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LSPU SCC- COE /GEC 102 – CE 3A and CE 3C N.D.

AMARA MARCH 6- 9, 2023

Chapter/ Module 3: Occupations in the Philippines


✓ Describe and analyze the reaction of the early Filipinos to

Spanish Occupation
✓ Analyze the different economic policies of the Americans in the
Philippines that made impact to the society during and after
the American rule
✓ Effectively communicate and articulate the historical analysis of
a particular evemt or issue that could help other people
understand and manage present dat issues and concerns.
Lesson 1. Spanish Occupation in The Philippines
Lesson 1.1: Spanish Colonial Way of Life a. Spanish Colonial
The Spanish Expansion is a result of various forces. Aside from
the Philippines, the Spaniards have already colonized parts of South,
North, and Central America. The inclusion of the Philippines resulted
out of the attempts of Spaniards to control the spice trade in the
Moluccas islands. Aside from the interests in spices, Spain had been
motivated by its mercantilist nature or accumulation wealth in the
form of gold. This was simultaneous with the invention of new
technologies needed for exploration like the compass and sextant.
Maps were also refined at this time that greatly aided the explorers.
Before Spain actually decided to occupy the Philippines, two
noted voyages already reached the Philippines. This was Magellan
voyage in 1521 and the Villalobos voyage in 1543. These did not
start Spanish colonialism although they provide information and fed
the interest of the Spanish government to finally take the islands. In
1565, Legaspi carried the Spanish flag and set up in the Philippine
islands another colony for Spain. This commenced the Spanish
colonial rule in the Philippines.
Exploration and colonization during this time were realized
through contractual agreements between the Crown and the
Conquistadores. In essence, the Consquistadores conquered for
Spain but they shall share in the riches of the new territories they
conquered. Thus, conquistadores like Legaspi instituted measures
both for the pacification of the people and the satisfaction of their
private goals. It is within this frame that we understand that the

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pacification efforts of the colonizers were also coupled with

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b. Instruments of Pacification and Exploitation
Encomienda. A system of organizing territories to be under the
care of an Encomendero. It was an administrative unit for the
purpose of exacting tributes from the natives. The Encomendero unit
for the purpose of extracting tributes from the natives. The
Encomendero had the power to collect tributes and to use the
personal services of the inhabitants of the encomienda. The
Encomienda shall take care of the welfare of the natives.

1. Protect natives by maintaining peace and order 2.

Support missionaries in conversion to Catholicism
3. Help in defense of country.
The services are compensated from the shares an
Encomendero can get from the tributes and the services of the
natives. So, while the system was meant to facilitate the
organization and administration of the colony, the Encomendero
gave a negative image to it. This system was characterized by greed
and cruelty. It was an opportunity for one to enrich oneself primarily
by collection of tribute or unlawful exaction of numerous services.

a. Tributor. This is levying of tax to all Filipinos aged 19-60

except government employees, soldiers with distinguished services,
decendants of Lakandula and some few native chieftains, choir
members, sacristans, porters of the church, and government
witnesses. The alcalde mayors, encomendero, gobernadorcillo, and
the cabezas acted as tribute collectors.
The Spanish form of “taxation” was by itself heavy for the
native. But this was aggravated by the force and abuses that
accompanied its implementation. Soldiers were used to escort tax
collectors to force collection and these often resulted to violence.
Worst, of course, is the act of collecting much more than what the
law required by the tax collectors.
The abusive nature of this policy is evidenced by the fact that
Filipinos who joined the revolts later on cite the exploitative nature
of tribute collection as a chief cause. In Apayao, for example, they
constructed tribute as a monster that could kill people. The
understanding is borne by the fact that the Ilokanos who entered the
Apayao territory related that they were scared of the tribute that has
killed several of them.

b. Polo Y Servicio. This is another colonial policy that obliged

male natives aged 16-60 except chieftains and their eldest son to
serve 40 days each year in labor pools. The labor pools refer to the
site of labor that were mostly of construction kind. The natives were

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asked to build buildings both for the church and the government.
They were also made to make roads and build ships.
This policy was meant to help set up of government
infrastructure and the laborers were even given ration of rice and
paid minimal amounts. There were other regulations to ensure the
protection of the workers. In practice though, all these regulations
were violated. Laborers were not paid and were not given any rice
ration. The policy became insensitive to the need of the communities
so that it was still enforced in time of planting or harvest seasons.
In the end, polo y servicio became a forced labot that
contributed to famine experiences and the destruction of

c. Bandala. This is another policy meant to augment the

finances of the colonial government. It required the compulsory sale
of products to the government. Communities were given quotas to
produce and sold only to the government. The prices set by the
government were lower than the prevailing prices of these products
but were sold back to the people for a high price. This practice
formed natives to be indebted to the chieftain entrenching the socio-
economic position of the chief. In worst cases, which was usually the
case, farmers were not paid at all of their produce and were given
promissory notes. In effect, this policy became a virtual confiscation
of natives’ products.
Divide and Rule: This is a military strategy utilized by the
Spaniards against the natives. In this method, native mercenaries
were used against other groups to beef op limited military
contingency of the Spaniards. Ny its very nature, it was exploitative
as the inter- village warfare tradition of the early Filipinos was
reinforced to serve the interests of the colonizers.
The policies provide clear examples as to how the colonial
policies impacted on the native Filipinos. For them, the policies were
exploitative even if these were just part of the pacification process of
the Spaniards.
These difficulties were compounded by the constant war Spain
was into against the Dutch and Portuguese.
In all the abusive policies, the traditional head of barangay as
the Maginoo and Datu became intermediaries. They were converted
into willing allies of the Colonizers and their powers and authority
were complicated by the colonizers. As traditional barangay
authority, they were used as intermadiaries between the natives and
the Spaniards. Political privilege was also granted by Spaniards as

