I've never met.

· He was made the umpire of the game and he was ignorant of its rule.

= He was made the umpire of the game whose rule he was ignorant of.

= He was made the umpire of the game of which the rule he was ignorant of.

= He was made the umpire of the game the rule of which he was ignorant of.

16. p 82 Link Index 4-32 (1) 계속적 용법의 추가 예문

· She spoke to me in Chinese, but I couldn't understand the language.

= She spoke to me in Chinese, which language I couldn't understand.

학습지원 카페 -

17. *** 관계사의 이중 제한 ***

․ Is there anything (that) you want that you don't have?

․ He is the best man (that) I can find who can help you out.
․ There is no one (that) I know of, who deserves to love you.

18. *** 복합관계대명사***

Ⅰ. whoever [4-34]
1. 명사절
․ I may give this ring to whoever loves you.
= I may give this ring to anyone who loves you.
* I may give this ring to whoever I think loves you.

2. 부사절
․ Whoever she may be, I can't believe her.
= No matter who she may be, I can't believe her.

Ⅱ. whomever [4-35]
1. 명사절
․ Whomever you like may be invited to this party.
= Anyone whom you like may be invited to this party.

2. 부사절
․ Whomever you ask, you won't be able to get the answer to the difficult question.
= No matter whom you ask, you won't be able to get the answer to the difficult question.
․ Whomever you may speak to, you must always be polite.
= No matter whom you may speak to, you must always be polite.

Ⅲ. whichever [4-36]
1. 명사절
․ Whichever you like shall be yours.
= Anything that you like shall be yours.
* Whichever of these books you like shall be yours.

2. 부사절
․ Whichever wins or loses, it matters not to me.
= No matter which wins or loses, it matters not to me.
․ Whichever you may choose, you won't regret it.
= No matter which you may choose, you won't regret it.
학습지원 카페 -

Ⅳ. whatever [4-36]
1. 명사절
․ Whatever is done skillfully by others appears to be done with easy.
= Anything that is done skillfully by others appears to be done with easy.

2. 부사절
․ Whatever is in your hand, it must be preserved precious.
= No matter what is in your hand, it must be preserved precious.
․ Whatever we seek for, we find it in ourselves in the long run.
= No matter what we seek for, we find it in ourselves in the long run.

Ⅴ. whosever [4-37]
1. 명사절
․ Whosever horse comes in first wins the prize.
= Anyone whose horse comes in first wins the prize.

2. 부사절
․ Whosever computer it may be, it must be carefully handled.
= No matter whose computer it may be, it must be carefully handled.

*** 복합관계형용사***
Ⅲ. whichever [제한된 선택] [4-38]
1. 명사절
․ Whichever book is worth reading must be read ten times.
= Any (one) of the books that is worth reading must be read ten times.

2. 부사절
․ Whichever side wins, I will admire all the players.
= No matter which side wins, I will admire all the players.
․ Whichever shortcut she may take, it will lead to the airport.
= No matter which shortcut she may take, it will lead to the airport.

Ⅳ. whatever [막연한 범위] [4-39]

1. 명사절
․ Whatever promise was made by him was kept without fail.
= Any promise that was made by him was kept without fail.
2. 부사절
․ Whatever failure depresses you, you must not lose your core.
= No matter what failure depresses you, you must not lose your core.
학습지원 카페 -

19. p 168 Link Index 6-26/ 27 보충

✓ 그러나 왕래발착 동사에만 쓰이는 것이 아니라 이하의 문장처럼 광범위하게 쓰인다.

· My friend is getting married next month.
= My friend will get married next month.

20. p 169 Link Index 6-28 B

✓ 예외 보충
1. have가 소유가 아닌 ‘먹다’, ‘시간을 보내다’, '경험하다‘는 뜻으로 쓰이면 진행
형이 가능하다.
2. 감각 동사들 중에서 ‘feel’이 ‘더듬다’, ‘taste’가 ‘맛을 보다’, ‘smell’이 ‘냄새를
맡다’는 뜻으로 쓰이면 진행형이 가능하다.
3. see, think (타동사)는 진행형이 되지 않지만, ‘look at, watch, think of(자동
사), consider’는 진행형이 가능하다.

· My friends are having a good time.

