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Cade Hajovsky

Oct. 26, 2021

PRLS 310: Writing for Public Relations



Dear Julie,

This week, Spark Central of Spokane is launching a new program focused around technology
and education. The program features virtual reality, coding classes, Adobe creative cloud, new
computers, and tools for robotics. The goal is to open new doors for students to become
interested in STEM.

As you know, having an understanding of technology is crucial in this day and age and it starts
with understanding how to work with new devices and products. Coding is an increasingly
desirable tool in the workplace and robotics is a field that is rising in popularity. From physicians
to engineers, STEM jobs are among some of the highest paying and highly necessary jobs in

Spark Central is giving students an opportunity to be introduced to this field early on and explore
their options while fostering creativity. Spark Central opens their doors to over 200 kids each
week. Though classes such as “Drop in & Code” students are given the opportunity to try new
activities and gain new skills. The “Drop in & Code” class is catered to all ages, with educators
there to help people whether they are beginners or have been coding at Spark Central for months.

At times when classes are not being offered, students are welcome to come into the station and
explore on their own. Staff are constantly circulating to assist students when needed and spark
creativity along the way. Many of the students who attended Spark Central do not have access to
these types of resources at home and Spark Central offers a space for them to further their
technological education.

Parents and students of the Spokane community will want to know about these new resources as
they can help students discover their passions and even put them on the right educational track
for the future.

You can contact Spark Central President Michelle Starry for more information on the general
operations of Spark Central at 509-647-8996. Please contact station manager, Brooke Matson, at
509-279-0299 for specific details about the start of this program and plans to implement new

Thank you so much for your consideration of the importance of this program to the Spokane
community. We look forward to speaking with you soon and working with you on a feature.


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