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tribute collectors, gobernadorcillos and thus helped in mobilizing
labor for government construction of projects. Economically, the
Chiefs were given the opportunity and took advantage of the concept
of private property of land. In the end, the traditional chiefs were
transformed into a willing ally and were called principals. One can
see the prestige of principalia in the social hierarchy of the period. Of
the native Filipinos, they were ranked higher next to the Spaniards.
Self-assessment Task 1
Compare and contrast the administration of the local government
units during the Spanish period with those of the present.

Spanish Period Present

 Uses force in implementing policies.  Considers the citizens opinion in
 Spanish promulgated and implemented making policies.
decrees and legal codes were used.  Implements and promulgates its own laws
  It exercised legislative and judicial  Exercises executive, legislative and judicial
powers. powers
 Spain established centralized colonial  There were three different local
government composed of a national government units – province, governed by
government and the local governments that governor, municipality, led by Mayor and
administered provinces, cities, towns, and barangays, headed by barangay captains.

After the Spanish colonizers are expelled, we have the freedom to choose our
own leader and write our own constitution. Comparing the two, we can see that the
colonists left us with a few other things, such as the legislative and judicial powers, the
division of our country into provinces and municipalities, and the presence of
representatives from the highest levels of government.

Lesson 1.2: Filipino Nationalism

a. Early Revolts and Resistance

Given the exploitive nature of Spanish colonialism, early
Filipinos chose to revolt against the regime. Among the earliest
revolts were those by Lakandula in Manila. Revolts became an

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indispensable response of early Filipinos to Spanish Rule. Revolts
became an indispensable response of early Filipinos to Spanish rule.
In the 1600’s nativistic revolts characterized the reactions of the
people towards the Spanish rule. More complicated revolts continued
up to the 1700’s. the earlier revolts could be generalized as revolts
from ordinary natives. These revolts could be generalized as revolts
from ordinary natives. These revolts include Tamblot, Bankaw,
Tapar, Dagohoy, Sumuroy, Dabao, and others. Since many of the
leaders of these revolts were babaylanes, or traditional priests, one
of important underlying objective was to go back to old native
religion (nativistic). As such leaders emerge as self-proclaimed
messiahs saving the people from evil effects of colonization.
The second group of revolts were those initiated by local
chiefs, or the princiipales, whose type of leadership are already
complicated by Spanish ways. This type of revolt manifested class
interest where the mass revolts were taken advantage of in the
desire to seize power for themselves. This is why many of these
were open to compromises. Examples of this type of revolt are the
revolts of Maniago, Malong, Gumapos, Palaris, Silang, and others.
Both types of revolts, however, contained the desire to
improve the hardship brought about by the colonial rule. Economic
grievance remained the primary reason why people supported
groups and leaders versus Spaniards.

b. The Igorot Resistance to Spanish Interests and the Price

of Igorot Independence
The Igorots, together with the Muslims in Mindanao were the
two biggest groups that were not colonized by the Spaniards. During
the entire 300 plus years of Spanish rule, these groups remained
independent. This work shall consider only the Igorot resistance.
A note on the word Igorot should be made. Historically
speaking, the groups that were referred by Spanish documents as
Igorots were the inhabitants of Benguet and Bontoc. Other groups in
the Cordillera region were called distint names such as Mandayas for
the Apayao, Itneg for the upper Abra area, Ifugao for Ifugaos. This
would explain the reluctance of many people outside Benguet and
Bontoc to be considered as Igorots. Etymologically, Igorot was
coined with the use pf two old Austronesian words as “gorot”,
meaning mountain, and “I” referring to the source/place or from
where one belongs. It is etymological sense that this work adopts
the word Igorot to refer to all people in the Cordillera as Igorots or
“from the mountains.”

