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“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”



Camp Edilberto Evangelista, Patag, Cagayan de Oro

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”


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Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”


Basic life support (BLS) is defined as a variety of noninvasive emergency

procedures performed to assist in the immediate survival of a patient, including
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemorrhage control, stabilization of fractures, spinal
immobilization, and basic first aid.


At the end of this session the learners must be able to know first aid for
medical emergencies and apply the general rules of basic life savings.


Explain the following:

 First Aid for Medical Emergencies

 Fever and Heat Related Injuries
 Head and Neck Problems
 Allergies
 Animal Bites and Stings


Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

Basic Life Support

is a level of medical care which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses
or injuries until they can be given full medical at a hospital. It can be provided by
trained medical personel, such as emergency medical technicians, and by qualified

Three types of heat-related illnesses

 heat cramps
 heat exhaustion
 heat stroke

What are heat cramps?

Heat cramps are the mildest form of heat injury and consist of painful muscle
cramps and spasms that occur during or after intense exercise and sweating
in high heat.
Flushed, moist skin mild fever, usually less than 102.5 F muscle cramps pale,
moist skin usually has a fever over 102 degrees nausea, vomiting.

First Aid
1. Move to a cool place and rest. Remove excess clothing and place cool cloths
on skin.
2. Fan skin Give cool sports drinks containing salt and sugar such as Gatorade
3. Stretch cramped muscles slowly and gently.

What is heat exhaustion?

Heat exhaustion is more severe than heat cramps and results from a loss of
water and salt in the body. It occurs in conditions of extreme heat and excessive
sweating without adequate fluid and salt replacement. Heat exhaustion occurs when
the body is unable to cool itself properly and, if left untreated, can progress to heat
Vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, weakness, anxiety and faint feeling
warm, dry skin, high fever, usually over 104 degrees, rapid heart rate, loss of
appetite, nausea, vomiting.

First Aid
1. Move to a cool place and rest
2. Give cool sports drinks containing salt and sugar such as Gatorade
3. If no improvement or unable to take fluids, call your adolescent's physician or
take your child to an emergency department immediately. IV (intravenous)
fluids may be needed.
What is heat stroke?

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

Heat stroke, the most severe form of heat illness, occurs when the body's
heat-regulating system is overwhelmed by excessive heat. It's a life-threatening
emergency and requires immediate medical attention.
Headache, fatigue, confusion, agitation, lethargy, stupor, seizures, coma, and
death are possible.

First Aid
1. Move to a cool place and rest.
2. Call 911 or your local emergency medical service. Heat stroke is a life-
threatening medical emergency and needs to be treated by a physician
3. Remove excess clothing and drench skin with cool water; fan skin.
4. Place ice bags on the armpits and groin areas.
5. Offer cool fluids if alert and able to drink.

Head and Neck Problem

Head injuries can be classified as:

 Open – with bleeding wounds to the face or head

 Closed – no visible signs of injury to the face or head.

Blood is not a reliable indicator of the seriousness of a head injury. Apart from
wounds, other symptoms of serious head injury can include:

 Altered consciousness – for example, the person may lose consciousness for
short or longer periods or may be conscious again, but confused or drowsy.
They may even have a brief seizure. They may also change by improving for
a while and deteriorating again later.
 Skull deformities – compressions or deformities are signs of fractures.
 Clear fluid from the ears or nose – a skull fracture, especially a fracture to the
base of the skull, can allow cerebrospinal fluid to leak from the ears or nose.
 Black eyes and bruised skin behind the ears – this indicates that the force of
the blow was sufficient to rupture blood vessels around the eyes and ears.
 Vision changes – the pupils of the eyes may be dilated (enlarged) and be
different sizes in a person with a serious head injury. The person may
complain of double or blurred vision.
 Nausea and vomiting – these are common side effects of serious head injury
and should always be considered important if they persist.

First Aid for Head Injury

In cases where there is a serious head injury, always call an ambulance.

