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Earth and Life

a Science

Submitted by:
Cada, Jorielle Anne T.

Submitted to:
Sir Javen
ALPHA (2018)

1. What material is used in making hand tools during their time?

The movie Alpha takes place 20.000 BP in France. This movie refers to a specific
archeological time period, originally called “the Solutrean”. Solutrean dates from 22.000 to
17.000 BP. Based from my research, Solutrean industry is a relatively advanced flint tool-
making style of the Upper Paleolithic of the Final Gravettian.
During the upper Paleolithic, they use stone tools as their material for making hand
tools. Specifically, the characters in the movie used flints, a type of stone which is usually
used in making tools because of its composition. They removed some parts of the flints to
shape or form it as a spear. They made this spear-shape flints as their spear tips and
arrowhead that they used in hunting. The movie also shows that the characters used weapons
especially their knives that are made out of stones also. There is also a glimpse that shows
that during their time, they also used bones as a tool. In the movie, the production of the
stone tools are made with the help of a bone hammer. Also, they use wooden stick and stones
in making fire.

2. How do they live? How do they get their food?

The people in the movie are called Solutrean which lived from 22 000 to 17 000 BP.
They are one of the early humans in Europe. In the movie Alpha, it was shown how do they
live as well as how do they get their food. Before, they do not have the technological
appliances that we have today and other things that we possess. They don’t even have an idea
in cooking.
People during their time dressed with a practical mix of leather and fur combined
with lots of beads, pearls and shells sewn on as decoration. Maybe, this type of clothing are
very common in upper Paleolithic. They also know that time how to build a simple shelter
and how to create and use fire. They have their tribe which was led by a chief called Alpha.
People during their time were hunter-gatherers. They depend on the available resources on
their place. There is a specific time, which in the movie is one season in once in a year that
selected men in the tribe will put their selves in danger to hunt. They get their food through
hunting and killing animals. In the movie, their target are the bisons. During their time, their
main foods are animals and insects that are usually eaten uncooked or set on fire.
3. How do they take care of their next generation?
It can be seen that Tau, the chief of the tribe is such a good leader. He is very
responsible, patient, unbiased, and hands-on in order to take care and to support his tribe. He
has a very strong personality and good leadership. He always say to his son that life is only
for the strong. These characteristics of him protects the whole tribe. He needs to be strong not
only for himself nor his family, but for the whole tribe.
This is how they take care of their next generation. The very first thing is how the chief
showed his love for his son and his eagerness to teach Keda, his son, how to be good and
strong leader for their tribe, for the next generation. They risk their lives to hunt down
animals. According to them, they have no choice but to risk their lives and to kill animals.
Killing an animal give a life to their tribe. Meaning, they get a life from the animal in
exchange of a life for their tribe.
In short, they did all the things they could for the tribe and for the future generation.

4. What values or characters they have exhibited that are still demonstrated today?
Still, a lot of people possess the values or characters exhibited in the movie. However,
not all demonstrated those. Mostly, what I have observe are good values and characters. It
only indicates that the early humans possess good qualities.

Strong is the most highlighted values in the movie which is possess by Chief Tau.
People today still demonstrate this because in reality, we need to be strong to cope up with
life. Chief Tau also responsibility. A lot of people lacks with this however, I know that even
today there are still numbers of people who are responsible such as our parents, teacher, even
me as a student. Being unbiased is also a character of the chief. It could be seen in one of the
scene in the movie where he let his son get hit by his men because it is a part of their culture.
Today, even though there are bias people, I believe that there are still who are unbiased and
honest. Loving and caring which was shown by the characters especially by Keda and his
family. This characters are our nature and we still demonstrate it until now and forever. Keda
was dependent to his father at first in the movie. Today, being dependent is often possess by
kids. Being compassionate was shown by Keda a lot of times where he can’t kill an animal.
He is also brave and patient as he overcome all the challenges he encountered to went back
home. Lastly, respect. This is what the tribe shows to their chief they respect him. Until
today, these values and characters are still demonstrated not by all people but by most

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