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The Spaniards entered the Cordillera for many reasons but
gold was initially the primary aim. As soon as the colonizers learned
of Igorot gold in the region, expeditions were immediately sent to
secure it. In the 1600, several attempts like those of Aldana, Carino,
and Quirante. They have taken samples of ores and were brought to
Manila for tests. The attempt at reducing the Igorots to Christianity
was another motivation for the Spaniards. The Augustinians entered
the mountain from the Ilocos areas while the Dominicans penetrated
Ifugao in the east. Another reason for Spanish intrusion into the
Cordillera was simply to extend the conquered territories or to
protect the conquered areas of the lowlands.
Still another motivations was the punitive expeditions, which
were meant to punish the Igorots for the resistance they have been
showing. However, it was the sabotage of the tobacco monopoly that
really angered the Spaniards to sponsor succeeding punitive
expeditions against the Igorots. The most successful of these
expeditions was the Galvey expedition. Guillermo Galvey led a 10-
year campaign against the Igorots from 1829-1839, burning tobacco
plantations and communities, and crushing Igorot opposition. It was
the Galvey expeditions that finally opened the region to Spanish
conquest. By the later part of 1840’s up to the 1950’s, the Spaniards
were able to set up military posts in key areas in the Cordillera.
These posts were called Commandancia Politico-Militares, which were
manned by military people and intended for collection of taxes.
Confronted by the instrusions, the Igorots responded in
different ways but almost always resisting all the plans of the
intruders. In many instances, Igorots simply abandoned their
communities when they learn of Spanish arrival. They would retreat
into deeper parts of the mountain and wait until the Spaniards are
gone. If the Igorots were ready, though, they would engage the
Spanish troops with their traditional weapons as spears, head axes,
and bolos. Although the Igorot weapons were of inferior kind, they
relied heavily on ambushes utilizing the mountainous landscape to
their advantages. In some recorded instances, the Igorots used the
weaknesses of the Spanish weapons they came to learn and won
over the more supposedly superior weapons.
In the Christianization efforts, the Spaniards were able to
convert some Igorots into Christianity. Most of these converts have
been relocated in the lowland areas of Ilocos, La Union and Nueva
Viscaya. Overall through, the Igorots remained pagans.
Whereabout of their gold have also been denied to Spaniards
and other foreigners.

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These responses have been largely successful so that at the
end of the Spanish colonial rule, the Igorots remained independent.
A discussion of the Igorot resistance is incomplete without
considering the price that the Igorots had to pay for their freedom.
One is the periodic destruction of homes. Most often than not,
the Spaniards burned villages along their route. These were
reconstructed by the Igorots only to be destructed with the next
Spanish expedition.
Another is the estrangement between the lowlanders and the
Igorots. Before Spanish colonization, it has been the case that the
two were partners in trade. The lowlanders brought up salt, animals,
threads, and fish to the highlands. Igorots brought down gold,
beeswax, and other forest products. With the colonization of the
lowlands and the resistance of Igorots, the friendly relation soured.
This is basically because lowlanders were colonized while the Igorots
remained independent. Specifically, the lowlanders were used by the
Spaniards in their attempts at subjugating the Igorots. The
lowlanders usually accompanied the colonizers as guides and
soldiers. One can add the long period of time that the Spaniards
have portrayed negative images of Igorots to lowlanders painting
them as “headhunters”, “pagans”, and “savages”.
After the period of colonization, it became ironic that the
Filipinos who resisted colonialism were indifferently treated by later
Philippine government. They have often been understood as the
others or the “minority”. As minority, the state has ignored them for
a long time and has used their territories only as sources of raw
materials. In the 1970’s the Marcos government ignored the please
of Igorot of Bontoc and Kalinga not to build the dams along the Chico
River. It was only stopped when resistance included international
groups and the local resistance became violent

c. Campaign for Reforms

The unjust execution of the three Filipino priests Mariano
Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora was a turning point in
Philippine history, for it ushered in a new era – the reform
Realizing the danger of fighting for their cause on the home front,
the sons of the wealthy and the well-to-do Filipino families migrated
to Europe to breath the free atmosphere of the Old World. There
they initiated a sustained campaign for reforms in the Spanish
administration of the Philippines. In the homeland, meanwhile, the

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Filipino intellectuals secretly collaborated with those in Spain and
founded nationalistic societies.
The dissatisfaction of the Filipino men of wealth and intellect
was centered on the abuses of the Spanish authorities, civil as well
as clerical. The middle class denounced Spanish abuses and asked
Spain to make the Philippines one of its provinces. There was no
clamor for independence, for the reformists believed that the
Filipinos would be better off if they were to become Spanish citizens,
enjoying the rights and privileges of the latter. Such a program
constituted what has been known as assimilation.
For more than a decade the Filipino propagandists waged their
war against the Spanish authorities and friars, but they failed to
awaken the Government of the Peninsula to the demoralizing
realities of colonial administration. The reform movement was a
failure for it did not achieve its goals. In another sense, however, it
was a success, for its failure led to the founding of the Katipunan
with separatist aims (Agoncillo, 1990).

d. The Katipunan
The Kataastaasan Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak
ng Bayn, otherwise known as KKK or simply Katipunan, was a secret
society that was established by Andres Bonifacio and some of his
comrades on July 7, 1892. This was a significant event for the
Filipinos because it marked the end of the peaceful campaign for
reforms and the beginning of a movement which aimed to end
Spanish oppression by uniting the Filipinos and achieve
independence by means of a revolution.
To increase the number of members of the organization, and to
stop suspicion on the part of the family members, the Katipunan
accepted women members. The women were least suspected by the
Spanish authorities, so they were able to keep important documents
of the society. They also served as messengers and front for the
secret meetings of the organization (Vivar et al., 1999)
The Katipunan became especially popular in the suburbs of
Manila and in the provinces of Central Luzon. But as the number of
its affiliates increased, the Spanish authorities began to suspect its
underground character. The friars began to denounce the nightly

