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Although I'm a senior in high school, I am still unsure of exactly what I want to do in the future.

I always expected myself to pursue a career in the medical field but now in high school, I'm
considering other fields such as technology and engineering. Technology has always intrigued
me as it gives the opportunity to learn many skills that can be applied in many careers. But I have
not been exposed to technology after my 7th grade technology class so I am unsure of how I will
like it but I am looking forward to learning more about this field. However, medicine has always
been a passion of mine which motivates me to pursue a career in it, but I feel like the pressure
and competition in the field is overwhelming. I understand that these careers are very different
which causes me anxiety as completely committing to one seems like a big decision which is
why I am taking classes to help me make an informed decision. Currently I have been accepted
into a few state schools including UMBC which I plan to go to for my bachelor's degree. I hope
to choose what I want to pursue soon so I can focus on my future.

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