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Final Requirement- Creating an E-Portfolio

Based on the slides below, create an e-portfolio following the format discussed in the
slides. Give only 3 insights or learnings from each lesson. Do not copy the answers
you have made in every lesson
1. The term is over but I would definitely bring important lessons that I have acquired
from all the activities. I know that all the knowledge that I have gained will help once
I start my professional practice. All of these activities have been very enlightening for

2. The different concepts and principles that I have learned from this assignment or all the
activities made me realize what type of teacher I want to be in the future. I want to be
the type of teacher who is not just good in transmitting knowledge but I also want to be
a fun and interactive teacher.

3. I’ve learned in all the activities that aside from the knowledge content and pedagogy in
teaching, it is also important that teachers are prepared and equipped to work with
diverse learners. As educators it is important that we appreciate and accommodate our
students’ differences and similarities. This would help us in understanding our students
and we can create better activities and teaching strategies.
All I can say is that all the lessons and activities on this subject was I always believe
that learning is a life-long process. We don’t stop learning and educating ourselves because we
have a college degree or because we think that we are the most intelligent person in the world.
In this module, it gave me more reasons to believe that continuous learning and development
can help you in achieving your goals and improving yourself.
After studying all these activities, it made me realize how important reflective practice
is to a teacher. It helps teachers to understand themselves more and create a strategy that could
help in developing his/her career as an educator. It is also a big help to the learners because the
teachers can create a better teaching method that could help in developing their learning. It is
also important that as educators we are open-minded and ready to embrace the changes not just
for our students but most especially to ourselves.

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