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meeting held by Katipuneros and on August 19, 1896, a certain
Patino, a Katipunan member, exposed the society to Fr. Mariano Gil.
With the discovery of the Katipunan, Bonifacio had no alternative
than to take the fieldand on August 23, at pugadlawin, he and his
men declared their intention to fight to the bitter end. The revolution
spread to the other provinces. In cavite, meanwhile, the two factions
of the society were at loggerheads and Bonifacio was invited to
mediate between them. At Tejeros, it was agreed to change the
society with a government responsive to the demands of the times,
and in the election that followed, Bonifacio was chosen Director of
the Interior. Unfortunately, his election was questioned by Daniel
irona. Bonifacio hurt by insult, declared the results of the lection null
and void. In April, he was ordered arrested, tried and executed. The
Filipinos were at that time losing battle after battle. Aguinaldo
retreated to Baiak-na-Bato, where the Republic was founded. Later
in, December, the Truce of Biak-na-Bato was concluded between the
rebels and the Spanish Government. The truce, however, was a
failure (Agoncillo, 1990).
Self-assessment Task 2

1. Discuss the teachings of the KKK. Point out some teachings

that you find useful and helpful in your daily life.
 “All men are equal, be the color of their skin is black or white. One
may be superior to another in knowledge, wealth, and healthy, but
cannot be superior in being (equality)”. Discrimination or stereotyping
is an undying issue in our society. Just because someone is different
from the others doesn’t mean they should be treated differently. All of
us are equal have the same value. We should treat everyone equally
to avoid conflict and chaos in the society, in this way we will be able
to live with peace and happiness.

2. Make a chart comparing the Reform Movement and the


Reform Movement Katipunan Movement

Natur  Social  Revolutionary


Page 10 of 92
Aims Grant the To fight fo
Filipinos Philippine
freedom of independenc
seech and e and make
exression Filipino act
and have as one
the Katipunan
right to file is aiming to
complaint unite
against the
 Equal
into one
the rule of nation to
law fight for the
 Attain total
democracy independen
Page 11 of 92
 Bring ce from
changes Spain and
and to obtain
reform in freedom by
givernment means
 Grant the Filipinos freedom

of speech and expression
and have the right to file
complaint against abuse

Equal treatment under the
rule of law
Attain democracy
 Katipunan is aiming to
 Bring changes and reform in
unite the Filipinos into
one solid nation to fight
for the total
independence from Spain
and to obtain freedom by
means of revolution.

Reform By
movement recruiting
was done people to
by using be a
pens and member for

Page 12 of 92
tounge the
against the revolution
spanish to
governme be strong
nt. They and
published powerful.
articles for
 By recruiting people to
be a member for the
revolution to be strong

the and powerful.

ls secretly
ed with

Page 13 of 92
those in
To keep
the whole
on from
Filipino intellectuals secretly
collaborated with those in To keep
the whole organization from being
Spain and founded nationalistic

Spain and
 Propagandists failed to  Katipuneros succeeded in
Result achieve their goals. freeing Filipinos and
achieving freedom from
the Spaniards.

Page 14 of 92
The methods of the

two organization are a lot

different with each other.
The other
organization use intellectual
while the other is by force.
Their aim is either to be
totally freed to
the evils of Spanish
colonialism or to be part of
them to achieve equality of
their status. The
reform movement gather
intellectuals to assimilate
freedom in a peaceful manner
by being a

Page 15 of 92
province of Spain disregarding
total independence of the
Philippines. Katipunan aims to
unite the
Filipinos to fight the
independence from Spain.
There is a contradiction
between the Katipunan and
Reform Movement but it is
their way
to show love to our country.
They might be uncertain if the
movement would be
successful but

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they continue and tried that
results sacrificing their lives
for the country.
Even if their movement is a
failure, it wakes up and brings
hope of most of the Filipinos
that time. Their devotion to
the country is for the future
people like us. Without their
sacrifice to
the past, I am afraid that until
now, we won’t achieve the
freedom we have right now.
We thank

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those brave heroes that make a
great contribution to change
the country
 The two factions' approaches are totally opposite. The other group
uses mental force, while the other uses physical force. Their objective
is to either be free of the crimes of Spanish colonialism or to be a part
of them to achieve equality of status. This sort of movement brings
together intellectuals who want to quietly absorb freedom by
becoming an autonomous province of Spain, notwithstanding the
Philippines' total independence. The purpose of Katipunan is to unite
Filipinos in their fight for independence from Spanish. The Katipunan
and the Reform Movement are at odds, yet it is their method of
expressing their love for our country. They may be dubious if the
movement will succeed, yet they persist in their efforts, risking their
lives for the sake of the country. Even if their revolution fails, it has
awoken people and given the majority of Filipinos hope. Their
patriotism is for future generations such as us. We would not have
obtained the freedom we have today without their dedication to the

Lesson 2: Philippines under the American Regime – Self-

government and developments in the Philippines Under
American Colonial Rule
Lesson 2.1 Self-government and developments in the
Philippines Under American Colonial Rule
a. American Government in The Philippines
a. America’s Policy of Occupation
America’s successful suppression of revolutionary resistance
against their colonial rule forced the Filipino elite to shift to an

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alternative of peaceful struggle for independence. Using an altruistic
policy for the Philippines, the United States, under President Willliam
Mckinley, enticed the Filipino elites into a compromise with American
Colonialism. Many of the Filipino elite Leaders especially the
“Illustrados,” began to adhere to the well-stated US Policy of
President Mckinley in his message to the US Congress stressing that
the Philippines is theirs not to exploit but to develop, to civilize, to
educate, and to train in the science of self-government. In reality,
behind this policy declaration was America’s other colonial
objectives, as follows:

