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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the results of the interview altogether with the informants. The

different ideas, views, and insights of the informants in collecting and analyzing the lived

experiences that they encountered about the Seasonal Fisheries Closure.

The lived experiences of the informants were classified upon dealing with the

implementation of the Seasonal Fisheries Closure. Considering that being local fisherfolks they

need to accept and adapt to the implementation of the law, informants consider their ways and

means how to overcome such challenges they encountered, as they need to work and strive for

their families.

Moreover, their lived experiences and challenges along the way taught them to accept

and adapt to continue fishing and provide for the basic needs of their family. The development

of technology has significantly aided marketers in their efforts to overcome life's obstacles and

has emerged as their primary ally.

Therefore, catching fish is crucial to the success of fisheries. Meeting their families'

needs requires commitment and tenacity. Because of law enforcement, the government passed

legislation to establish and provide programs to assist migrant workers in meeting their family’s

needs. Because everything is unpredictable and some local fishermen are not yet prepared for

this, they must trust what the Seasonal Fisheries Closure offers them.

Name of
No. of Educational Name of
respondents Gender Age Status Nationality Religion
children level Purok
Person Male 39 Married 3 Elementary Prk. 3 Filipino Christian
1 years Graduate Nukos
Person Male 31 Married 1 College Prk. 3 Filipino Christian
2 years Level Nukos
Person Male 70 Married 7 Elementary Prk. Bangsi Filipino Catholic
3 years level
Person Male 23 Single High School Prk. 3 Filipino Christian
4 years Graduate Nukos
Person Male 34 Married 2 Tesda Prk. 3 Filipino Catholic
5 years Nukos
Person Male 58 Married 2 High School Prk. 2 Filipino Catholic
6 years Graduate
Person Male 43 Married 0 Elementary Prk. 3 Filipino Islam
7 years
Person Male 64 Married 2 Elementary Prk. 1 Filipino Islam
8 years
Person Male 59 Married 6 High School Prk. 1 Filipino Christian
9 years Graduate
Person Male 74 Married 8 Elementary Prk. 3 Filipino Baptist
10 years
Person Male 54 Married 3 Elementary Prk. 11 Filipino Faith
11 years
Person Male 54 Married 5 Elementary Prk. 11 Filipino Islam
12 years
Person Male 45 Married 2 Elementary Prk. 9 Filipino Islam
13 years
Person Male 66 Single 0 Elementary Prk. 9 Filipino Islam
14 years
Person Male Widow 2 Elementary Prk. 11 Filipino Faith

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