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United States Armed Forces

National Security Agency

Abusive Administrative Commands Guideline
Last updated: March 7th, 2023.

It’s advised that you read this Google Document entirely. This is to prevent any accidents or mistakes regarding
Administrative permissions. Also, make sure to use common sense while using any command in any game within USAF’s


Admin Abuse, also known as AA, is the act of misusing administrative permissions given to you by higher ups for divisional or
event needs. Never do something that’ll negatively impact someone else's gameplay experience, or something that can benefit
you in an irresponsible manner. All players deserve to get an equal experience in our games, and using moderator commands to
ruin others' gameplay will result in a punishment delivered by the National Security Agency. The severity of the punishment
will depend on what you’ve committed. More details as you read through this document.

If you would like to report someone for admin abuse, please do so in the NSA discord server:

Key Points:
- As a general rule, any command usage that ruins someone else’s experience may be named as admin abuse and be
subject to punishments given by NSA. This includes using commands on the entire server (all, others, etc.) which may
affect a player's in-game experience and will result in higher punishments. ;pm is NOT an exception from this.

- ANY commands used to ruin the experience of the users on the raider team is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Such actions
will be treated as Category 2-3 depending on the severity. Raiders have spent money on the game and have a right to
use the guns if they wish. If raiders exploit, they will lose that privilege and be banned. To name a few commands that
are not allowed to be used on raiders are: ;give, ;view, and .to/.bring/.tp; As a
- new rule, you are permitted to communicate with raiders via individual ;pms, but do so sparingly.
Weaponizing or using ;pm as a means to belittle or otherwise insult raiders will not be tolerated. NSA
recommends you use ;pm courteously or to ask questions.

- All use of commands by someone on the raider team besides the use of ;log and ;pm is prohibited.

- All Admin Abuse offenses will be recorded and logged by the National Security Agency. If you wish to appeal a case of
Admin Abuse, as well as report admin abuse, please join the NSA discord here and open an Admin Abuse Appeals or
an Admin Abuse Report ticket.

- Any use of commands not listed below is prohibited. We will add the commands to this list once we encounter them in
NSA tickets

- Excessive use of command is prohibited unless used for community events hosted by BGEN+. NSA agents will
determine what is concerned “excessive” depending on the command used and the context it was used in.

- And as always, ignorance of the rules is no excuse. If you decide not to read this document in its entirety, you are still
subject to its rules and punishments.

USAF High Command Section
USAF High Command members are honorable members of the USAF community who hold most of the divisional command
and high command positions. Their loyalty is rewarded with additional freedom with commands at the academy. This DOES
NOT mean they are allowed to use commands freely, rather, they have access to more commands than the average officer or
enlist. If you see a High Command member abusing, report to the NSA immediately. They will sort out any confusions there, or
forward the report up the chain of command so it can be properly dealt with.

Punishments if Commands are abused

1st Offense:
● Temporary demotion to Colonel for a short period of time
2nd Offense:
● Demotion in USAF
● Possible disciplinary meeting with a Senior Command representative
3rd Offense:
● Further USAF or divisional demotions
● Possible relief of command

;give - High Command members are authorized to give themselves any item other than sunbeam and moonbeam.
;shirt/pants/;hat - High Command are allowed to use these commands on themselves given they are appropriate
;unchar/char - Only for use in uniform purposes. Do not attempt to crash a server or grief with this command.
Anything that changes avatar size - Allowed to be used by High Command members for community events only. The list of
known commands that change size are, (width, dwarf, giant, headsize, bighead, height, hipheight, proportion, morph)
;invisible/;visible - Allowed to be used by High Command members for community events only
;glass/;ghost/;gold/;paint - Allowed to be used by High Command members for community events only
;vote - Allowed to be used by High Command members for community events only
;heal/;health - Allowed to be used by High Command members for community events only
;countdown - Allowed to be used by High Command members for community events only
;re - Used to refresh a character after using any other aesthetic command. Be sure to use on all
;r6 / ;15 - Allowed to be used at any time by High Command members as long as it does not interfere with academy events
;view - can only be used to watch a user that is breaking Roblox TOS or USAF rules, such as exploiting. Do not use it to pursue
raiders or to help others pursue raiders.
;ban - Use only to ban user breaching either roblox TOS or the USAF game rules, such as exploiting and chat bypassing.
;fly - High Command can use fly freely as long as they do not use it to disrupt any USAF events or for malicious intent.
;speed - Can be used at any time. Do not use it to disrupt any USAF events.
;jump - Should only be used to forcefully remove an occupant from a golf cart of any sort.
;sword - High Command members are allowed to use swords for any reason with exception to grief events.
;god - High command may use freely, unless for malicious intent.
;nightvision - High command may use freely on themselves, unless for malicious intent.
;gear - Coming soon, guidelines are in the works

* All commands listed can be used without a ;pm

** Unless a High Command member is hosting a community event that requires one of the commands listed above, they are
only permitted to use these commands on themselves. During a community event, they are permitted to these commands on any
attendee(s), but they are obligated to ;refresh the attendee(s) after the event concludes. Use of commands not listed above are
strictly forbidden and will result in the punishments listed above.

