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Case Report

Blighted Ovum
Preceptor : dr. Hesty Duhita Permata, Sp. OG

Jenni Mutiara Saragih (202006010015)

Chapter #1

Definition miscarriage → WHO and

20% all pregnancies → abortion
CDC miscarriage is the loss of
80% EPL in 1st trimester
pregnancy < 20 weeks or weights
37,5% BO → at 10-13 weeks less than 500 g

BO (anembryonic pregnancy) →
gestational sac (+), the embryo fails to
develop → 1st trimester
Chapter #2
Name Mrs. R
Date of Birth / Age Oct 4th,1998 / 23 y.o
Address Kp. Pasir Pogor
Marital Status Married
Occupation Housewife
Religion Islam
Date of Examination April 6th, 2022
Chief complaint History of Present Illness

Vaginal bleeding one month

● Patient, gravida G1P0A0, found out that she was
prior to admission pregnant in mid-February. In the 7-8 weeks gestational
age, she had vaginal bleeding spots, from March 11,
2022. The bleeding is light and she didn’t use pad. The
colour of bleeding is red-brownish.

● She didn’t feel abdominal pain.

● She felt nauseous with a frequency of 5 times a day.

● 1st day of LMP : January 15th , 2022

Previous Illness Medicine

Allergy, DM, Hypertension, asthma,

There is no medicine taking
kidney disease, heart disease → X

Family Illness Habitual

her mother had miscarriage of first

Smoking, drugs, alcohol → X
child (1990)
Menstrual History
● Menarche : 11 years old
● Duration : 5-7 days
● 1st day of LMP : January 15th , 2022
● Amount : 2-3 menstrual pads/day, dysmenorrhea (-)
● Contraception :-

Obstetric History

● Marital History : 1st

● ANC : 1x in midwife
Physical Examination
General Examination
Gynecologic Examination

● Inspection : external genitalia, perineum, and anus

are within normal. There are bleeding spots.
● Fundal height : not palpable
● Inspeculo : not performed
● Vaginal toucher
○ Vulva : within normal limit (there is no mass,
○ Vagina : within normal limit
○ Portio : thick portio, no dilation
○ Ostium uteri externum : closed
○ Corpus Uteri : bigger according to gestational
○ Blood (+), discharge (-)


Interpretation :
gestational sac (+),
diameter 2,6 cm, fetal
pole (-)
Laboratorium Test (2022/04/06)

Result Normal Range
Hemoglobin 11,2 12-14 g/dL
Leucocytes 6,900 4,000-10,000/uL
Hematocrit 34 37-47%
Erythrocytes 3.9 3.8-5.2 million/uL
MCV 86.9 80-100 fL
MCH 28.4 26-34 pg
MCHC 32.7 32-36 g/dL
Result Normal Range
Basophils 0 0-1%
Eosinophils 1 1-3%
Banded Neutrophils 0 0-4%
Segmented Neutrophils 65 50-65%
Lymphocytes 28 20-45%
Monocytes 6 1-8%
NLR 2.32 <3.13
ALC 1932 1750-3500
β-hCG Positive
Mrs. R, 23 years old, G1P0A0, gravid
13-14 weeks, with blighted ovum


Laminaria stiff and Curettage

Chapter #3
How is this case
diagnosed as a
blighted ovum?

