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Anatomy and physiology

Total marks 70

1 ) The eccrine glands secrete

A Sebum

B Sweat

C Melanine

D Hormones

2) This epidermal cell has a role in immunity and disease resistance.

A Langerhans

B Keratinocytes

C Melanocyte

D Merkel cell

3) Which of the following plays an important role in thermoregulation?

A Merkel cell

B Sebaceous gland

C Sweat gland

D Nail

4) The stratum basale is the layer of -------

A dermis

B epidermis

C Hypodermis

D none of above
5) This is the layer that protects the heart.

A Epicardium

B Myocardial tissue

C Mediastinum

E Endocardium

6) To the which side of the body is the apex of heart pointed?

A At the midline

B To the left

C To the right

D Different for males and females

7) Which layer consists of cardiac muscle tissue?

A Epicardium

B Pericardium

C Myocardium

D Endocardium

8) Through which structure does blood pass from the right atrium to the right ventricle?

A Bicuspid valve

B Interventricular septum

C Tricuspid valve

D Mitral valve

9) As each ventricle contracts where does blood move?

A Into an artery

B Into the apex

C Into a vein

D Through an atrioventricular valve

10) Which of the below structures prevents blood from flowing back from the lungs?

A Tricuspid valve

B Bicuspid valve

C Pulmonary valve

D Aortic valve

11) This is the correct sequence of structures that allows the normal sequence of excitation to
progress through the heart.

A Bundle of His - Purkinje fibres - AV node

B SA node - Purkinje fibres - AV node - Bundle of His

C Purkinje fibres - AV node - SA node - Bundle of His

D SA node - AV node - Bundle of His - Purkinje fibres

12) This electrical event represents repolarization of the ventricle.

A R wave

B T wave

C S wave

D P wave
13) From the left ventricle, where does blood pass?
A Right atrium
B Right ventricle
C Bicuspid valve
D Aortic semilunar valve

14) This is the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta each minute.

A Cardiac output
B Cardiac input
C Stroke volume
D Heart rate

15) This term refers to the period of time during a cardiac cycle when contraction occurs and
blood pressure rises.
A Filling
B Systole
C Repolarization
D Diastole

16) When do coronary arteries primarily receive blood flow?

A During inspiration
B During diastole
C During expiration
D During systole

17) The cells of the cardiac conduction system have the ability to create their own action
potentials, this is known as:

A Spontaneity
B Reflexivity
C Mechanicity
D Automaticity

18) Which of the layers of an artery contains smooth muscles?

A tunica interna
B tunica externa
C tunica media
D all of above

19) The circulatory route that runs from the digestive tract to the liver is called
A hepatic portal circulation
B systemic circulation
C pulmonary circulation
D cornnary circulation

20) --------- blood group does not contain any antibodies in their plasma.
A Blood group A

B Blood group B
C Blood group AB
D Blood group O

21) ) Which blood group is called universal donor

A Blood group A
B Blood group B
C Blood group AB
D Blood group O

22) Tunica intima is ------ layer of blood vessels

A inner
B middle
C outer
D none of above

23) Diameter of platelets is

A 1 µm
B2-3 µm
C 5 µm
D 6 µm

24) Lifespan of RBCs In adult is

A60-80 days
B 80-100 days
C 100 -120 days
D120- 140 days

25) which Chemicals help in platelets aggregation to the affected area

A Thromboxane
B Prothrombin
C fibrinogen

26) thromopotient is hormone that stimulate platelets production is released from

A kidney
B heart
C lungs
D liver

27) The process of blood cell formation is called

A haemopoiesis
B erythrocytes)
D all of above

28) Reticulocytes are immature form of

C Monocytes
D Both b and c

29) The development of RBCs from stem cells to mature erythrocyte is take place in------ days

A 4
B 7
C 10
D 11

30) which vitamin is necessary for the formation of RBCs

A Vitamin B6
B vitamin B7
C Vitamin B12
D Vitamin D

31)which of the following cell is granulocytes

A Eosinophils
B Plasma cells
C memory cells
D both A and C

32) first cells That migrate to the site of the infection to begin killing the invading microbes are
A Monocytes
B Basophil
C Neutrophils
D Mast cell

33)------are involved in defense against parasites

A Eosinophils
B Basophil
C Neutrophils
D Mast cell

34) Heparin is secreted from----

A Monocytes
B Basophil
C Neutrophils
D Mast cell

35)----- prevent from harmful UV light

A keratinoytes
B melanocytes
C Merkel cells
D Langerhans’ cells
36) smooth muscle located in the dermis and is attached to the side of the hair shaft is
A Deltoid
B Arrector pili
C gluteal
D temporalis

37)which types of tissue found in kidneys , pancreas and salivary glands.