· Why is she smelling the milk? Does it smell sour?
왜 그녀가 우유의 냄새를 맡고 있니? 상한 냄새가 나니?
· We were watching his shadow.

✓ 일시적 상태를 강조하면 상태 동사들도 진행형이 가능하다.

· Mary is resembling her mother. (×)
· Mary is resembling her mother more and more. [일시적 상태 강조]
· He is lacking intelligence. (×)
· He is lacking in intelligence. ['~이 부족한‘의 뜻을 가진 ’lacking in']
· I am seeing the sights of New York. [‘보다’가 아닌 ‘관광하다’의 뜻]
· This watch is belonging to me. (×)
· This watch belonging to him will be mine. [현재분사 구문]
학습지원 카페 -

21. p 185 Link Index 7-2 추가 예문

✓ 목적어가 that 절인 수동태 추가 예문

· They think that Bin Laden attacked America in 2002.
= It is thought that Bin Laden attacked America in 2002.
= Bin Laden is thought to have attacked America in 2002.
Bin Laden is thought that he attacked America in 2002. (×)
It is thought to have attacked America in 2002. (×)

· They say that he was a spy during the war.

= ___________ that he was a spy during the war.
= ___________ to have been a spy during the war.

22. p 186~187 추가 예문

be given = receive / be taught = learn / be told = hear

· The orchestra and their conductor were given a standing ovation at the end
of the concert.
· I was taught to drive by my brother.
· We were told that we had to work 48 hours.
· As Einstein was asked why he rose, he answered, "I feel weary."
학습지원 카페 -

23. p 209 Link Index 8-1

✓ 주의해야 될 promise 동사

· promise 동사는 4형식 구문에서 직접 목적어에 to 부정사를 위치시킬 수 있다.

· Jane promised to study hard. [3형식]

= Jane promised that she would study hard.
· I promised him to see her again. [4형식]
= I promised that I would see him again to Mr. Kim.
= I gave the promise to him, and it was I who would see her again.
· She promised me that she would do it. [4형식]

24. p 209 Link Index 8-3 B

✓ 의문사+to 부정사 보충예문

· A good golfer carefully chooses which club he will use. [의문형용사]
= A good golfer carefully chooses which club to use.
· I don't know what clothes I should take. [의문형용사]
= I don't know what clothes to take.
· The choice of where we should build the nest is important. [의문부사]
= The choice of where to build the nest is important.
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25. p 211 Link Index 8-5

✓ 부정사의 한정적 용법
1. 수식을 받는 명사가 to 부정사의 의미상의 주어가 되는 경우
(1) 명사+to 부정사(타동사)+목적어
We need the man to assist us.

(2) 명사+,to 부정사(자동사)+전치사+목적어

The man has no friend to correspond with him.

(3) the first/ second/ last/ next/ only +명사+to 부정사

He is the first man to be left unconscious.

2. 수식을 받는 명사가 to 부정사의 목적어가 되는 경우

(1) 명사+to 부정사(자동사)+전치사
There is a bench to sit on
Amount of the money is enough to live on.
He had no friend to talk about the matter with.

(2) 명사+to 부정사(타동사)

He has lots of books to read.
He bought a book to give Alice.

(3) 명사+to 부정사(타동사)+목적어+전치사

I have no basket to carry these bananas in.
He told me his address, but I could find no pen to write the address with.

26. p 211 Link Index 8-7

✓ '전치사+관계대명사+to R' 구문의 의미상의 주어는 일반인이어도 상관없다.

단, 별도의 의미상의 주어가 to R 앞에 위치할 수 없다.
· City parks were a tranquil spot in which we could unwind.
= City parks were a tranquil spot in which to unwind.
City parks were a tranquil spot in which for us to unwind. (×)
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27. p 220 Link Index 8-23 B

✓ 수동의미의 능동형 부정사

‘~의 원인이 되다, ~ 때문에 비난받다’는 ‘to be blamed’와 ‘세놓다’는 ‘to let’은
자체 능동 형태만 가지고도 수동의 의미를 전달한다.

