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AGM Seniors Section

TUESDAY October 4th 2022

Apologies for Absence. PN, IG, RW, RF, KC, JC, BS,IL,ID, GE,PP, RM,DO,IO,DT..
Members present: JB,PM,BG, PW, PW, CC, JN, AMc, RC, AA, SW, JC, CM, BH, SB, MS, GC,ED,ET,CA,,
PW,TD, GC, GR, GT, JA, AB, DM, GV, PL, AM, KH, AH, PE, CH, IL, MR, PT. (there were more members
there but some didn’t sign in).
Approval of 2021 minutes Proposed by: Andy Hill Seconded by: Cyril Moody
Matters arising from the 2021 minutes : None
None: All Actions have been implemented or resolved

Treasurers report: Mike Rands, (appendix 1)

Approval of Treasurers report: Proposed by: Andy Hill seconded by: Paul Enderby

Captains Report: Andy Hill (appendix 2).

Followed by the handover to the new Captain New Captain 2022/23 Paul Enderby
Captain’s charity for year: Naomi’s Garden, at Manby, who help children and adults with disabilities reach
their potential one step at a time, Paul’s goddaughter Lily Rose has cerebral palsy, and this charity has
enabled her to achieve and continue to achieve more.
Chris Horn spoke about his conservation project and asked for bird box maker volunteers.

Election of Committee members:

There are no nominations exceeding the requirements of the committee.

Remaining in office:
Vice-Captain Chris Horn
Treasurer: Mike Rands (Temporarily)
Fixtures Secretary: Graham Robinson
Secretary/Website Andy Hill
Trophies - co-opted member Iain Liston
Membership Secretary: Paul Teanby
Halfway House: Cyril Moody
Past Captain: Andy Hill

Nominations Proposed by: Seconded

Assistant Competitions secretary Gordon Todd Paul Enderby Andy Hill

AA suggested we go back to 18 qualifiers, agreed to stay as per constitution of 10 at present and to

JO discussed away day formats, PE to evolve plans.



Proposal Comments Proposed by. Seconded by. Outcome

1 That after the Whitakers Cup, The section should Paul Teanby Cyril Moody Carried
the seniors treat the juniors to encourage these
a 'Burger and Chips' meal. The younger players not
total Cost should be covered only by the challenge
by the senior section funds. but also by Good
golfing courtesy.
2 That we return to the early Per constitution. Rod Dave Mayall Amendment
morning grouping of members Campbell to start 1 per
at least twice per month. month
carried 31/9
3 That Stableford/Medal Rod Campbell Dave Mayall 4/22 not
Competitions are played in 3 carried
balls with 2 balls leading where
4 The system of member Scrambles require a Rod Dave Mayall 17/0 carried
numbers be re-instated for balance field (critical) Campbell
draws where handicapping for total handicap.
selection is not critical, such as Otherwise a team
scrambles. could become skewed.
5 That the matches against This being subject to Rod Dave Mayall Carried
visiting teams be played on negotiating with the Campbell already
another day than Tuesday. club. negotiating
with manager
6 That the number of seniors be As per constitution in Rod Dave Mayall 12/14 not
limited to 120. accord with Campbell carried
7 A hard copy of the minutes of A folder currently with Rod Dave Mayall Carried
the Seniors meetings be kept the Handicap & Campbell
in a folder currently in the bar. Comps minutes is in
the bar already.
8 That the competition 3 Clubs Rod Campbell Glen Chidwick 13/10 carried
and a Putter be adjusted to 3
clubs (only)
9 That the V1 system be Rod Campbell Pete Wride 24/4 not
instigated for both the carried
registration of players and for
the returning of scorecards

Date of the next AGM : Tuesday 3rd October 2023 (TBC)

