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CTT de los Andes Language Center

English Program

Students’ Portfolios Guide

- The students’ portfolio is going to be digital.

- Teachers must collect digital portfolios from all the students in their classes. (Ask one
of your students to be in charge of collecting portfolios or use technology like Dropbox
and Google Drive to make the process easier.)
- Create a folder with your name. (e.g. Felipe Santamaría)
- Under the folder with your name, include sub-folders with your different classes.
o E.G.
o Level 5A
o Level 5B

- Under each class folder, include all the digital portfolios from your students.

- Students should present a PDF file with the following information. (They only have to
scan the files from the physical portfolio)

Sections Content
Cover Page and Scanned Cover Page from the physical portfolio.
Introduction Should include:
- Student Name:
- Level and Class (e.g. Level 5G)
- Academic Period

My self-portrait essay.
Grammar and 2 worksheets that are focused on developing vocabulary and grammar
Vocabulary from the entire course.
Quizzes 2 Unit Quizzes
Reading 2 Reading tasks students have performed during the course.
Listening 2 Listening activities students have worked in during the course.
Writing 2 Writing pieces students had created during the course.
Speaking 2 Rubrics or any type of evidence from speaking activities students have
performed during the course.
Other Evidences This section is not mandatory, but if students have worked with songs,
extra videos, platforms like Moodle, Chamilo or read works, they can
include screenshots or scanned files from the activities.
Note: The PDF file name should be your students’ names (e.g Alex Cuesta). Make sure that
the first letter in each word is a capital letter like in the example.

Academic Coordination will send you a link, in which you will be able to upload the folder with
your name and all the portfolios.

Student Portfolio Guide Academic Coordination

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