First aid when the injured person is conscious

Encourage the injured person to minimize any movement of their head or

neck. Scalp injuries can bleed profusely, so control any significant blood loss from
head wounds with direct pressure and a dressing. While examining the wound, avoid

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

disturbing blood clots forming in the hair. Reassure the person and try to keep them

First aid when the injured person is unconscious

The person should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger. Any
unnecessary movement may cause greater complications to the head injury itself,
the spine or other associated injuries. A good rule is that if the head is injured, the
neck may be injured too.

Your role is to protect the injured person from any potential dangers at the
scene. You should also monitor their airway and breathing until the arrival of an
ambulance. If the person’s breathing becomes impaired due to a problem with their
airway, you may need to very carefully tilt their head back (and support it) until
normal breathing returns. If the person stops breathing or has no pulse,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may be required.

Common Neck Injuries

When your neck is sore – whether it’s from a poor night’s sleep or sudden
injury – it can make simple tasks a challenge. Turning your head when driving, lifting
objects or just playing a favorite sport can become painful and uncomfortable.
Discover the most common neck injuries and how you can find relief.

Types and Causes of Common Neck Injuries

The most common neck injuries include:

 Neck sprain or strain – A sprain can happen when ligaments in the neck are
torn. A strain refers to a torn muscle or tendon. This can occur as a result of a
sudden injury during physical activity or even a minor car accident.
 Stiff muscles and tendons – Often called a crick in the neck, stiffness can
be caused moving awkwardly or keeping the neck in the same position for a
long period of time (like sleeping overnight).
 Herniated disc – A herniated disc occurs when a spinal disc becomes torn
and the soft jellylike interior leaks or bulges out of the disc. Most commonly a
result of wear and tear, herniated discs can also be caused by a sudden
injury, including a fall.
 Pinched nerve – Bone, tissue or tendons can push against surrounding
nerves, which causes pain. This can happen as a result of a muscle sprain or
 Fractured cervical spine – Though rare, a fractured cervical spine (or broken
neck) is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Common neck injury symptoms

Your symptoms will depend on the type and severity of your injury, but most
common symptoms include:

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

 Difficulty turning the neck

 Headaches
 Muscle spasms in neck and shoulders
 Neck pain
 Stiffness in the neck
 Weakness in the legs, arms, hands or fingers

Common neck injury treatment

Your treatment will depend on the cause of your neck injury. Treatment may include:

 Physical therapy – A certified physical therapist will teach you exercises to

reduce pain, improve flexibility and strengthen muscles in the neck.
 Medicine – Over-the-counter and prescription medicine can help relieve pain,
reduce inflammation and help you find comfort.
 Injections – Corticosteroid injections, medial branch blocks and other
injections can help reduce inflammation and help relieve pain caused by
several different injuries to the neck.
 Acupuncture – Thin needles are inserted into specific spots along the spine
to trigger the release of certain chemicals into the body, helping reduce pain.
Acupuncture, used with traditional treatment, like pain management or
physical therapy can help.
 Massage – Medical massage therapy can help reduce inflammation, ease
pain and provide relief from certain back conditions. Your doctor may
recommend massage therapy along with other treatments.
 Anti-inflammatory Diet – A diet that helps boost your body’s natural ability to
fight inflammation may help reduce symptoms when combined with other
treatment plans.


An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not

typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They
can include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander.

Allergies on skin

Skin allergies may be a sign or symptom of an allergy. They may also be the
direct result of exposure to an allergen.

Types of skin allergies include:

 Rashes. Areas of skin are irritated, red, or swollen, and can be painful or

 Eczema. Patches of skin become inflamed and can itch and bleed.
 Contact dermatitis. Red, itchy patches of skin develop almost immediately
after contact with an allergen.
 Sore throat. Pharynx or throat is irritated or inflamed.
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

 Hives. Red, itchy, and raised welts of various sizes and shapes develop on

the surface of the skin.
 Swollen eyes. Eyes may be watery or itchy and look “puffy.”
 Itching. There’s irritation or inflammation in the skin.
 Burning. Skin inflammation leads to discomfort and stinging sensations on
the skin.
The symptoms you experience because of allergies are the result of several
factors. These include the type of allergy you have and how severe the allergy is.

