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My top 5 strengths were Consistency, Relator, Includer, Empathy, Positivity.

agree with these because I’m constantly a person that balance is key in my
life, I’m a person that treats everyone the same and I’m open to new
relationships but always make sure my close friends are good and

How I can use my strengths to build relationships is being open to meeting new people and
always including everyone which is what I do, because like I mentioned before I don’t like
the idea of getting treated unfairly. Which is why I’m a person that likes  to meet new
people because I know if they are treated well, I will have people that I can count on if they
are  treated them respect. 
Taking a leadership initiative, my strengths will help me in not being afraid to connect with
others and sharing what goals I have in creating a better environment by making sure I’m
consistent with delivering a message as a leader. 
Tackling a difficult task, my strengths will help keep a nice balance of thinking positive
when things get hard and find ways to see the light, more so find solutions. 
Managing responsibilities, my strengths will help me not stress myself out and like I
mentioned having fun and being positive will help me manage and get through all the tasks
I will need to complete. 
Staying organized, my strengths will help me showcase that I’m a person that likes to keep
things well balanced because its no fun when you don’t know where certain things are
which is why creating a balanced of organizing everything helps me stay well put together. 
Contributing to a group, my strengths will help me be able to form friendships and build
relationships because I’m a people person and love giving ideas to others  in which will help
me be able to communicate and contribute to a group. As I don't shy away from getting to
know others and getting things done which is why my strengths would support me. 

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