1. Treasurer’s Report 2021-2022

First of all I have to say thanks are due to Carol Bell for doing a thorough audit of the books and accounts
again, I must buy her something this year as I forgot last time! Big thanks are also due to our new Captain
Paul Enderby not forgetting Sue and the usual team of helpers for putting together a very successful Senior’s
Open in August. This fully subscribed event not only generated over £1000 for our funds but also contributed
over £700 to Captain Andy’s Charity pot for St Andrew’s Hospice. The final balance in the Charity account for
the year is £2540.
Now for the numbers
We started the year with £5193 total funds. This was too high and your committee agreed we needed to bring
the total down but try to use it for the benefit of the Senior Group.
The accounts show our expenditure exceeded Income by £2124 over the 12 month period. The main reasons
for this are:-
A donation to the Lions charity of £500 was made being a carry over from the 2021 Seniors Open Raffle.
We also subsidised 3 major events
1st The 2021 Presentation night with the cost per head capped at £15 – this cost £292
2nd The Away day to Newark Golf club, the cost including the coach was £2054 with the total fees of £995 –
the subsidy was £1060.
3rd The Exchange day with Boston Golf Club when the coach was subsidised costing £420
Prudent control of our funds would suggest these events be run to break even in the future.
The membership list increased to 130 by 30th September with 18 new members joining with some re-joiners
included too. This total does exceed the total 120 member total agreed with Mr Strawson but will only become
an issue if we can’t complete our weekly competitions in the time slot allocated to us.
Tuesday competitions were well supported this year as were the Winter Knock out and Summer Trophy
On the expenses front costs were under control in most areas although the spend on medals and trophies did
exceed budget and may need a committee review of the ongoing cost. You should also be aware that the cost
of providing a half way house for inter club team games is low this year as we only put them on for 4 matches,
I think this was due to Covid concerns, this will most likely revert to normal standards next year with the
associated cost to bear.
Your funds are still healthy at a total £3069 and still capable of subsidising the events you all enjoy, but with
inflation nearing double figures your committee will need to exercise careful control of the finances in the
coming year.
Well I won’t tempt fate again and say this is my final report but I am rather hoping one of you will eventually
stand up and offer to take on this role. Any questions?

2, Captain’s report 2022

The past year has seen many positives for the seniors section:
 Recognition at last at the captains meetings with the owner and management. (The regular club and
course updates going before the committee and in minutes).
 Senior captains parking space (it’s only taken 25 years).
 the end of pandemic restrictions and the section embracing electronic drawers which prior to Covid, this
change in practice had been one of ambivalence.
 The section have had a fantastic awayday at Newark and I exchanged a at Boston, there has been many
positive remarks regarding these days out.
Some challenges remain following the pandemic restrictions being lifted, reinstitution of the morning meetings
has been slowly building with 62 members attending in the clubhouse at the last one in August. Hopefully
moving forwards, we can resume our morning meetings to introduce new members, highlight special
announcements and forthcoming events.
There are still some challenges in members becoming actively involved, it goes without saying that the more
people we have on the committee the easier it is for everybody and unfortunately it is the few rather than the
many who get actively involved, I’m aware there are critics of the committee however those people don’t tend
to put themselves forward to do anything about their criticisms.
It has also been challenging getting members to play in matches, this appears to be an ongoing theme over
the past few years, one reason is the slope which is being reassessed this month and another is that some
people don’t feel able or would rather play in fun competitions. Graham is in liaison with management, and we
have an initial agreement to be up to play on Wednesday afternoon.
The committee have been steadfast representatives of the section and without them no captain would be able
to get anything done, this has been the case throughout my year! A special thanks to Mike Rands, who
stepped in as a temporary measure to retake over the treasurer position. For our new captain Paul Enderby
and Chris Horn in their roles as competition secretary and his very able assistant soon to be vice-captain.
Graham Robinson has been busy as usual ensuring that fixtures are negotiated. Cyril Moody for organising
the halfway house along with his many helpers to ensure we are fed and watered. A special thanks needs to
go to Sue Enderby our honorary senior for her sterling support in undertaking name cards and raffles for my
charity, and I’m sure she will be even more vigorous when Paul is captain.
We have had another fantastic seniors open this year many thanks to Paul and all who have made this
happen, the funds created for this year section and the captains charity have again gone from strength to
The green staff and Graham throughout the year have done a great job and I hope you will continue to
support them during the next year.
There are some new projects coming up but I will let Paul and Chris tell you about those as they develop.
Paul - I have no doubt will make a fantastic seniors captain along with Chris they will make a formidable team
going forward, I wish them all the very best of luck.
Andy Hill Seniors Captain 04/10/2022

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