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Superior Communication Skills

A manager was at least once an employee and to think they are given a higher
position says a lot to their performance in their jobs. One thing that not only project
manager but all managers should have is excellent communication skills because they
are handling a team who relies on a manager’s work experience. This skill of a project
manager is beneficial because it helps the team to do their assigned task in alignment to
the desired goal of the manager. Communication skills also involves giving employees
timely feedback which in return can motivate employees and increase productivity, or can
correct an employee’s performance and avoid delays in a project. Aside from these
benefits that are related in achieving the objective, a project manager who have superior
communication skills develops a better relationship with co-workers making a toxic-free
work environment.
2. Creating a Productive and Lively Work Environment

This is an important skill because a project manager should not only prioritize the
attainment of their goal. He/she should also focus on the process of how employees will
achieve the goal. It is crucial to make employees motivated for them to perform efficiently
and effectively. This will not happen if the manager is overly strict, only concern with the
project and give employees unnecessary pressure in terms of their work. From time to
time, it is suggested to give employees challenges that are not work related yet can
promote their productivity and motivation. This is like giving energizer to students before
proceeding to a discussion wherein this energizer will boost and motivate a student’s
attention to listen and learn. This way, project managers will have a smooth relationship
with co-workers since they are being treated as people who still get tired, bored, or lazy
with work but their managers make ways or reasons to excite them in working.
3. Embracing Technology
There are project managers who have more experience than others because they
have been in the business or industry for a longer time than others. However, the longer
you are in the business, the harder it gets to be open on changes especially if old ways
worked for the company during the manager’s time. Because change is a constant thing,
project managers should have the skill to embrace technology or they will be left out. It
would be beneficial for a project manager to adapt this skill because advancement in
technology can lessen and ease tedious work, and further increase productivity in the work
environment due to minimal needed effort. Although it may take some time to learn new
things with technology, it is a great advantage to incorporate technology with work because
aside from decreasing effort in work and not sacrificing its quality, it can also free up an
employee’s time so they can focus on other work that needs attention or the next tasks
they need to accomplish.

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