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SESSION 12_ Reproductive Issues

10 of 10 points
1. The position that abortion is murder and must be stopped is known as the position.

A. Sanctity of life

B. Viability

C. Pro-life

D. None of the above

2. This is a widely accepted exception to the “thou shalt not kill” proscription.

A. Self defense

B. Abortion

C. Mercy Killing

D. All of the above

3. This term is when the fetus begins to move, and the mother will be able to sense the movement at a

A. Conception

B. Quickening

C. `Viability

D. Conceptus

4. Which of the following is NOT included in the list of traits central to personhood?
A. Reasoning

B. The ability to manage stress

C. The ability to feel pain

D. A concept of the self

5. Judith Thomson uses the method of analogical thought of experiment because she believes there is
more to the abortion question than issue of personhood. One of her analogy talks about faulty
contraception which is?

A. Viability argument

B. The Violinist Analogy

C. The Rapidly Growing Analogy

D. The Carpet-Seed Analogy

6. They are known as the conservative traditionalist?

A. Pro-life activist

B. Pro-life theorist

C. Pro-choice activist

D. Pro-choice theorist

7. In the 1973 case, the Supreme Court of the United States, relying on the constitutional right of privacy,
legalized a woman’s right to have an abortion 1983

A. Doe v. Bolton
B. Planned Parenthood. Detroit

C. Roe v. Wade

D. Harris v. McRae

8. In this case of about abortion, Supreme Court examined a statutory provision that a woman required to
receive her husband’s permission prior having an abortion.

A. 1976 Danforth v.Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri case

B. Planned Parenthood. Detroit

C. Roe v. Wade

D. Harris v. McRae

9. This is the union of sperm and the ovum in the stage of human embryo development?

A. Intercourse

B. Implantation

C. Embryo

D. Conception

10. The position that the decision to abort is one of personal liberty and thus should be legal is known as
the position.

A. Pro-choice

B. Pro-life
C. Viability

D. Sanctity of life

SESSION 13_ Reproductive Issues Part 2

10 of 10 points
1. The analogy titled “The Carpet-Seed Children Analogy” which attempts to deal with the issue of failed
contraception is a defense of abortion by?

A. Mary Anne Warren

B. Michael Tooley

C. Judith Thomson

D. Lydia Saad

2. When a woman agrees to carry a baby to term and give up to another parent is known as?

A. Surrogacy

B. Adoption

C. In vivo fertilization

D. Artificial Insemination

3. The most common ethical problems associated with the process of in vitro fertilization comes from what
is to be done with the unneeded.

A. Conceptus

B. Embryos
C. Egg

D. Sperm

4. In 1979, China introduced the to reduce the rate of their population growth.

A. Only boy child policy

B. Contraceptives policy

C. One child policy

D. No child policy

5. This is a procedure in which eggs are removed from a woman and fertilized in a laboratory dish?

A. Surrogacy

B. In vivo fertilization

C. Artificial Insemination

D. In vitro fertilization

6. Laws that single out the medical practices of doctors who provide abortions and impose on them
requirements that are different and more burdensome than those imposed on other medical
practices are called laws.

A. Trap

B. Stark

C. Pro-life
D. Pro-choice

7. Her birth received enormous press attention as the world was alerted to her birth. She was called the
first “test tube baby.”

A. Leslie Brown

B. Louise Brown

C. Karen Quinlan

D. Nancy Cruzan

8. It is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive
outside the uterus.

A. Expulsion

B. Abortion

C. In vitro fertilization

D. Surrogacy

9. He is the communist revolution that encouraged the population to multiply in China to increase
available manpower.

A. Lao Tzu

B. Wo Bin

C. Mao Zedong

D. Kim Jong Ill

10. What year did Congress enact the Hyde amendment?

A. 1976

B. 1967

C. 1986

D. 1968

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