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Receiving this scholarship would be one of the most important things in my life.


for college is a very stressful point in my life for me and my family. Both of my parents work

and are paying to put me through a good High School education here at Central Catholic with the

hopes that It will be beneficial towards allowing me to be able to receive a college education.

There’s a lot of things to pay for in the day to day life before we could even think about

paying for college. For example, I have two other siblings in my household so three including

me. Which means my parents have to pay for an education for 3 different children to try to better

our lives. My older sister and I have both worked jobs since the age of 14 so that we could assist

our parents in financial defects coming from us, which has been difficult for me with playing

football and being a student. With us both working, my parents' working, and me playing sports,

conflict began to spark between all of our schedules. This caused both my sister and I the need

for cars which was another expense for my family. We both ended up saving enough money to

buy our own cars but we both needed help with paying for insurance, gas, and maintaining and

fixing our cars. Which causes a lot of financial issues. Like currently me and my parents are

trying to come up with money to get my car fixed now which has been down for about 3 months.

Coming to Bowling Green State University will provide me with many opportunities

such as reducing stress within my family, a better life later down the road and more job

opportunities, and the ability to meet more people and gain good connections. It would reduce

stress in my family by me being out of Toledo and far enough away from all of the violence that

goes on in our city, also by ensuring that I’m going down the correct path for my future. This

scholarship will allow me to get this education which allows me to have a more vast job search

because of the fact that God willing, I will come out of BGSU with a Bachelor's degree. It would

help me gain connections because everyone there most likely has goals and have somewhere
they want to be in their lives, and by us knowing each other now could help to benefit both of us

in the present but also in the future.

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