· He is to blame for the accident. [=to be blamed]

· This house is to let. [=to be let]

28. p 223 Link Index 8-23 B

✓ 부정사의 관용 표현 보충 [9-32~41 비교]

· not too A to R ~할 수 없을 만큼 A하지는 않다 [결과가 아니라 정도]
· know better than to R ~할 만큼 어리석지 않다
· be entitled to R ~할 자격이 있다
· be available to R
· be likely to R
· I was not too busy to read your column.
= I was not so busy that I could not read your column.
당신의 칼럼을 읽을 수 없을 만큼 그 정도로 바쁘지는 않았다.
· He knows better than to be negligent of his daily duty.
= He is not so foolish as to be negligent of his daily duty.
그는 자신의 일상의 업무에 태만할 만큼 어리석지는 않다.
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29. p 240 Link Index 9-5 보충

✓ 동명사 시제의 원칙
단순 동명사는 문장의 동사 시제와 같은 때를 가리키는 것이 원칙이다. 반면, 문장
의 동사보다 이전 시제를 가리키면 ‘having pp’형태를 취하게 된다.
1. 단순 동명사 (기준시제와 같은 경우)
· I'm sure that he is a teacher now.
= I'm sure of his being a teacher now.
· I was sure that he was a teacher ten years ago.
= I was sure of his being a teacher ten years ago.
* I'm sure of his being a teacher next year.
= I'm sure that he will be a teacher next year.

2. 완료형 동명사 (기준시제보다 이전의 시제의 경우)

· I'm sure that he was a teacher ten years ago.
= I'm sure of his having been a teacher ten years ago.
· I'm sure that he has been a teacher since then.
= I'm sure of his having been a teacher since then.
· I was sure that he had been a teacher.
= I was sure of his having been a teacher.

✓ 단순동명사로 완료 동명사를 대신하는 경우

· forget, remember, regret 동사는 단순 동명사인 ing 형태만으로 ‘이전 시제’를
가리킬 수 있다.
· 그러나 ‘~ago, yesterday, last year’와 같은 명백한 과거시제 통제부사가 나올
경우에는 완료형 동명사를 써야 하는 것이 원칙이다.
· 그렇다 하더라도 현대영어에서는 저들 동사의 동명사 형태는 명백한 과거 표현
을 단순동명사로 쓰는 것이 일반적이다.
· I remember meeting him two years ago.
= I remember having met him two years ago.
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30. p 252 Link Index 9-43 보충

✓ 그러나 이미 존재하고 발생한 일은 동명사를 목적어로 취한다.

· Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes living there.
= He lives there and he likes it.
· Do you like being a student?
= You are a student - do you like it?
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31. p 399 보충

✓ 명사구의 부사 역할
‘전치사+시간/ 무게/ 거리/ 방법’의 부사구에서는 전치사가 생략이 되고, 명사만
으로 부사 역할이 가능하다.
· I have lived here for five years.
= I have lived here five years.
· On the following day he suddenly came here.
= The following day he suddenly came here.

32. p 422 Link Index 16-3 보충

✓ 배수 표현 전환방법
· deep - depth · heavy - weight · high - height
· large/ big - size · long - length · wide - width
· This red box is three times the size of that red one.
= This red box is three times as large as that red one.
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33. p 433 Link Index 16-17 보충

✓ the 비교급, the 비교급

1. the+형용사의 비교급이 나왔을 때
이하의 동사는 불완전 자동사가 나와야 하며, 형용사 보어가 누락되어 있어야 한
다. 만일 be 동사라면 흔히 생략이 된다.
· The stronger the force (is), the greater the number of lines (is).

2. the+형용사+명사의 비교급이 나왔을 때

타동사의 목적어 또는 전치사의 목적어가 비어 있어야 한다.
· The thicker a mammal's skin (is), the less hair it has.

3. the+부사의 비교급이 나왔을 때

이하에는 완전한 문장이 위치한다.
· The more we looked at the abstract paintings, the more we liked it.

34. p 465 link index 17-17 보충

✓ 복합명사의 수

· 원칙
복합명사는 ‘용도, 재료, 장소, 시간 등’을 나타내는 명사가 뒤의 명사를 형용사처
럼 수식하는 경우, 앞의 명사는 단수를 취하며, 복수취급할 때에는 뒤의 명사를 복
[ex] a conference room, tennis shoes, a car window, blood types,
* five billion years

· 예외
단, 예외적으로 앞의 명사를 복수형태로 취하는 관용적인 경우도 있다.
[ex] arms control (군비통제), goods train (화물열차) animal rights groups
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35. p 470 link index 17-25 보충

✓ of 이하의 소유격은 특정되어야 한다.