For food allergies

Can trigger swelling, hives, nausea, fatigue, and more. It may take a while for
a person to realize that they have a food allergy. If you have a serious reaction after
a meal and you’re not sure why, see a medical professional immediately. They can
find the exact cause of your reaction or refer you to a specialist.

For seasonal allergies

Hay fever symptoms can mimic those of a cold. They include congestion,

runny nose, and swollen eyes. Most of the time, you can manage these symptoms at
home using over-the-counter treatments. See your doctor if your symptoms become

For severe allergies

Severe allergies can cause anaphylaxis. This is a life-threatening emergency

that can lead to breathing difficulties, lightheadedness, and loss of consciousness. If
you’re experiencing these symptoms after coming in contact with a possible allergen,
seek medical help immediately.

If you take any medication before an anticipated allergic response, you may
still experience some of these symptoms, but they may be reduced.

First Aid

The best way to avoid allergies is to stay away from whatever triggers the
reaction. If that’s not possible, there are treatment options available.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

Animal Bites and Stings

An animal bite is a wound, usually a puncture or laceration, caused by the

teeth. An animal bite usually results in a break in the skin but also includes
contusions from the excessive pressure on body tissue from the bite.

Snake Bites

Signs or symptoms of a snake bite may vary depending on the type of snake, but
may include:

 Puncture marks at the wound

 Redness, swelling, bruising, bleeding, or blistering around the bite
 Severe pain and tenderness at the site of the bite
 Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
 Labored breathing (in extreme cases, breathing may stop altogether)
 Rapid heart rate, weak pulse, low blood pressure
 Disturbed vision
 Metallic, mint, or rubber taste in the mouth
 Increased salivation and sweating
 Numbness or tingling around face and/or limbs
 Muscle twitching

First Aid

 Stay calm.
 Remove rings or jewelry before swelling starts.
 Seek medical help as soon as possible.
 Do not try to suck venom from the bite site.
 Avoid using ice or tight bandages.

Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings

First Aid
 Clean the area with soap and water.
 Apply a cool compress.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

Bee Sting

First Aid
 Remove the stinger.
 Wash the area with soap and water.
 Apply a cool compress.
 Call 911 immediately if someone is experiencing a severe reaction.


Poison is any substance that is harmful to your body. Many different types of
poison exist. Poisonous substances can be products you have in your house.
Medicines that aren’t taken as directed can be harmful. There are several ways you
can be exposed to poison. You could breathe it in, swallow it, or absorb it through
your skin. Poisoning can be an accident or a planned action.


Possible symptoms of poisoning include:

 Nausea and/or vomiting

 Diarrhea

 Rash

 Redness or sores around the mouth

 Dry mouth

 Drooling or foaming at the mouth

 Trouble breathing

 Dilated pupils (bigger than normal) or constricted pupils (smaller than normal)

 Confusion

 Fainting

 Shaking or seizures

First Aid

Treatment depends on the person and the type of poisoning. In this situation,
try your best to stay calm. The first step is to get away from or remove the poison if
you can. If the poison is in the air, move to a safe place with fresh air. If the poison is
on the skin, rinse it off with water and remove nearby clothing. If the person
swallowed the poison, do not try to induce vomiting. 
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”




A. Tasks: While performing basic life support procedures, each group must
follow the broad rules of basic life support. To pass the class, you must get 70% of
the total number of task "GO"s.

B. Purpose: To evaluate the students’ understanding through their

performance in Basic Life Support.



The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH

Better Health Channel

Questions and Answers

1. You are alone and find a potential victim. What is your first step?

A. Check for responsiveness

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”

B. Ensure scene safety

C. Begin Chest Compressions
D. Open the airway and give 2 breaths

2. You have noticed a potential victim and ensured the scene is safe. What is
your next step?

A. Begin chest compressions

B. Check for victim's responsiveness
C. Call the victim's doctor
D. Provide rescue breathing


Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

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