1. To pursue a “manifest destiny” for America as a world

2. To use the Philippines as a source of raw materials for
US industries and as market for US manufactured
surplus products
3. To use the Philippines as a military and naval base to
balance the power in Asia
4. To have a refueling port for American ships servicing
their interest in Chine
These ulterior motives of America’s colonial rule later became a
reality when the US government gained complete control of the
Philippine archipelago politically. Finding no other way to repel
American motives, the Filipinos painfully succumbed to compromising
their sovereignty to colonialism by way of serving under American
military and civilian rule in the Philippines.

a. Filipino involvement in American Government in the Philippines

In preparation for the foundation of a civilian government in the
Philippines, the three successive terms of American military
governors, namely General Wesley Merrit (August 16, 1898),
General Elwell S. Otis (1898-1900), and General Arthur McArthur
(1900- 1901), focused on pacifications of campaigns. To win the
support of Filipino Elites, the Americans used a subtle strategy of
conquest by introducing the American school system to civilize and
educate Filipinos to embrace democracy. They organized civil courts
and appointed Filipino jurists. They established towns and provinces
and installed pro-American local leaders to participate in local
governmental affairs as apprentices of the American system of

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To train Filipinos to govern their constituencies in the way
Americans want them to towards achieveing their unterior motives,
the first election was held by Gen. Henry W. Lawton in Baliwag,
Bulacan. These patterns of pacification campaign which were
employed successfully in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao resulted in
readiness of Filipino elite leaders to collaborate with the US
government in the Philippines.
In the central American government, those Filipino elites who
believed in the sovereighnty of the US over the Philippines were
appointed to top executive, legislative, and judicial positions by being
members of the First Philippine Commission, otherwise known as the
Schurman Comission (1899), and the Second Philippine Commission
(1900) also known as the “Taft Commission.”. there were three
reasons why Filipino elite leaders opted to collaborate with the
American authorities. The first reason was to preserve the security of
their privileges as there was a growing demand from the masses for
the redistribution of economic benefits and resources. The second
reason was the elite class, distrust of the masses, nothing that some
of them were branded as bandits or trouble makers, ignorant people
who possess questionable moral conduct. Thirdly, the elite could not
entrust their interests and future to the masses, thus, by co-opting
with the Americans, they were assured of the protection of their
wealth, power, and prestige. To the Americans, the pro-American
attitude of the Filipino elites was advantageous to their colonial
purposes and economic interests in the Philippines.
Collaborative participation of cultural communities in Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao was gained through the efforts of American
teachers and missionaries who played their roles in domestication
the tribal leaders. Datus and sultans in Mindanao were used as key
persons in their strategy for collaboration, giving them roles as
promoters of social services to effect social re-orientation favorable
to American interests.
In the Cordilleras, the Americans used a strategy to win the
Ifugaos, and Kalingas to cooperate and accept American rule. The
head-hunting skirmishes between and among the Cordillera tribes,
as weel as the disputes over territorial boundaries and hostilities,
were stopped either with the use of firepower for pacification or with
a compromise settlement. When firepower was not too effective, the
Americans shifted to benevolent treatment of the natives to impress

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on them their image as benefactors. Establishment of American local
governments in the Cordillera proved successful after Cordillera
natives were appointed as mayors or cabecillos. Ifugaos who did not
make it to political positions were recruited into the American
Constabulary as regular soldiers who were paid generously.
In Southern Mindanao, the American approach to establish
collaboration was a political co-existence characterized by mutual
respect for personal property and political rights. The sultanate form
of govenmnet of the datus and sultans was a formidable block to
improve American political presence in Mindanao. Sa as not to
agitate the Sultans and datus from usurping their authorities as
leaders of the sultanate government, American authorities
negotiated and concluded treaties with Muslim leaders such as the
Bates Treaty (1899) and later, the Carpenter-Kiriam Agreement
(1905). Consequently, these treaties with the Muslims led to the
erosion of power of the sultanate and paved the way for the total
imposition of American sovereighnty in all territories of the sultanate.

b. The Filipinization of American Government in the Philippines

In 1913, Frances Burton Harrison became th e first Democratic
Governor General of the Philippines. His appointment saw the full
implementation of American policies and substancial participation of
Filipinos in government. As his colonial policy, rapid Filipinization of
government in the Philippines gained momentum then he involved
Filipinos in the various levels of the bureaucracy. Unfortunately,
Filipinization in government was only confined to the Filipino elites
who were actually landlords and capitalists and government
employees during the Spanish period, including those who could read
and write.
Filipinization in government involving the participation of Filipino
elites was suitable to the Americans since it was an aid rather than a
hindrance to colonialism. In the purview of the Americans, keeping
the elite involved in government would be beneficial to American
economic interests in the Philippines, because it warranted economic
partnership between Americans and Filipino landlords and capitalists.
This partnership eventually led to a special relationship between
the American and Filipino land owners and capitalists as manifested
in the so-called “free-trade” which was provided for in the Payne-
Aldrich Tariff of 1909 during the Harrison Era, consequently making
the Philppines a US market of surplus goods in Asia. The American
capitalists enjoyed the lion’s share in the benefits from the free trade
policy. This lopsided effect of free trade policy permeated further not

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only in the economic aspect of Filipino life, but also in the political,
social and cultural fields.