Theory Case
● Early pregnancy loss → clinically ● Patient realised that she got
silent signs and symptoms. pregnancy in mid-February 2022.
● A late menstrual period. ● From March 11, 2022, patient got
● Bleeding per vaginam →light & light vagina bleeding and
brownish or bright red in color. red-brownish in color
● There may be mild backache or ● She didn’t feel abdominal pain
dull pain in the lower abdomen5. ● She felt nauseous with a frequency
● Other symptoms of early of 5 times a day.
pregnancy, such as nausea,
vomiting, etc
Physical Examination
Theory Case
● Inspection → bleeding may not ● Inspection → bleeding spots.
be found or there may be blood ● Inspeculo : not performed →
spots. inspeculo is important exam for
● Inspeculo → to assess the finding source of bleeding.
presence or absence of bleeding, ● Vaginal Toucher → vulva is within
the vaginal walls, fluor albus, and normal (there is no mass, edema),
the portio vaginalis. vagina is within normal.
● Vaginal Toucher → to assess
vulva, vagina, portio, corpus uteri,
and presence or absence blood.
Supporting Examination
Theory Case
● Ultrasound exam (transabdominal ● April 03, 2022, patient got first
or transvaginal) classically ultrasound exam in Klinik Sehat.
demonstrates an empty There were no embryo seen in a
gestational sac, diameter of ≥25 gestational sac with ≥27 mm.
mm, without an embryo1 . ● April 06, 2022, second ultrasound
● At 7-8 weeks of gestation if the exam, there were gestational sac
ultrasound examination give (+), diameter 2,6 cm, fetal pole
characteristic of anembryonic (-).
pregnancy → necessary to do an
ultrasound evaluation 2 weeks
What are differential
diagnoses in this
DD/ Definition Anamnesis Physical Exam.
Missed Abortion When the fetus is dead ● bleeding (+)/(-) ● OUE will be closed
before 20 weeks and ● may be mild or opened
retained inside the backache or dull ● Uterine size is
uterus for several weeks pain in the lower smaller than g.a
after the fetus died abdomen ● (+/-) vaginal

Imminent abortion occurs at <20 - light vaginal - OUE is closed

Abortion weeks of gestation, bleeding - Uterine size is
(Threatened bleeding is usually not - mild abdominal according to
Abortion) heavy, has just begun to pain gestational age
threaten, and there is still
hope to keep the
How is the
management in
this patient?
Expectant management Medical management Surgical Treatment

Not recommended for EPL → initial treatment Dilation and Curettage →

blighted ovum → using 800 micrograms of Curettage, is
incomplete EPL tend to vaginal misoprostol is recommended for
report higher success recommended gestation ≤15 weeks9
Chapter #4

● The diagnosis for this patient is appropriate for anamnesis, physical

examination, and ultrasound examination which confirm the
● Differential diagnosis for blighted ovum are missed abortion and
imminent abortion
● The treatment plan for this patient is appropriate, that is dilation and


There should be a speculum

examination for evaluating the source
of bleeding
1. Chaudhry K, Tafti D, Siccardi M. Anembryonic Pregnancy [Internet]. 2022 [cited 9 May 2022]. Available from:
2. Sulistyowati S, Rahadian F, Respati S, Soetrisno S. Blighted Ovum: Roles of human leukocyte antigen-E and natural killer cells. Bali
Medical Journal. 2017;6(2):381.
3. ZA R, Rosdiana E. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi terjadinya Blighted Ovum (BO) pada Ibu Hamil di Rumah Sakit dr. Zainoel Abidin
Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2015. Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine. 2019;2(2):135.
4. Dugas C, Slane V. Miscarriage [Internet]. 2022 [cited 9 May 2022]. Available from:
5. Konar H. DC Dutta's Textbook of Obstetrics. 9th ed. India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2018.
6. Ectopic Pregnancy [Internet]. 2022. Available from:
7. Mummert T, Gnugnoli D. Ectopic Pregnancy [Internet]. 2022. Available from:
8. Prawirohardjo S. Ilmu kebidanan. 4th ed. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka; 2010.
9. Williams J, Cunningham F, Leveno K, Bloom S, Hauth J, Gilstrap L et al. Obstetrics. 24th ed. United States: McGraw-Hill; 2015.
10. Ghassemzadeh S, Farci F, Kang M. Hydatidiform Mole [Internet]. 2022. Available from:
11. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 200: Early Pregnancy Loss. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018. 132(5):e197-e207.
12. Martaadisoebrata D, Wirakusumah F, Effendi J. Obstetri Patologi: Ilmu Kesehatan Reproduksi. 3rd ed. Jakarta: Buku Kedokteran
EGC; 2012.
Many thanks!
Does anyone have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

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