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Literature Review Findings

Organization’s training and development The correlation matrix tells us that the
programs enhance employee’s competencies strength of the linear relationship between
because through training and development independent (Job Crafting) and dependent
they learn diversification and practical skills (Employee Work Performance) levels is
that they required for their job. positive because the r is .286 below the p-
value. Our significance value is .01 for both
(Job Crafting & Performance) though it is
statistically significant from -1 to +1. This
shows us the positive relationship between
Job Crafting & Employee Work
Performance. Through job crafting, they
will be more competent in their work and
will want to learn more skills and diversify
the skills that will boost their performance
and help boost their performance through
training and development programs. Since
they have a positive relation, we can say
that job crafting and employee performance
are correlated with each other.
Job crafters may focus on their efforts and
changing employment features to Here in this correlation chart, r = 0.286, and
accomplish goals they value or goals they the significant level, p = .01. Here, p is less
believe would result in positive outcomes than .05, which means there is a significant
(Warr & Inceoglu, 2012). relation between Job Crafting and Employee
Work Performance. But as the correlation
coefficient is .286 which is a positive value,
we can say, they are positively correlated to
each other.
To clarify, the Job Crafting level among
managers and employees does depend on
the Employee’s Work Performance. So, we
can say that, if there is job crafting present
in a workplace it will directly affect per-
work performance. Employees can show
good performance if there is a presence and
allowance of job crafting. Job crafting
having a significant relation with employee
work performance means that the
employees will give more effort to give a
better performance and use job crafting to
change some features of their job that will
also help with their performance.

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