c. The Socio-Cultural Effects of Filipinization in Government

during the American Period
The American democratic political structure in the Philippines
which was largely manned by Filipino elites who were trained
under American tutelage in governance improved modern ways of
American democracy. The pro-American Filipino elites were
referred to outsiders as “little brown American.” They insisted that
Filipino traditional ways should be abandoned if not substituted
totally with modern bureaucracy. A new brand of democracy
known as ‘democracy-Filipino style’ emerged. This style as a trend
of Filipinization gave rise to a new breed of Filipinos who were
involved in the introduction of popular American activities in
cultural fields such as sports, entertainment, education, religion,
and the arts.
Despite the fact that American democratic styles have found a
distinct place in Filipino life, Filipino values which were anchored on
Filipino tradition were not abandoned by those who co-opted with the
Americans. Large majority of Filipinos saw no contradictions between
the American values and Filipino tradition. This perception of many
Filipinos was contributory to the Americanization of Filipino lifestyle.

d. The American Policy on Philippine Independence

When Filipino nationalists began their advocacy movements for
autonomy and independence, the American authorities in the
Philippines had no effective response. They viewed nationalist efforts
as mere agitations of the leaders of insular politics. As a palliative
measure to downplay the clamor for self-government and
independence, the American colonial authorities promised
independence as soon as a stable form of government could be
established by them. This was affirmed by the passage of the Jones
Law in 1916 by the US Congress which required the establishment of
a stable government first before independence would be granted.
In 1918, just after the World War 1 ended, the Filipinos began
to agitate for the fulfillment of America’s promise of independence to
the Philippines. They were inspired by their belief that political
pressures and consistent campaign efforts could force the US o

Page 22 of 92
comply with its promise. After 1918. Through the leadership of
Manual L. Quezon, a more sustained effort to end American rule and
the granting of independence to the Philippines was directed to the
legislators in Washington, the US seat of government.
Self-assessment 3
Construct a data chart showing the nature, extent, and implications
of Filipino participation in American colonialism in the Philippines.

Filipino Groups Nature of Extent of Implications

Participation Participation (Effects or
in American in American Consequences)
Colonialism Colonialism

1. The Elite

2. Cultural
groups in
Mindanao and


Page 23 of 92
b. The Commonwealth Government
The Commonwealth Government was inaugurated on
November 15, 1935, witnessed by a crowd of more or less 300,000
Filipinos. President-elect Manuel L. Quezon delivered his inaugural
address stressing his historic statement which goes, “I would rather
have a government run like hell by Filipinos rather than a
government run like heaven by the Americans.”
The Commonwealth Government of the Philippines, which
became the realization of the real desire of Filipinos for
independence, was able to accomplish the following achievement.

1. Reorganization of the government by creating new offices,

including the Department of National Defense, the Institute
of National Language, the National Council of Education, the
Filipinization of the Judiciary from the supreme Court down
to the municipal courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Court
of Industrial Relations.
2. Granting of women suffrage, after a special national
plebiscite in which 447, 725 women voted in favor of
women suffrage and 44,397 against it.
3. Creation of new chartered cities, namely: Cebu, Iloilo,
Bacolod, Davao, Zamboanga, San Pablo, Quezon City,
Cavite, and Tagaytay.
4. The adoption of Tagalog as the national language.
5. Promotion of social justice (Eight-hour Labor Act) and the
appointment of public defenders to defend the rights of the
poor laborers in the courts.
6. Compulsory military training of able-bodied Filipino youths,
under the supervision of General Douglas MacArthur.
7. Taking of the 1939 official census of the Philippines.
8. Improvement of the Philippine economy as revealed by the
growth of agriculture, commerce, and industries.
9. Creation of the Joint Preparatory Committee Philippine
(JPCPA), which recommend the following, (1) granting of
Philippine Independence on July 4, 1946 and (2) extension

Page 24 of 92
of Philippine-American Preferential trade to December 31,
10. Passage of three amendments to the 1935 Philippine
Constitution which were ratified by the national plebiscite on
June 18, 1940.
These amendments were as follows:
a. Tenure of office of the President and Vice-President to
was four years with re-election for another term.
b. Establishment of a bicameral Congress of the Philippines,
with the Senate as Upper House and the House of
Representatives as Lower House.
c. Creation of an Independent Commission on Election
composed of three members to supervise all elections.
Self-assessment 4

a. Tabulate the achievements of the Philippine Commonwealth

according to aspects of Filipino life as follows: social, cultural,
economic and political.

of the Philippine
Aspects of Filipino Life Accomplishment





b. Based on the table above, which aspect(s) of Filipino life was

greatly advanced by the Philippine Commonwealth? Justify.

Page 25 of 92
Lesson 2.2 Development and Progress Under American Rule

a. Economic and Social Progress under American Rule

Given an era of cooperation and good relations between
American authorities and Filipino leaders, development in the
Philippines took great leaps and bounds. Rapid development in
agriculture, commerce, ang trade soared high. Transportation and
communications were modernized. Banking systems were
established and manufacturing industries grew in big proportions. All
of these were generated as a result of the favorable political and
socio-cultural climate in the Philippines. American businessmen,
capitalists, and industrialists flocked to Philippine soil to establish
their enterprises using local talents and labors.
The economic progress under America did not pass without a
great price on the part of the Filipinos. Local production and business
gave way to accommodate American Products and industries. In
terms of who benefited most in terms of economic progress, the
Filipinos got the least, while American capitalists got the most profit
using Filipino skills and labor.

b. Growth of Agriculture in the Philippines

Agricultural Progress in the Philippines during the American
regime was remarkable for it changed the deplorable state of
Philippine agriculture into a scientifically advanced and modernized
one. The introduction of experimental model farms and livestock
production technology introduced by Americans gradually
empowered Filipino farmers with scientific methods of cultivation.
New breeds of livestock increased production outputs. Modern post-
harvest facilities like warehouses and farm machineries like thresher
and rice hullers were introduced. Irrigation systems and dams were
built. Sugar plantations were established and packaging of farm
products was taught. All of these and other introductions and
innovations spurred the growth of agricultural production in the
Philippines. Unfortunately, majority of Filipino farmers were not
favored much by agricultural developments for reasons that they
remained tillers of the lands of landlords and capitalists.

