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' I I') 0- <-l-:?tuLt ~( Qmf......

C:O•=·~ ~

6 ~o ~ 0\
- -Moving Charges and

ro.obtaJD the total field at P; we must integrate this vector expression

,. the entire length of the conductor.
rtie roa£ll1tude of the magnetic field due to a circular coil of radius R
u..rt. " " cawt-rtu
5. c_-arrying a current I at an axial distance x from the centre Is
t.o tt.1' ,
l1<i IR2
B = 21x2 + R2JJ12
At the centre this reduces to
~LL kL,o(...t {A,,,~
.!.(s ku,.,,U-) ,n '
' ( u.d t'-'.
B= 2R 1,;,J.11A--n..DMJ·tA.-
6. Ampere's Circuital Law: Let an open surface S be bounded by a loop
c. Then the Ampere's law states that pB.dl = µ0 J where l refers to 1: e,- q
. C -
the current passing through S. The sign of I is determined from the t -1.
right-band rule. We have discussed a simplified form of this law. If B
is directed along the tangent .to every point on the J?erimeter L of a
cJosed,curve and is constant in magnitude along perimeter then.
BL= µ0 l e
where .I. is the net current enclosed by the closed circuit.
7. Toe magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance R from a long,
straight w'ue carrying a c_u rrent Jis given by: ·

µof r w "--r'l
The field lines are circles concentric with the wire-,
~lle..~ -
8. Toe magnitude of the field B inside a long solenoid 1;arrying a current v~lt11'1ll?.-r-
I~ . - ·
B= µ0 n/ . . . . L-M, W:<Af
where n is the immber of turns per unit length. For a toroid one
- .-.J.8- ----
1: - 'i
2nr a-
where N is the total number ortums and r is the average radius.
9. Parallel currents attract and anti-parallel. currents repel.
10. Aplanar loop carrying a current 1,·having N closely wound turns. and
an area A possesses a magnetic moment m where, ·
m=N IA
and the direction of m is gtven by the right-hand thumb rule : curl
the palm of your right hand along the loop with the fingers _POinUng
in the direction of the current. The thumb sticking out gives the
direction of m (and A) ··
When this loop is placed in a unifom1 magnetic .field B. the force Fon
il is: F-= o
And the torque on it is,
t "' ·Ill x 8

In a moving coil galvanometer.' thi; torque is balanced by a counter-

lc,rque due lo a spnng. yielding
kip .:: NI AB

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