· a car of a dentist's (X)
of 뒤에 특정한 사람이 필요하므로, the dentist's가 옳다.
· a tire of the car's (X)
이중 소유격의 경우 of 이하에 사물은 위치할 수 없다.

36. p 558 Link Index 20/ 18-19 보충

✓ only · not until 도치 구문

only는 ‘only+시간, only+when, only+after, only+in, only+by’ 등의 전치사구
가 문두로 위치할 경우에 유의한다. 또한 'not until' 구문이 문두로 위치했을 경우
에도 각별히 조심한다.
· Only then did I understand what she meant.
= I only then understood what she meant.

· Only after they are tanned can animal skin become resistant to decomposition.
= Animal skin can become resistant to decomposition only after they are

· I didn't learn Chinese until I came to Korea.

= Not until I came to Korea did I learn Chinese.
= It was not until I came to Korea that I learned Chinese.
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37. p 558 Link Index 20-23 보충

✓ 장소 · 방향의 부사어구가 문두로 위치했을 경우

동사가 자동사이거나 be 동사인 경우에만 '동사+주어‘의 어순으로 도치시킨다.

· The teacher walked at the corner.

= At the corner walked the teacher.
동사 주어
· Several notebooks were on the desk.
= On the desk were several notebooks.
동사 주어
· An enormous frog sat on the grass.
= On the grass sat an enormous frog.
동사 주어
· She seemed to walk at the corner .
= At the corner she seemed to walk.
주어 동사
⇨ seemed라는 동사는 ‘2형식 불완전 자동사’이므로 도치가 발생하지 않은 것이다.

✓ 'among+명사'+V+S

'among+명사'가 문두로 위치하면, 일반명사가 주어일 경우 도치가 발생한다.

· Among the things we shouldn't do is laziness.

= Laziness is among the things we shouldn't do.
Among the things we shouldn't do are laziness. (×)
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38. p 564 Link Index 20-44B

✓ 주절의 주어가 ‘nobody, somebody, everybody'인 부가의문문

원칙적으로 nobody, somebody, everybody는 동사와 대명사의 수는 단수 취급
하는 것이 원칙이다. 그러나 주절의 주어가 ‘nobody, somebody, everybody’인
경우, 그 부가의문문의 주어는 they가 옳다. [성균관대 쟁점]

· Nobody knows it, does he? (×)

· Nobody knows it, do they?
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39. p 566 Ⅶ. 생략

✓ 생략
1. 부사절의 주어와 be 동사의 생략

부사절과 주절의 주어가 같고 부사절 안의 동사가 be 동사라면 생략이 가능하다.

· A number of machines are dangerous if they are mishandled.

= A number of machines are dangerous if mishandled.

2. 반복의 생략
앞서 나온 일반동사를 ‘do’ 동사로 대신하고, 앞서 나온 ‘조동사+일반동사’는 ‘조동
사’로 대신하며, ‘be 동사+형용사/ pp/ ~ing’는 ‘be’동사만으로 대신할 수 있으
며, ‘have+pp’는 ‘have’만으로 대신할 수 있다. 또한 ‘앞서 나온 동사’가 ‘to 부정
사’의 ‘부정사’로 위치한다면 ‘to’만으로 쓰일 수 있다. ‘비교구문’의 종속절에서도
‘비교대상이 아닌 공통 내용’은 생략될 수 있다. 또한 ‘have(소유하다)’동사의 목적
어도 반복이 될 때에는 생략이 가능하다. 등위 접속사에 의해서 반복되는 문법적
기능들의 생략도 마찬가지이다.

· He gives the receipts, and I do, too.

= He gives the receipts, and I give the receipts, too.

· I haven't paid. He hasn't.

= I haven't paid. He hasn't paid.

· I was planning to go to Paris next week, but I can't.

= I was planning to go to Paris next week, but I can't go.

· Come tomorrow if you want to.

= Come tomorrow if you want to come.

· I found more blackberrie than you.

= I found more blackberrie than you found.

· We drove, rode, flew and walked across America.

= We drove across America, rode across America, flew across America and
walked across America.

· I thought she was angry, and she was.

= I thought she was angry, and she was angry.

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