A Simple cuboidal epithelium
B Simple columnar epithelium
C Stratified epithelium
D none of above

38) Transitional Epithelium are found in

A pancreas
B salivary glands
C liver
D urinary bladder

39) Adipocytes ( Fat cells) are found in which tissues

A Areolar connective tissue
B Nervous Tissue
C Epithelial Tissue
D cardiac tissue
40)_____ known as power house of cell.
A Ribosomes
C Nucleus
D Endoplasmic reticulum
41) Macrophages in liver is called
A Langerhans cells
B Kupffer cells
C Astrocytes
D Microglia
42) ----- raised body temperature during infection
A adinosin
B Sebaceous gland
C Interleukin
D Both A and B
43)Immature reticulocytes takes how many time to became mature .
A 2 hours
B 4 hours
C 10 hours
D 24 hours

44) Glial are cells found in

A Muscle Tissue
B Epithelial Tissue
C Connective Tissue
D Nervous Tissue
45) which blood group is common
A Blood group A
B Blood group B
C Blood group AB
D Blood group O

46) the main component of Keratinocytes is

A Lipid
B vitamin D
C Vitamin B
D protient

47) Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface

A Platelets
B white blood cells
C red blood cells
D none of above
48) Areolar tissue is tytpe of
A Connective tissue
B nervous tissue
C epithelial tissue
D all of above
49) Tunica adventitia is which layer of vessels
A internal
B middle
C outer
D both a and b
50)------ is the site of internal or cellular respiration.
A Capillaries
B Arteries
C Veins
D venoule

51`) Which of following processes is the function of the smooth muscle layer of the digestive system?
A Ingestion

B Secretion

C Mixing and propulsion

D Absoprtion

52)Which of the following accessory organs produces a fluid that functions to emulsify dietary

A Teeth

B Salivary glands

C Liver

D Gallbladder

53) Which of the following accessory organs stores bile?

A Teeth

B Salivary glands

C Liver

D Gallbladder

54) The longitudinal muscle layer of the large intestine forms three distinct muscle bands called

A sigmoid colon

B taeniae coli

C haustra

D epiploic appendages
55)Within the liver, bile is produced by __________________ and secreted into bile

A kuffer cells
B liver lobules
C hepatocytes
D acinar

Which organ receives immature T cells, then raises them to maturity- then releases

A Thymus

B Liver

C Spleen

D Heart

57) Branches of lymph capillaries inside villi of intestine are termed as

A lymph nodes

B thoracic duct

C thoracic lymph duct

D lacteals

58) The lymphatic trunk that drains the upper limb is the------

A bronchomediastinal trunk

B intestinal trunk

C subclavian trunk

D jugular trunk

59) Which lymphatic area is larger in a child than an adult?

A spleen
B axillary lymph node

C thymus

D thoracic duct

60) Where would Peyer's patches be found?

A colon

B small intestine

C liver

D throat

61) The thoracic duct empties directly into the _____ vein.

A right subclavian

B left subclavian

C right axillary

D brachiocephalic

62) What is the difference between compact bone and spongy bone?

A They are made of different materials

B They have different sizes of bone cells.

C They have different arrangement of bone cells.

D none of above

63) Sella turcica is

A part of temporal bone

B part of sphenoid bone

C part of orbital cavity

D part of hip bone

64) Odontoid(dens) process is found in

A femur

B axis

C atlas

D secrum

65) The bones that form the roof of the skull are

A nasals

B occipitals

C frontals

D parietals

66) Mandible is a bone of

A upper jaw

B lower jaw

C skull

D lower limb

67) Glenoid cavity is found in

A shoulder girdle

B radio ulna

C pelvic girdle

D none of above

68) Choose the muscle that is not a muscle of mastication.

A masseter

B temporalis
C medial pterygoid

D orbicularis oculi

69) Choose the muscle that does not belong to the quadriceps femoris group of the
anterior thigh.

A rectus femoris

B vastus lateralis

C vastus medialis

D biceps femoris

70) Individual fibers of skeletal muscle have fine sheath of connective tissue called

A epimysium

B perimysium

C endomysium

D fascia

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