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And poverty is a very big problem here in the

Philippines. One of the major reason of poverty

Bullying, admit it or not is a serious problem in
our society. It also has effects that can hurt
someone, that can tear them emotionally, and can
even cost a life. And that person may also tend to
have some hard times opening it up to somebody.
As for myself, I experienced it personally. Since
the bullying kept on continuing whenever my
classes end during elementary days. It took 3-4
weeks or almost a month till it ended, it took me so
long to gain all the courage, to tell the truth without
surprising them suddenly. Sometimes, we can’t
blame the person experiencing it because not all of
us are the same, that some can tell the truth
straightforwardly and easily, while some cannot,
they often suffer in silence because of fear and
anxiety. And I am one of those who cannot, for the
reason that it is hard thinking that when someone
especially from your family hears this they’ll for
sure feel bad, blame themselves, be frustrated, and
be sad, but not just only that. I also got worried that
they might take their bully to the next level if ever I
voiced out.
But someone who has fears and experiences
like this, must immediately open it up to someone
who truly loves and cares for them. We must not be
afraid, because one thing that can prove that they
truly care for you will take action right away.
When I was still in the fifth grade, interesting things
happened during the several months after the first
day of school. And then there was that day when
the bullying began, I was walking on a sunny, hot
day. I just left home and went to school, fast
forward when classes ended and I was ready to go
home. Our house was just a walking distance so I
just walk home and meanwhile walking, someone
driving a motor whistled at me as if they were
calling me and they did. I made sure by looking side
to side if other students also walked home. And I
was surprised to see that there was no one because
they were not so far but not too close away from
me, but suddenly that driver called me a different
name. It made me shocked and was holding my
tears back

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