Category 1: Minor Infractions


1st Offense:
● Verbal warning
2nd Offense:
● Final Verbal warning
3rd Offense:
● Admin class in OAC/division that gave mod
● 1 strike in OAC/division that gave mod
4th Offense:
● 4-5 day suspension from OAC/division that gave mod
● 2 strikes in OAC/division that gave mod
5th Offense:
● Exile from OAC/division/sub-division that gave them mod


;to, ;tp - You MUST have permission from the person you are teleporting to. Teleporting to any restricted area will count as
abuse of this privilege. Teleporting to a shooter/Teleporting yourself near the shooter is Admin Abuse.
;m, ;h, - Announcement commands, ;h is to be used when you are hosting a training/event. ;m is to only be used my BGEN+.
;h may only be used twice per training, the initial announcement and the locking of the event (or cancellation)
;bring - Asking is required first or it’s Admin Abuse. Bringing a shooter is prohibited.
;watch, ;view - DO NOT use it to view shooters or raiders, only to view possible exploiters.
;ep, ;dp - Should only be used for event purposes such as tryout, BMT, etc. (Do NOT use ;ep & ;dp commands to kill intruders
while hosting an event, instead use your tablet to disable passive.)
;refresh, ;respawn - Shouldn’t be used regularly, only when you’re glitched.
;clearhats - Can be used whenever freely, but do not use on others without permission
;pants, ;shirt, ;hat - May be used for divisional or sub-divisional uniform purposes only.
;alert - This is basically a ;pm, but it says “alert” instead of “private message”. Only use in cases of emergencies; you can % a
team if required. Example: %military to notify the military police.
;info - No reason for this command to be used.
;ff, ;unff - Should only be used in special circumstances or when concluding tryouts to show who passed. Remember to ;unff.
;sit - You are allowed to use this on yourself freely, but you are not allowed to sit other people without their permission
;jump - Can be used to remove someone from a vehicle forcefully, should only be used by BGEN+
;r15, ;r6 - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;char, ;unchar - May be used for divisional or sub-divisional uniform purposes only.
;morph - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;bundle - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.

Category 2: Intermediate Infractions

1st Offense:
● Verbal Warning
● Admin class if within OAC/division that gave mod
2nd Offense:
● 1 strike in OAC/division that gave mod
3rd Offense:
● 2 strikes/suspension in division/subdivision that gave them mod.
4th Offense:
● Exile from the division that gave them mod.


;blur - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.

;warp - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;smallHead, ;bigHead, ;potatoHead, ;headSize - Only allowed for community events by BGEN+
;gold - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;ghost - Only allowed for community events by BGEN+
;shine - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;neon - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;glass - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;reflectance - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;material - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;paint - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;height, ;hipHeight, ;squash, ;proportion, ;width - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;fat, ;thin - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;vote - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;mute, ;unmute - Should only be used in important events (Inspections/rallies.) Can only be used by BGEN+, granted they do
not abuse it.
;countdown, ;hcountdown - Can only be used by developers or GOA+ to prepare hosts for when the server shuts down.
;add, ;subtract - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;fire, ;smoke - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;fogstart, ;fogend, ;fogcolor - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;disco - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA
;give - Gives a player a tool, may be used by trainers or for tryouts for the combat portion (Only M9 or Glock 17). Make sure
the gun you’ve given is gone once your attendees no longer need it (have them reset). Giving a gun for any other reason is
considered Admin Abuse. CPT+ may give themselves a UMP freely. (Don't forget to ;pm yourself.)
;blur - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;sparkles - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;clone - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;heal, ;health - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
Note: ANY use of the commands above MUST be used with ;pm right after!

Category 3: Major Infractions

Possible Punishments
● Permanent mod/admin loss.
● Suspension from USAF.
● Demotion within divisions.
● Exile from divisions.
● Rank-lock.
● Ban from USAF.


;rainbowFart - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.

;fly - No reason for this command to be used by enlisted. Free use by High Command for non-malicious reasons.
;god, ;ungod - No reason for this command to be used by anyone, unless for a special event. Should have permission from a
;sword, ;gear - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;spin - No reason for this command to be used.
;visible, ;invisible - No reason for this command to be used.
;damage - No reason for this command to be used AT ALL.
;resetteam - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;freeze, ;unfreeze - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.

;ice, ;thaw - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;lock, ;unslock - BGEN+ for only if a mass exploiter attack occurs.
;ban, ;directBan, ;permBan, ;timeBan - To be used on exploiters or mass Admin Abusers. May be used by BGEN+.
;kick - No reason for this command to be used by enlisted. May be used by BGEN+.
;permRank - No reason for this command to be used, admin should be given via the group. GoA+
;tempRank - No reason for this command to be used, admin should be given via the group.
;jail, ;unjail - Used to Jail exploiters only when there are no HC online, random jailing is AA. Try not to mess up with this
command, best to type the entire username or at least 5 characters then to type “all” or “the” and jail 5-100 people accidentally.
Must use a ;pm afterwards.
;speed - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;resetstats - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;size - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;crash - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;noclip, ;noclip2 - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
;nightVision - No reason for this to be used, will count as AA.
Note: ANY use of the commands above MUST be used with ;pm right after!

Category 4: Extreme Infractions (Discord/Group Admin Abuse)

● Complete ban and blacklist from all of the United States Armed Forces and all associated groups.

Mass promotion
- No reason for anyone to do this.
Mass demotion
- No reason for anyone to do this.
Misuse of Discord server permissions
- No reason for anyone to do this.
Destroying or misusing documents
- No reason for anyone to do this.

Created by:
Lieutenant General, General Manager, SkillfulBray
Colonel, Deputy General Manager, Asmodeus_Xl
Captain, Deputy General Manager, Choigame704

Approved by:
Vice Commander, Director of National Security Agency, Canadian_Godd

Published by:
National Security Agency

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