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Bucket of Lard 200PO

Potion, common

A large metal bucket full of solidified grease and fat. When you ingest this item, you have your
movement reduced by half for 1d4 hours and gain 5d6 temporary hit points.

Disease Charm 100PO

Wondrous item, common (minor)

The shrunken head of a Hamlet local, which reeks of protective incense.

The next time you would suffer from a non-magical disease on next 24H, it is prevented, and this
item crumbles to dust.

Ember Seed 50PO

Wondrous item, common
One of these rare, bright orange seeds is imbued with incinerate chemicals that ignite when pierced
or smashed. This makes them them dangerous, magical ammunition when used in a,sling. When
using a ember seed as ammunition, the attack inflicts fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
The hit target must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be ignited. Any creature
with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeeds on this save. An ignited creature
takes 1d6 fire damage at the end of each of its turns, but it can use its action to end this condition.
An ember seed is destroyed after it hits a creature.

Everfull Inkwell 100PO

Wondrous item, common

This inkwell never runs out of ink nor can it spill ink.

Goodberry Potion 10PO

Potion, common

When you drink this potion, you gain the benefits of the goodberry spell. This potion's purple
liquid looks and smells a bit like grapes. When you drink this potion, you restores 1 hit point, and
the potion provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.
Hair Cream of Wondrous Style 80PO
Wondrous item, Common (minor)

A strange metal tin containing a thick whitish cream, with odd brightly coloured arcane symbols on
the front. A creature with hair on their head may use the cream once a day to make themselves
appear more cool and sexy, giving them a +1 to any charisma checks This takes 5 minutes and the
effect lasts until you take a long rest. However, any time you take fire damage while using the
cream, roll a D20. On a roll of 1, the cream ignites and you take a further 2d6 fire damage and have
a -1 to all charisma checks for the next d4+1 days while your hair instant regrows, and cannot use
the cream again until then.

Instant Comfort 50GP

Potion, common

The instant comfort potion is a fast-acting relaxation potion that clears the mind. The potion is a
white, murky looking liquid that tastes like sweet, frothy, candy.
After you drink the potion, you have advantage on your next Constitution checks made to maintain
concentration on a spell. Some people get addicted to it.

Savior's Bandage 10PO

Wondrous item, common

When placed on a dying creature, that creature gains one hit point. A creature can only benefit from
one of these once per long rest. After being used on a creature, the bandage becomes inert.

Witch's Fire 100PO

Wondrous item, common

A candle, lamp, or lantern that produces a flame in any color the owner wishes. The fire cannot be
put out by water, but strong winds caused by spells can extinguish the flame. The holder can light
or extinguish the flame as an action.
Chiclete do Red 500PO
Potion, common

Descrição: Uma caixinha tem 2 chicletes vermelhos dentro, eles tem um sabor similar ao chá de
Red. Uma criatura pode começar a mascar um chiclete como uma ação bonus para conjurar
dragon's breath em si mesma (quebra de concentração faz ela cuspir/engolir o chiclete), o elemento
pra essa conjuração sempre é fogo.

Frasco do Alquimista 400PO

Wondrous item, common 1lb

Descrição: Esse frasco geralmente feito de esmeralda ou jade é quente ao toque mesmo que vazio.
Criado por antigos alquimistas de terras distantes, eles tinham como objetivo potencializar suas
poções. O frasco pode comportar uma poção de cura de qualquer tipo, uma poção bebida neste
frasco se torna mais potente, restaurando 1d4 pontos de vida a mais. Colocar uma poção no frasco
requer um minuto de transposição cuidadosa.


A tangler grenade is an alchemical, nonmagical item with an ovoid resin shell that shatters on
impact. An as action, a creature can throw a tangler grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each
creature within 10 feet of a shattered tangler grenade must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw or be restrained by sticky white webs. As an action, a creature can try to free itself or another
creature within its reach from the webs, doing so with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
check. A gallon of alcohol dissolves the webs produced by a single tangler grenade. Otherwise, the
webs dissolve on their own after 1 hour, freeing any creatures restrained by them.

Candle of the Deep 100PO

Wondrous item, common
Minor tier
The flame of this candle is not extinguished when immersed in water. It gives off light and heat like
a normal candle.


Wondrous item, common
Minor tier
This tiny vial contains magic perfume, enough for one use. You can use an action to apply the
perfume to yourself, and its effect lasts 1 hour. For the duration, you have advantage on all
Charisma checks directed at humanoids of challenge rating 1 or lower. Those subjected to the
perfume's effect are not aware that they've been influenced by magic.
Wondrous item, common
This 3-inch cube of solid brimstone generates enough dry heat to keep the temperature within 15
feet of it at 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius).

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