Page 26 of 92
c. Flourishing of Trade and Commerce
The free trade relations between the US and the
Philippines fostered a giant leap for trade and commerce in the
Philippines. Import and export trade which became a full free trade
in 1913 by virtue of the Underwood-Simons Tariff Act of the US
Congress facilitated the opening of ports all over the country.
However, the trade agreement seemed not to favor the Filipino
much because of the fact that Philippine export products were free to
enter American ports within quota limits while American products
could enter Philippine ports without paying duty taxes to the
Philippines and without quota limits. The crux of inequality was the
fact that there were more imports from America than the export
products of the Filipinos entering the US. THE American capitalists
got greater profits that their Filipino counterparts.

d. Industrial Development
The American period facilitated the Industrial Age in the
Philippines. Factories sprang up in towns and cities, producing
commodities such as cigars, coconut oil, sugar, textile, and cordage
using local resources. Mining industries boomed into huge
international industries. The Philippines became known as a gold
producer and supplier of other minerals such as chromate,
manganese, copper, iron, silver and others. Fishing and fish canning
became major industries, placing the Philippines in the limelight of
the international market as a rich ground for deep-sea fishing.

e. Improvement of Transportation and Communication

The American period affected the modernization of
transportation facilities in the Philippines. Roads and bridges were
constructed, which facilitated transport of products from farms to
ports and markets with ease and convenience. By 1935, there were
already 20,826 kilometers of roads and 8,100 bridges built by
American road builders.
In 1905, telephone system was introduced in Manila. Radio-
telephone services were installed in 1933. Towns and provincial
capitols were inter-connected by radio, telegraph lines, and
telephones. By 1935, more than a thousand mail offices all over the
Philippines were established, facilitating communications though
ordinary mails, telegrams, money orders, packages, and air mail
These material progress in the Philippines that were achieved
during the American colonial period had an impact on the economic

Page 27 of 92
condition of the Philippines. However, form the perception of Filipino
nationalists, America’s regime in the Philippines transformed the
Philippines into a market of surplus products of the US and a gold
mine of economic resources at the expense of the greater majority of
Filipinos, who gave so much of the expense of the resources, time,
and talents but received the least of benefits.

f. Social Progress under America

The impact of American public education I the Philippines was a
key factor in the improvement of peace and order conditions in the
country. Democracy as an ideology was emphasized in all schools.
Filipinos became conscious of basic freedoms. Political writers began
to express their views with greater impetus and political
consciousness grew among Filipinos in government. Partisan politics
was allowed, enabling Filipinos to form independent political parties
wherein a great majority of Filipino elites agitated for political
Filipino cultural life changed dramatically as the English
language became an official medium, not only in schools, but also in
private and public offices. The influx of ideas from the progressive
West acquired through the knowledge and proficiency in English
helped enrich the English language, which was patrionized by
Filipinos, proved itself as the potent force which changed Filipino
cultural life and gave importance to a Western-oriented cultural
Self-assessment 5
Construct a data chart. List down the developments or results
of American occupation in the Philippines under each aspect of
Filipino life and indicate their positive and negative implications
(consequences or effects). Determine which sector(s) of Filipino
society were benefited most and which the least.

Aspect of Developments Implications Most Least

Filipino (Results of (Consequences Benefited Benefited
American or Effects) Sector(s) Sector(s)

Page 28 of 92




LESSON 3: The Philippines Under Japanese Rule

Japanese Invasion
During the 10-year period of the Commonwealth government,
Japan arose as Asia’s strongest military power. The Japanese
government, which was controlled by an elite class of military
warriors, embarked on an ambitious scheme to build an economic
empire by uniting all Asian nations against the colonial clutches of
Western imperialist nations. She embarked on a conquest of
expansionism through military invasions over weak countries in Asia.
Her conquests were greatly motivated by her need for territories to
accommodate her excess population and also to have markets for
her surplus manufactured goods.
Establishment of Japanese Military Administration
On January 02, 1942, after the relatively bloodless occupation
of Manila, General Homma, Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese
Imperial Forces in the Philippines, declared the establishment of the
Japanese military administration with the intention of putting under
complete control political, economic, and socio-cultural affairs in
Manila and consequently the whole Philippines. He further declared
the end of American occupation and Placed the country under martial
law, and ordered the confiscation of firearms, ammunitions, and

