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Simple Electric Motor


Copper Wire, Battery, Styrofoam, Glue gun, Scissor, Safety Pin


Julius B. Baldostamo

Beberlyn Durian

Dennis Pajanustan

Kezie Jepollo

February 2, 2023


An electric motor is on electrical machine that converts electrical energy into

mechanical energy. Most electric motors operate through the interaction
between the motor's magnetic field and electric current in a wirewinding to
generate force in the form of torque on the motor shaft.


The purpose of an electric motor is to convert electrical energy into mechanical

energy. Mechanical energy can then be used to power everything from heavy,
industrial machinery to everyday tools and appliances such as hair dryers


Motors turn electrical energy into rotational motion called torque, many robots
use the torque provide by motors to make their wheels spin or to move the
jointed part in their arms or legs. These motors are known as actuators. The
simple motor built in class uses a coil that is a temporary electromagnet.

Electric motors convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. Most of them
work via the interaction of the motor magnetic field and alecteical current in a
wound wire to produce force in the manner of torque supplied on the motor
shaft. The most important parts of a motor are the rotor and stator.

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