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Student: Harvey Joshua A.

Program: PED112(research 1)
Course: BPED-3
Directions: Read the following questions carefully. For online submission, submit
your answers HERE in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Deadline for activity
submission is on the 2nd week of September.

1. What are the three approaches of Ethics in research?

 Deontology
 Ethical skepticism
 utilitarianism
2. Who is considered as stakeholders of research?
Participants/ respondents, researcher, funding body

3. What are the three ethical principles of research?

 Justice
 Respect
 beneficence

4. What are two ethical issues observed for those who fund the research study?
 Restriction
 Data Misuse

5. What do you call the most important document that maintains beneficence in
The researcher to do no harm by ensuring the potential risks to person not outweigh
potential benefits to the individual.

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