Page 29 of 92
other war materials. He declared punishment by death for anyone
who did not hostile act against the Japanese army. He placed under
Japanese control all industries, factories, banks, schools, churches,
printing presses, and centers of recreations. He issues a
proclamation prohibiting circulation of American dollars and
introduced Japanese war notes which replaced Philippine currency.
He ordered arrests and punishment to those who caught singing the
American National anthem and any American song. Books,
magazines, and newspaper in English were confiscated and burned.
Only Japanese propaganda newspapers written in Tagalog were
allowed for circulation.
The Socio-Cultural Situation under Japanese Occupation
Although there was a Japanese-sponsored republic in
existence, the Filipinos had to contend with five mortal dangers: the
guerillas, hunger, Japanese-paid Filipino spies, lack of medicine, and
The Japanese military police or “KEMPETAI” had wanton
disregard for human lives. They sowed fear and terror in
communities by raiding houses of occupants with unregistered
radios. All those arrested suspects were severely tortured or
executed publicly by hanging or by firing squad. Oftentimes, torture
by water cure, punching bad or “red-hot iron” or “electric wire” were
made public to warn people not to collaborate in any way or by any
means with Japanese enemies. Worst were public executions by
beheading with samurai. Such did not effectively sow fear but sowed
instead hatred for Japanese soldiers. Spies were also a menace in
the social life of Filipinos. Many Filipino spies who were paid by the
Japanese just pointed to anyone whom they falsely suspected to be
pro-American and anti-Japanese. More often than not, the victims of
Japanese-paid spies were unjustly accused, tortured, and eventually
Guerillas, on the other hand, were also a threat for they quickly
liquidated Filipinos who were suspected to be Japanese collaborators
without due process.
Social evils such as poverty and pretty crimes were rampantly
prevalent. Crimes against property increased for the sake of survival.
Stealing was a usual crime as it was a desperate means to survive
attributed to scarcity of food and hopelessness due to the acute state

Page 30 of 92
of poverty. Scavengers roamed the streets and the public markets
scrounging for food in garbage drums. Some women grave in
desperation had to sustain their family by employing themselves as
comfort women for Japanese soldiers and sex attendants to the
bourgeoisie and plutocrats.
In the cultural context, the Filipinos were forcibly induced for
educational re-orientation. Military Order no.2, the Japanese policy
on education, was issued on February 2, 1942 to inculcate Japanese
culture; promote the dissemination of the principle of Greater East
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, spiritual rejuvenation. And the teaching
of Nippongo language; further vocational and elementary education;
and promote the love of labor. The main goal of this Japanese
educational policy was to erase Western cultural influences and to
create an atmosphere of friendship to push through Japanese
intentions and war aims. Schools were re-opened and were forced to
strictly observe Japanese educational policies.
In the field of arts expression, strict prohibitions were enforced
by Japanese authorities. Performers in theatres were not allowed to
present entertainment that were Western-oriented and injurious to
Japanese sensibilities. Writers did not enjoy freedom to expression.
Only a few print media were allowed for circulation with strict
censorship. While encouraging Filipino culture, the Japanese imposed
restrictions so as to ensure that they do not impair Japanese aims of

The Economic Situation in the Philippine under the Japanese

Economic activities in the Philippines during the Japanese
occupation were limited since most of the economic resources were
under Japanese control. Production practically stopped due to the
war and fear of Japanese atrocities. Agriculture production was at its
lowest ebb. This predicament prevailed because work animals
decreased and farms and plantations had been abandoned. The
Japanese military confiscated trucks, cars, rice harvests, and even
required farmers and laborers to serve for the soldiers. Philippine
currency was not in circulation for the banks were controlled by the
Japanese. During the Period of Japanese Rule, Japanese money,
called “Micky Mouse Money” by the Americans and “Yap-yap” by the
Filipinos, was the currency which became a worthless legal tender
towards the end of the Second World War.

Page 31 of 92
The Liberation Period in the Philippines
The Liberation period was one of the most thrilling episodes of
the struggles of Filipinos to restore and preserve their sovereignty.
War historians claim that the two years from 1944-1946 were the
most dramatic part in Philippine history. It was the period when
Filipinos showed their determination to take back their independence
which had they lost, by sheer gallantry and courage through the
guerilla warfare that they waged.
The final phase of the war in the Philippines during World War
2 involved a series of events in which leaders and personalities who
were Either Filipinos or Americans had put their lives at stake or had
somehow perished, all for the sake of a noble cause – freedom from
the clutches of the Japanese hawks of military expansionism.
Self-assessment 6

A. Tabulate the conditions of the Philippines during the Japanese

rule in its social, economic, cultural, and political aspects

Aspects of Filipino Facts (Conditions, Prevailing Problems)





Page 32 of 92

B. What would you conclude as the most adversely affected

aspect of Filipino life during the period of the Japanese
occupation in the Philippines? Why?


Assignment 3
Create a Creative Timeline. You will narrate the important dates and
events through creative timeline from Spanish occupation to
Japanese occupation. Be guided by your course guides. Rubric and
format is included there.
Assignment 4
Write a Critical Essay about readings in different occupations in the
Philippines that you have chosen. Thre readings are:

a. The house where the Philippines forgotten ‘comfort women’

were held
b. Comfort Women an unfinished or deal Report of a Mission:
Statements of Victims in the Philippines
Be guided with the rubric and the format of your outputs. See your
course guide!


Christopher F. B., Raymond E. B, Julie C. L., Fatima F. R., Tecah C. S.

(2006) Philippine History Coursebook, Trinitas Publishing. INC.

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