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Title:Factors Affecting the volcanoes eruptive style

The style of eruption depends on a number of factors,including the

magma chemistry and content,temperature viscosity,volume and how
much water and gas is in it,the presence of groundwater, and the
plumbing of the volcano.

Now we talk about viscosity-Viscosity,is the property of the materials

resistance to is also described as the liquid thickness and
stickiness.the more viscous and thicker the materials is the greater is its
resistance to flow.for instance syrup is more viscous than the water.

Now lets discuss how each factors affects the viscosity of magma-
How the temperature of magma affects its viscosity. The viscosity of
magma decrease with temperature.the higher the temperature of magma
is the lower its viscosity lava flows its cools and begins to
harden,its ability to flow decreases and eventually stops

How the composition of magma affects its viscosity-Magmas with

high silica content are more viscous than those with low silica content as
shown in figure 6. The magma that contains less silica is relatively fluid
and travels far before solidifying.

What is high and low viscosity-Fluids with low viscosity have a low
resistance and shear easily and the molecules flow quickly high viscosity
fluids move sluggishly and resist deformation.
Different types of volcanic eruptions:
Phreatic or hydrothermal-is a stream driven eruption as the hot rocks
come in contact with water. It is short lived characterized by ash
columns but may be an onset of a larger eruption.shown on the right is
our taal volcano. Low viscosity.

Phreatomagmatic-is a violent eruption due to the contact between

water and magma. As a result, a large column of very fine ash and high-
speed and sideway emission of pyroclastics called base surges are

Stombolian-A periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by

fountain lava, just like the izaru volcano in costa rica.
Vulcanian-Characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20km
high with pyroclastic flow and ashfall tephra like that of Paricutin
volcano in Mexico.

Plinian-Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastics

just like our Pinatubo volcano in Zambales.

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