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Elementary Video script Unit 11

Animals in danger

N = Narrator

N: Twenty per cent of the world’s land is savannah, or grass land. Africa has the biggest area

of savannah in the world. The savannah is home to many rare species of animals. Because of

hunting, and changes in the environment, many of these animals are now in danger.

Giraffes, the tallest of all living mammals. They can be up to six metres tall. Zebras, a member

of the horse family. Each zebra has a different pattern of stripes. The savannah is also home

to the African elephant, the largest living land animal.

Female elephants live in groups with their young, male elephants usually live alone. This

family has a new member, a baby elephant called Breeze, he’s just a few days old.

It’s October, and the weather is hot. Every day the elephants walk to the river to drink. Not

easy when you’re a baby like Breeze.

There is also danger from crocodiles in the water. .. And there are lions in the area. Lions kill a

lot of baby elephants. But the biggest danger to elephants is from man. People hunt elephants

for their ivory.

Seventy years ago there were about five million elephants in Africa. Now, there are only about

three hundred thousand.

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