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The concept of self-efficacy focuses on the individual's judgment on executing the course of action

based on the situation. Criterions of self-efficacy depends on an individuals' ability to execute his coping
attitudes, behaviors, and consistent efforts exerted in the face of hardship. One of the essential concepts
in Psychology is self-efficacy because it plays in actual behavior and often has been considered in
multiple areas and psychological realm disciplines. The progress in self-efficacy and identifying affecting
factors on it will affect students' academic performance. It is considered as the effectiveness and skills to
cope with life's struggles. The strength of self-efficacy is based on one's perception of one's own
capability to accomplish tasks and goals (Ormrod, 2006). Bandura (2004) has defined self-efficacy as
one's perceived ability to surpass specific situations or accomplish a goal.


Burnout is a condition of someone who feels lost energy and squeezed out both physically and
psychologically Nadya et al, (2019), Xiaofei, (2014). King (2008) also explains that burnout is a very
severe psychological stress state in someone who is experiencing emotional fatigue and little motivation
to work. According to Khusniyah and Yuwono (2014) Burnout is a condition of being squeezed out and
losing both psychic and physical energy. Burnout tends to be caused by intense emotional, physical and
mental exhaustion. According to Maslach and Leiter (2008) Burnout has three main dimensions and
indicators, namely:

1.Emotional exhausting or emotional exhaustion

2.Depersonalization or depersonalization is an individual's tendency to stay away from his social
3.Personal accomplishment or low self-esteem


Self efficacy

Self efficacy is one of the abilities of individual self-regulation. The concept of self efficacy was
first put forward by Bandura (1995) self efficacy is the expectation of beliefs (expectations) about how
far a person is able to do one behavior and a certain situation. In addition, Schultz (2010) defines self-
efficacy as our feelings of adequacy, efficiency, and our ability to cope with life. Self efficacy proposed by
Lunenburg (2011) which can be concluded that self efficacy is an individual's belief in facing and
completing certain tasks or problems, so that the individual is able to overcome obstacles and achieve
the expected goals.

Bandura (1997) the measurement of self efficacy that a person has refers to three dimensions,
namely: 1) Level (Level): Individuals sure can do certain tasks, 2) Generalization (generality): Can
motivate yourself to take the actions needed to complete the task, Strength (Strength): Able to try hard,
persistent and persevering, able to survive facing obstacles, can solve problems in various situations or



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